Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Oct


Originally posted by bschumm1

Is this strictly on YouTube or will Spotify/other platforms be coming eventually?

For now it's YouTube only, but if we do more then I'd absolutely want them added to other platforms!


Originally posted by crashjordan13

Keen to listen, but the YouTube format is off putting for me. Any chance of this being put on Apple Podcasts and Spotify etc?

We'd put them on Spotify in the future too yeah :) I'm not sure it'll happen for just a singular podcast but if we do more, then we'll make sure they all get added!


Hey all, if you can remember back to our last GameJam you may remember I mentioned how myself and Sween would be trialling an official OSRS Podcast. Well, here is our very first pilot episode - we're keen to hear what you did and didn't like about this episode, and if you're keen to see more of them! We have one more ~1 hour long episode recorded ready to drop but your feedback will really determine if these are something we'll continue moving forwards!

Hopefully you enjoy watching it, we sure did have a lot of fun doing it!


Originally posted by Solo_Jawn

/u/JagexAyiza I can't fill out the form because the steam ID requires just 16 digits, but steam IDs are 17 digits

They're fixing the survey now, sorry about that!


Originally posted by bondzplz

Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was fake at first. Sounds great! I don't have the time so I'll let other sign up for the limited spots.

Also, good morning Ayiza.

Good morning :)


Originally posted by SplodingMango

Same, any JMod wanna chip in?

The survey will be changed shortly, so please do try again in a few mins!


Originally posted by Buzzqt

It seems like my steam ID is too long to submit? It wants 16 digits but mine is 17. Don’t gatekeep this from me jagex!

Just raised with the team working on the project and they'll be fixing that in a few mins so do try again soon!


Jagex is developing a new Open World Survival game set in the RuneScape universe, built in Unreal Engine 5. We know Jagex is at it's best when we're working with players, so we're looking to recruit playtesters for our Closed Alpha. Test spaces are limited.

Sign up now to help shape the game!

External link →

10 Oct


We can help with that situation provided it is clearly a hijacker that has added the character to a Jagex Account. You can contact us about it here - however it can be quite a complex process and may take us a while to get everything sorted - far better to add your character/s to your own Jagex Account now and avoid all that potential hassle!


Originally posted by Fit-R

Kieren I'd just like to preemptively thank you for nexts weeks 'superiors spawn every kill' yearly ritual. I still need an Imbued Heart so I will be taking advantage again :D

Lol, not this time I hope!


I've written an improvement for how we find a suitable tile to spawn on that should be in next week's release assuming it passes testing.

For more details, currently it checks the death tile of the slayer creature and some tiles around it. It will still prioritise doing this - but if it fails it will move on to checking the respawn tile of the dead creature and tiles around that. There is one more additional fallback.

It's not totally rigorous but I think now in almost all cases a successful tile should be found - we can make future tweaks if there are examples of superiors still having difficulty.

Thanks for the posts on it!

09 Oct


Originally posted by CincyCj

Would your guidance be to maybe give things 6 weeks, going forward, before engaging with it at all to avoid potentially wasting time? I’m one of the unlucky few that jumped in after the initial rebalance and would like to avoid this circumstance in the future. Any guidance you or the team could provide would be valuable as it would save players like myself and lot of time.

What I would say to this is that our QA team is full of fantastic people that do an amazing job on the game, and you'd be surprised to know how many things don't make it through to the live game thanks to them.

However, regardless of the amount of people or expertise in that role or of the game the J-Mods have, nothing can compare to 1000s upon 1000s of players, all with different play styles and mindsets tackling a piece of content.

With the way our game works, how old it is and just the sheer amount of content packed inside it - it's easy to see how the spaghetti of our game can create problems seemingly untouched by code we've built in. We don't set out for you lovely lot to actively find bugs/problems with content but and I can't state this enough, we truly appreciate how much you all as players respect the games integrity and are ready to shout out when you see there's a problem.

In terms of the actual question, I would highly encourage people to play o...

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Originally posted by UIM-Herb10HP

It says Blue Dragons have a weakness to Fire. This should be Water, correct, /u/JagexSarnie?

Not within that dungeon, all the creatures are weak to fire. I will be asking the team if we can make either a subtle design change, name change or both to make it slightly clearer.


Originally posted by purpleslug

Cheers Mod Sarnie, I'm going to celebrate reading the news post by having my lunch sandwich.

What's in the Sarnie, that's the real question?


Originally posted by KOWguy

Awesome updates, love it!

"Goading Potions are now correctly mentioned under the Dwarf Weed section of the Gielinor's flora - herbs book."

Shouldn't it be under Harralander?

Yah, this has been changed


We've added the information to the Game Status Page from the newspost and tweaked the information in their to be more accurate.