Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Oct

28 Oct


Hi all, we have an exciting little competition that will be running from now until 3pm GMT on 4th November.

Simply reply to this post with a photo or video of your own interpretation of the Festive Gingerbread Gnomes recipe which can be found here

& here

Read more External link →

27 Oct


Cute suggestion, love what you're aiming for here! The pronunciation made me chuckle because my partner and I recently brought home a puppy who we also called Gus! Strange world we live in!

25 Oct


Originally posted by reed501

Is fam a popular slang there still? I hear you and Ayiza using some woefully outdated slang from my perspective in urban US. I thought you two were just delightfully cringe, like a hip uncle. My wife and I find it endearing.

I'm not one to hit the skibbidi rizz and just persist with the slang I enjoy 😁

Dunno why this is downvoted, thought it was cute ❤️


Originally posted by 101perry

Yeah alright bruv. Whose the pengest npc in the game then?

No question - it's Rocnar


Originally posted by JagexNox

mb bro

Damn, you're worse than me!


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

The Gazette says the Forestry changes were "broadly well-received" - is that actually true? I have only seen complaints on the current version in the game being a fatal combination where events are too rare, not beneficial enough, and take too long to unlock rewards.

I think what the team are aiming to say here is that the changes were pretty positively received when they happened, but the number of players actively engaging with Forestry has decreased over time (as with any update) and that's where the cracks start to show in current spawning behaviour.


Originally posted by RsMistilteinn

When can we expect the first initial blog of varlamore p3?

Think timelines are set to be decided and on-hold a little for Game Jam at the moment, no definitive answer that I'm able to provide at this point!


Originally posted by Throwaway47321

This sub: “Jagex doesn’t even test these CAs they are trash and near impossible without perfect RNG”

Jagex Mods: “yeah I just turn on the game and do the CAs to test them”

just click boss go fast!


Originally posted by NicholasGreenberg

Just here for the zip line lol love the subtle reference

Mod Errol takes all credit for that one, I'd never seen the sketch before and now think about it daily...


Originally posted by PossibilityZero

Rest assured we've heard you loud and clear and won't be looking to release another oversized spider until at least next year!

Regular-sized spider boss confirmed!

Oversized spider dropping January 2025!


Originally posted by TisMeDA

Has Jagex spent much time on God Alignments beyond the initial idea of 4 prayers per alignment?

I think that is fundamentally what is making this so challenging.

I feel that it would be way easier to balance if each combat oriented alignment just replaced an existing prayer with a slightly buffed/altered one, and offered an additional new one. They don't have to be drastically game altering to feel like choices are offered.

It could even be expanded upon in the future with prayer scrolls if the scope is kept small initially

This is something we chatted about super early-on but found ourselves wrestling with for a couple of reasons. One of them being whether or not it feels interesting enough to change one Prayer and have that be a quest reward, or worrying about complaints at the time that quest completion unlocking a grind for something else might not have been the best-received.

Think it's absolutely a direction that's still up for consideration, but given how many massive plates are spinning behind the scenes at the moment (Sailing and Varlamore in particular), it's not been something we've been able to focus heavily on while also trying to deliver regular game updates!


Originally posted by Solunare

Are the J-Mods still interested in seeing suggestions for God Alignment prayers from the players? And if so, what would be the most effective way of getting such suggestions seen by J-Mods other than posting to reddit and hoping it hits the front page?

Think you could cut that down to 'Are the JMods still interested in seeing suggestions' and the answer is always yes. Generally speaking, we see just about everything that makes it onto here or gains traction on other platforms - so if you've got a well put-together idea that gets the attention of at least some people on some platform or another, then it'll make its way to us for sure! There's also the game-suggestions channel in the official OSRS Discord if that's a platform you're more comfortable with!


Originally posted by Zapph

Why not have the NPC sell Chromium Ingots so the rings maintains the crafting requirement?

Effectively because we'd like to explore more sources and uses for them in the future, and having a direct purchaseable source of them might not stand up against how their prices could fluctuate down the line - effectively just a bit of future-proofing so we don't trip ourselves up later on!


Originally posted by Lewufuwi

Instead of just removing Chromium Ingots altogether, we’d actually like to add them to more PvM activities – with more ways to obtain them, it follows that they’ll be much less arduous to obtain!

But... But why...? I'm sure you have a reason for not just wanting to remove them altogether, but that's not mentioned in the blog post.

The reason's more or less there - we'd like to explore this space of high-level, repeated Crafting ingredients with a variety of sources. Sort of like an 'onyx at home'. Nothing set in stone yet but the team feel like it could be interesting space to explore for future loot tables, crafting recipes etc.


Originally posted by Clan-Chat-Op

*Missing Player Owned House Teleports *"This work is by no means top of the priority list, but we’ll be considering it for one of the upcoming Quality of Life polls."

f**king excuse me? I want to teleport to my house from within my house f**king NOW. What is Jagex trying to hide????!!!

I'm afraid the ramifications of such a teleport could be utterly catastrophic...


Originally posted by OldManBearPig

I like that Jagex has a gigachad gamer in Mod Nox who completes all of the combat achievements. My only gripe is that he might be so good that he's not necessarily good at assessing how difficult the achievements actually are.

Is he the only one that tests Combat Achievements, or are there any Jmods that have the coordination of a potato like me who also can assess Combat Achievements?

"Obviously, that feedback is entirely subjective, and we know that player skill level will skew that feedback slightly - just because something was too easy for me doesn’t mean it would be too easy for everyone, so we try wherever possible to get members of the team who fit the target audience of that content to try these tasks out and give feedback too."

Absolutely not just him! The whole team are encouraged to attend playtests where time permits which captures a huge variety of skill levels, from mega-gamers like Mod Nox to washed-up randoms like Hooti!


Originally posted by TisMeDA

Are the rings going to still require a crafting level with the NPC? I hope so

I'm not sure that design has started on that specific feature but I imagine this will factor in!


Originally posted by 2-2-7-7

really refreshing takes from u/JagexNox, we're lucky to have that guy on the team

I asked him to share some of his thoughts and the man wrote two and a half thousand words, glad people are finding it interesting!