Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

02 Oct


Originally posted by Fancy-Bodybuilder575

u/JagexAyiza Where is the sandmaw blog u promised us 2 weeks ago.. its late :(

We'll have more to share on that soon.

Our priority has been Varlamore and focusing on your feedback, so we've opted to hold back with Wrathmaw for now to avoid taking away time from what's already in-game.

01 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


My DMs on here are open :)


Originally posted by superleon

I am currently stuck in the air at the Wrym course.

Are you able to home teleport at all? If not, please let me know!


You'll have to use home teleport to escape, sorry about that :(


Hey, I've sent you a DM - please do reply to it and I'll take a look for you.


Team's been made aware and is looking into this. We think there are other dosages (3- and 2-dose potions) in the bank that are being added to instead via some odd decanting behaviour. Still something we're looking to fix but we don't believe any doses are being lost.

What's happening here is the 1-dose is being deposited, then pulling another 1-dose potion to make a 2-dose potion, which is further down in the bank and not shown in this clip. Your pots are safe (though a little rearranged...), but we'll despaghettify this and look to get it fixed!

30 Sep


Originally posted by Skinny_Beans

Sorry to bug ya but this will be my first leagues. Can you spend reward points on any past cosmetic? I also wasn't a huge fan of the mask theme so if there are other options that would be great:)

Other commenters beat me to it but yeah, always something to go for if you missed a previous League!


Originally posted by AetherStarshine

Piggy backing off the original comment to suggest a hard mode for barrows down the road? There's been a lot of requests over the years for a pet from there, and thrall recolors now, that I wouldn't mind doing a harder challenge with no chance at pieces but maybe better overall loot and a chance for some uniques like those.

Honestly think there's cool potential there but I'm not sure the team would be likely to look at it particularly soon. I know it's a little 50/50 but RS3's Rise of the Six is really neat in terms of what it tries to do, think there's neat stuff you could do with all 6 of the brothers at once!


Originally posted by hardhairycock

Soul reaper axe would be awesome. I’d play leagues to earn that kit alone (even tho I haven’t got the axe yet lmao)

Will absolutely ask the team to keep it in mind for the future, it's such a sick-looking weapon, would love to see what the artists could cook up for a kit


Originally posted by MilkofGuthix

Are leagues better than deadman? I'm looking at joining this for the first time but I don't play a lot maybe a few hour a night! Wondering if it's still worth it or whether you have to be on all the time

You'll definitely be able to make really solid progress even if you're only chipping away at a League. They're not really built around people who are able to play near full-time, often the people putting in loads of hours are min-maxing to compete for points or spinning up alt accounts to try different setups. A few hours a night is more than enough to reach the highest tier of Relics and properly feel that power fantasy imo!


Originally posted by AceOfEpix

Have you seen the popular reward idea about a spirit tree recolor? And if so, is that something the team is open to potentially adding as a cosmetic reward?

Edit: sorry guys couldn't read the blog at work rip. I accept my downvotes.

Would advise looking at the blog you're replying to!


Originally posted by lizard_behind

I mean, get what you're saying where it's not 'bis' like Ancestral is - but Virtus and Venator aren't really like Ahrims in this respect right?

Players do use Virtus regardless of access to Ancestral in both Inferno and ToB...

Obviously just my opinion, and I suspect it's a minority one, but these sorts of 'niche bis' items feel like they should be attached to actual OSRS content - the blowpipe skin from last league not coming from mutagens as another example.

Think we absolutely agree that Virtus still sees use and a cosmetic for it isn't a bad shout. Think where we might diverge is that trying to make something feel like a challenge/rare cosmetic and then only have it apply to something with niche utility might be a tough pill to swallow as opposed to sticking with more 'general purpose' BiS for challenge-based cosmetic kits.


Originally posted by BrianSpencer1

Said it before but didn't see any JMod response, how about some Thrall recolors? Seems like it could fit thematically, a barrows thrall override would be top tier and could incorporate all brothers (a random melee brother for melee thrall)

Team is keen in general on doing Thralls kits, but don't think they're a great fit for something like Leagues where the colour palette is a consistent theme throughout all rewards, since the colouring of Thralls ideally needs to correspond to the Combat Style that they use. So yes, we'll do Thrall recolours at some point, but we don't feel like Leagues is the best spot for it!


Originally posted by dtkse

Maybe asking too much but I'd love a house theme reward like we got the twisted one

Absolutely something to keep in mind for future Leagues, I think with all the the themes from the Summit coming up it might have been a stretch to fit another kit in because they're significant pieces of work.


Originally posted by OfferHelpful6273

can you make the leagues 4 ornate pool not look terrible?

Can absolutely ask the team if they'd be willing to take another look at it, though it'd be a separate thing to this set of rewards in particular - maybe the kind of thing you'd see pop up in a QoL Poll.


Originally posted by fitmedcook

I already disliked bulwark and blowpipe recolors coming from leagues rewards when both recolors could've come from their respective content.

Virtus recolor could come from the awakened bosses and it'd make perfect sense

Does it not feel a little out of place to have a recolour dropping from some of the hardest content in the game and expecting those players to not just be using Ancestral, though? The only players capable of reasonably obtaining it will never use it because they're overwhelmingly likely to just have better gear. Curious for thoughts!


Originally posted by Voidot

I think the face for NPC contact should be looking towards the player as though they are having a conversation, instead of just being worn by the player like a mask.

That being said, i am not a huge fan of the mask/face theme of this league, so will probably end up spending my league points of rewards from previous leagues

Cool adaptation, will share with the team and see what they make of it!