Do CAs unlock if you’ve already done time/kills?
All of them should retroactively complete so long as you meet the time requirement in the right group size, it might be the case that you need to do another completion to trigger the CAs completing!
Do CAs unlock if you’ve already done time/kills?
All of them should retroactively complete so long as you meet the time requirement in the right group size, it might be the case that you need to do another completion to trigger the CAs completing!
Gotr changes? we are still waiting
Team are working on changes using the feedback from the beta at the moment, would expect to see them soon but don't have a firm week that I'm able to share at the moment!
thats a pretty ludicrous buff to solo wt to just throw in there? that makes solos now what? 35 rewards per hour?
The hope is to bring it more in line with where it was, result of the changes meant that the 'Pyromancer Healing' method that grew in popularity a little more recently was made a good bit worse than it was prior to the change!
Any plans changing the ignots at the ds2 bosses?
We've got a little update on those in the Gielinor Gazette which should be dropping at the end of this week!
Like tonight right...? Right?
This is an aside but I can't stand discord for stuff like this and it really illustrates how poor of a replacement discord is for real forums. It's so hard to find good info.
You can only pin so many messages and have so many channels, and each channel ends up being a novel between the 2-3 most unemployed people who send 35,000 messages a day.
osrs leagues discords does a really good job of getting important information and putting it into separate channels so you don't need to browse said 35,000 messages tbh but I do agree with your general sentiment around discord
I'm the exact opposite. I jump into leagues completely blind, don't look up any relics until the choices are right in front of me, and just wing it. The sense of discovery is half the fun of leagues.
I'll have to look up all the echo drops, hoping the areas tab in-game lists them
can confirm you'll have all the information you need on echo bosses and the drops in the area interface
Love this - I have to do a speech for my brother's wedding real soon too and I am absolutely dropping an OSRS reference in there. The cheer as soon as you mentioned RuneScape was awesome <3
About to listen while I eat lunch :-)
What's for lunch?
+1 for spotify, will make my 1 hour 30 mins commute tomorrow a bit less painful
I do not envy your commute - hopefully we have more coming up to help with it!
Excellent to hear unfiltered thoughts on player reaction, thought processes etc., very refreshing.
Glad to hear you liked it! It's a great format for getting to know how the mods really feel about topics we wouldn't normally cover
I think these are definitely a huge plus even if it's bit of time sink from your guys side. I would even go as far as to say these type of podcasts and communications would still be well worth the price even if it meant slowing other things down. Very good!
Thanks for the kind words! I do hope we can carry on doing them, it was great to just sit down and chat with no pressure from a live audience while covering topics we wouldn't usually!
Fun episode, hope this is something that continues on.
Thank you! Glad you liked it. Hope we can do more, it was so fun to record
Gonna listen to it now while I slave away in the daeyalt essence mines
Enjoy - hope it helps with the grind!
Liked: you lot are handsome af, keep shining boys
Disliked: how can you claim shirts vs. skins if everyone's wearing shirts?
You're very kind <3
How long ago was this recorded out of curiosity? Just with the discussion on Arraxor that was mentioned. Sounds like it was super early stages of planning for it.
This was recorded back in April during our previous GameJam, so quite some time ago!
This is awesome! I'll definitely be throwing this on a second monitor after work!
Does it include video or is this a strictly audio podcast?
The video is only there if you want to see our reactions and my silly little grin. You get all the info from just listening :)
You mention potential guests on the podcast, I would personally prefer just hearing the JMods talk on most of the episodes rather than always having a rotating guest.
Completely understandable! The vision we had was for it to mostly focus on JMods, but to keep things interesting we would bring in the occasional guest.
We have to keep in mind staff availability too. Myself and Sween aren't developers so we don't really take away from any game content if we're hosting these - a guest coming on when there is no JMod available would still mean we can do a cast that people may find interesting rather than leave it months between each episode!
Love the podcast! always looking for more podcasts, just a question, is there any thoughts of bringing this to Spotify? or other podcast services?
Glad you liked it! Yes we would add them to Spotify if we kept on doing them - just didn't feel right it this was the one and only episode :)