Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by Kuddo

After work? It's "work related" just watch it at work and call it research!

But on a serious note, thanks for your hard work!

I watch a fair bit in the background but just juggling too many things at the moment to pull myself away and make notes if anything useful comes up!


Originally posted by TheRealGriff

I feel like I'm missing something with the colossal pouch, can someone explain what's actually changing? The numbers are all the same

Effectively the numbers stay the same, but it's slightly less clicking. Means you don't have to just let the needle sit in your bank until 85 Runecraft and can get a slight bit of QoL (1 click rather than 2/3/4) if you grab an early Needle. The actual 'buff' from the Needle still only comes into play at 85, just wanted it to be a little more than a bank slot if you score one early (it actually saves bank spaces with this proposal too, I guess)


Originally posted by LieV2

Can you allow blighted supplies to be usable in pvp minigames in the same poll question about BH gear? 

Clan wars, castle wars and soul wars would benefit from the blighted restores and ice sacks especially and blighted food mostly at clan wars. 

Would really love it as someone who plays mostly for pvp minigames!!

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Happy to pass this one on to the team, whole point of Blighted Supplies is to make it cheaper to get into stuff without losing loads in supplies - makes sense for them to work in CWars etc. if people are on-board!


Originally posted by Angrry_

Just watch the ending of Joshisgaming last videos

Ah it's in my Watch Later list atm! Will get through it after work today and make some notes!


Originally posted by DudesAndGuys

Could we be able to select a 'preferred contract' with mahogony homes and then always get that level contract when we right click to get a new one? Having to select the type of contract over and over is a bit annoying, and I'm always wary of misclicking and selecting a lower tier contract.

It's also be better if we just automatically drank the tea tbh. I can't see why anyone wouldn't want the boost, and sometimes I've accidentally clicked off the dialogue and not gotten my tea which is annoying.

Might be nice to just opt for a similar approach to Farming Contracts where you're offered another of the same tier by default and just whack 'Yes'. Will share this one with the team!


Originally posted by Alakasham

I don't get the point of adding the warmth meter. You have the right idea for more braziers lit/warm clothing reducing your damage, just leave it at that. Adding a new meter is complicating a simple change.

Also, can we PLEASE get a change to how the Giants Foundry Crucible takes bars and items? Please just let us click on it once to take all from our inventories

The more braziers lit/warm clothing worn reducing damage taken is already how Todt works, can check out the damage formulae here (note W and B being present in the Standard Attack formula). The points of the Warmth meter is to make Todt feel like something you can do whenever you fancy, rather than something you should do as much of as possible pre-17 Hitpoints or waiti...

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Originally posted by Tentacle_Cat

Make the Lost bag count as a chisel in GotR. Saves a space and means less people will neglect to craft guardians (if they're lucky enough to have a bag).

I could kind of see the case for Elder Maul acting as a hammer. What's your headcanon for chiselling blocks with a bag?


Originally posted by lalalu2009

13,500 Points will still score you 27 loot rolls

Typo or nerf? 13,500 points gives you 28 rolls right now

Typo, good spot!


Originally posted by EducationalTell5178

Is there any update on if or when the agility energy rework will come into the game?

Run Energy Changes stuff still needs some time to cook - we've closed the beta for now and are trying to make time to have further discussions using all of the feedback left to us before we re-surface them. Should be a 'when' rather than an 'if', but the exact nature of the changes needs refining because there's no universe we could release the first iteration in light of the response to it!

12 Jul


Lazy copy/paste of my other message

Heyo! I've been made aware of this issue and have passed on, we're investigating the issue. Would like to hear from anyone who is using the Steam client or Official client on the launcher to see if the issue is replicated there, so point them this way if you know of any


Going to copy and paste my message from the other post because typing is effort

Heyo! I've been made aware of this issue and have passed on, we're investigating the issue. Would like to hear from anyone who is using the Steam client or Official client on the launcher to see if the issue is replicated there, so point them this way if you know of any


Heyo! I've been made aware of this issue and have passed on, we're investigating the issue. Would like to hear from anyone who is using the Steam client or Official client on the launcher to see if the issue is replicated there, so point them this way if you know of any


How did you know it was my birthday?

11 Jul


I agree mostly this would be ideal. The case I'm keen to aim for is that there is a meaningful monetary progression ladder for mains...

E.G. Slash Weapons...

  • Cool Sword - 100k
  • Really Cool Sword - 15m
  • Uber Cool Sword - 100m

Realistically they'd have requirements too, say 70, 75, 80.

It's important that the Really Cool Sword doesn't end up so worthless its also close to 100k. It just removes the need for Cool Sword as an option except for players between 70-75 which is obviously done relatively easily.

All of this is to say is we do see monetary progression as a means to have different tiers of power too - which means we do have to care about the price within reason and its very easy for a non BIS weapon, like Really Cool Sword is to be oversupplied, given the Uber Cool Sword isn't that out of reach.

Hence the kind of contradiction I've spoken about a bit - 'niche' stuff ends up wanting t...

