Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Dec


Originally posted by ErinTales

I want to like Project Zanaris, I really do, but there's a few things about it that seriously upset me.

-When surveys asked about playing area restricted irons or other snowflakes, I was really excited to do this and be able to play with my friends in the main game worlds, meet up for clan events, check how I was doing vs the normal iron hiscores, etc. I'm hugely dissappointed that the support for this seems to be Project Zanaris, aka separate servers where I can't meet up with my main game friends or compete on the main hiscores.

-I don't trust random server makers to maintain the integrity of these sorts of snowflake gamemodes. I am unwilling to spend potentially hundreds of hours progressing my account on a PZ server with limited means, only for the server owner to push an update that massively devalues every grind I have done. Jagex has been pretty careful not to devalue achievements too much, at least not all in one go, but I don't trust a random YouT...

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I appreciate the concerns but to address some of your points.

- We don't want Community Worlds to interact with the main game - while seeing your friends in the same world regardless of what your playing is great in concept, the technical aspects of that make it so difficult, especially with the future we envision Zanaris to have! We don't want to affect the main game in any way, hence why the worlds will be hosted somewhere different that the main game and I can't see that changing.

- I think that concern comes with any player-made content as there's always a chance someone will stop either unintentionally or intententionally that will cause disruption to a server. This is something the team are aware of and we want to have further discussions on how we could help make these types of issues potentially not as disruptive.

- Core moderation from our end will be based on the Rules of RuneScape and anything that breaks those will not be tolerated, but any serve...

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Originally posted by Dobalina-Bob

I’d like to propose a big game of castle wars on Christmas Day 12pm GMT, world 567

I would gladly help you find people to join you, perhaps some leftovers from the 10am GMT crowd, but I expect I'll have to miss that time unfortunately.


Originally posted by CornerPilot93

Do you know what days you're planning on doing this mate?

Appreciate it!

December 25th, Christmas Day

Maybe some impromptu stuff beforehand, but unlikely, I'm still working!


Originally posted by NzRedditor762

"I'm sorry you feel like that fam" really feels condescending. I get they're not being exactly positive in their response, but your reply feels off.

That's my bad if its coming across that way - not my intention to disregard any opinion and more to understand <3


Originally posted by modmailtest1

Project Zanaris is a colossal unpolled waste of time and effort. I am certain we will all be here in a few years time asking why this was ever a thing.

I'm sorry you feel like that fam, is there anything specific that's making you feel that way?


Originally posted by sipty

I was convinced this was a youtuber project, until the survey asked people will be able to make custom PvM encounters.

It's not 100% guranteed, but it is a big aspiration for us - although will take time to get there.


Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas but I know this time of year isn't for everybody and a lot of people can feel lonely, so I'd love to see as many of you there as possible if you don't mind a bit of XP waste.

Last year I posted and hosted a couple of in-game gatherings, and I want to do the same again this year. I won't lie, it really helped me. I didn't really 'do' Christmas properly last year, I spent the morning in hospital visiting a family member and then went home alone. Spending a bit of the day with you lot in-game did the world of good for my mood.

This year, I'm fortunate enough to have a few plans (and a fair amount of driving around to do!) but very eager to make sure we can spend time together too.

Exact itinerary (where/worlds etc) to probably follow at some point before Christmas Day itself but I intend to host stuff at:

  • 10am GMT - W342 Varrock Square
  • 5pm GMT - W342 Varrock Square
  • 10pm GMT - W34...
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19 Dec


You won't see any changes or updates until January at least, our last Game Update on the 10th was the last one of the year.


Originally posted by Wharebadjer

On mobile parts of section 3 get cropped out with what seems to be no way to view the questions, have tried different browsers, refreshing, and rotating my device.

Have added a note to the newspost to state that some questions are particularly rough to get through on mobile and would recommend completing on desktop where possible, will pass it along and see whether we're able to adjust those on-the-fly.


Originally posted by superRando123

2024, the year of the surveys

In this one's defence, we do this every year!

18 Dec


Read through the comments here and wanted to jump in quickly!

We've started sending these out, the first batch has sent and a second, larger batch will be sent in ~2 hours. After that second batch has been sent out, we'll check how things are looking and figure out whether or not people still feel they've been missed.

If it is the case that people have been missed despite signing up on the correct account and opting into email communications, then we'll share a link to a short form via socials later today where you'll have a chance to share your RSN with us if you've been missed out!

16 Dec


Originally posted by CianaCorto

What about nibbler? :c

Nibbler got the comment added as well!

13 Dec


I had this cool system using comments to help me put the hats back on.
Guess who was missing a comment. He's got one now, for next year. Sorry that your teeth got cold, Baron.


Because nobody requested an asset for it so it was slapped with some reused graphic. Reuse can be fine though if the asset is generic enough. This is not one of those cases.


Originally posted by ModMatK

top tier design

So true


Originally posted by Killoah

I remember making a video years ago that showed how the big empty tent in Shayzien was bigger than some towns and villages on the mainland, so glad they changed it

That tent is what made me remake Shayzien. I ran to the end to pray at the altar and there wasn’t even an altar there so I just deleted the whole thing.


Originally posted by flamedbaby

Anyone got any videos of release Zeah?

Pretty sure you can use osrs.world and change the cache to see how it looked on release. Have fun!

11 Dec


Just replied to another thread with

Sorry about this, it's not so much a typo with the email copy and instead where it's pulling the data from. I'll be giving that feedback internally but I hope it isn't too much of an issue. It looks like Addy players are wrongly reported as Rune too. This was just something small and cool to do with a bit of spare time, it's bummed me out a bit that we made the error. Ah well. It came before the whole year summary ones, so it's a good lesson learnt, just in time! Hopefully you enjoyed the other stats we shared. And we have another stats video going up on our YouTube soon too :)