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Originally posted by Falchion_Punch

Just going to give this bit some extra emphasis:

While we're here though, a request! Please stop targeting or singling out individual developers while providing your feedback. In many cases, the developers being targeted aren't heavily involved with the content that you're criticising. In all cases, loot mechanics and tables are passed around the team and reviewed - we succeed as a team and we fail as a team. We're more than happy for you to be critical of our work as a team, but the repeated targeting of individual team members needs to stop.

In the last few weeks, we've recently seen a whole lot of insults, accusations and harassment being thrown at individual JMods, in addition to lots of misinformation attributing some drop tables to JMods that weren't involved with them, or weren't even at Jagex when it was released.

You are welcome to voice feedback on updates - we just ask that you do it in a constructive ma...

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To add to this, 99.9% of people are absolutely fantastic and give constructive feedback, maybe a tad emotional too at times but it's all well intentioned.

Sadly with this kind of thing all it takes is a couple of people to go too far targeting certain individuals and not only is it often factually incorrect but it's obviously totally over the line. If someone is keen to pin it on anyone, pin it on me, it's ultimately my responsibility to ensure the design team are putting out the very best work.


Originally posted by Vet_Leeber

Appreciate getting a response here.

When you do the stream, I hope there's some touching on the decision to simultaneously increase the health by 50% and quintuple the claws' rarity, I'd be curious to see the reasoning behind it.

I don't really have anything constructive to reply with, so I'll just leave you and the whole team with well wishes for getting things cleaned up in the coming weeks. Don't take the obnoxious amount of aggressive responses in the sub too personally.

On a mostly unrelated note, the Elite Black Knights drop table is pretty neat. Stacks of lower value alchables instead of single larger ones does a decent job of balancing out the extra focus required for the weapon swaps, and it's a bit of a novel idea to require a bunch of alching instead of just once per drop. If they were slightly less tanky I'd probably kill them at times as an Iron.

Honestly, the game tormented demons are releasing into today is vastly different to the one they did in 2008. The comparison really does highlight the differences in grind lengths and so on OSRS has today.

I mean look at dragon claws themselves - they are a pretty rare item in Chambers of Xeric. The hours to obtain a pair are vastly more than 2008. I'm not necessarily going to defend and say that its right that that is the case, but we're not dealing with like for like situations.

Appreciate the optics of it though and it does paint a picture of the scale of difference. It's noted that many people have gripes with the 'grind creep' we've had.


Originally posted by FinnishForce

I agree but OSRS team needs to understand why individual mods are being targeted.
I think the reason is that they haven't sufficiently answered to worries about drop tables and why all grinds are so long nowadays, and because a certain individual mod has talked about it in the past, all feedback is targeted back to him.

They need to make a blog post about drop tables and grind lengths that has the whole team behind it and not one single person.

I do want to go on stream at some point and talk about drop table design, the principles and guidelines that feed into it.

This is no ones individual agenda - this is something we agree on as a team and discuss. It is not factually accurate or fair to pin the blame on any individual. If you want to pin it on anyone, pin it on me, it is my job to ensure the design team get these things right.

Now I'm gonna braindump some thoughts on drop tables...

The grind lengths is a valid concern, something we've been talking about lately as a topic similar to "power creep"... "grind creep". That is that for something to be valuable enough for its power in comparison to alternatives, it needs to take longer to obtain. Now that is a statement that warrants discussion in of itself - but it is something we've been talking about as we recognize the feedback that's been stated repeatedly over a number of releases now.

The big challenge I think we have for drop table de...

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Originally posted by Vet_Leeber

As we have with most releases of late, we opted for a more cautious loot table than an overly generous one - this has worked well for us (and the health of the game) and is something we'll continue to do

How in the world did Fever Spiders and Zombie Pirates release in the state they came out in, if this is the case?

The plans posted seem like good ones. Better to wait a couple of days and make a good change, than a bad reactionary one.

Thank you for posting this as a separate post, it wasn't very clear that the blog had been updated before.

It might be a good idea to post big blog updates like this as a followup blog, instead of as an edit to the original, for the sake of visibility.

Honest answers to these questions... Fever spiders - didn't get the oversight and feedback they needed. It was overly powerful and slipped through the cracks internally. In hindsight, yeah that was silly, it just didn't get the same attention naturally that a new boss/major pvm addition would.

Zombie pirates - mostly because the intention was for it to be as powerful as it was. In light of the PvP risk that was meant to keep it in check. It absolutely does appear absurd for a low level no req creature to drop high amounts but by being in the wilderness in the location it was we were hopeful that it'd be okay. Sadly we were wrong of course and we were too slow in addressing it.

I'm personally keen to talk about drop table design at some point on stream and talk about some of the guidelines and principles we stick to on em. Maybe on a stream at some point! It's not exactly a new problem, we've been tweaking drop tables post launch for a decade now - and I imagine that...

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10 Jul


Hi, sorry you are having this issue. We have identified this is affecting older versions of macOS and while we investigate we would advise you update to a more recent version if you can. Please see this article for more info:



Originally posted by Ancient_Opening6135

Dropped the elite armour from the wardrobe cos i didn't think i'd need it. Now i can't get another one. So i can't get any further....

After the initial guaranteed drops, You can re-obtain pieces from the elite knights at a 1/X (We announce rates 2 weeks after launch). So you're not blocked you just need to farm for them :)