Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

01 Aug


Originally posted by w-holder

what’s the point of partner slayer? never did it when it was around but it looks like it’s just less efficient for both of you

Some people just want to kick back and do a task with a pal, and we saw requests for its re-implementation absolutely skyrocket with the GIM release - it's just some added variety, I imagine the overwhelming majority of people will keep on trucking as they are, but at least the option's going to be there again!


Originally posted by EuphoricAnalCarrot

Do not stick your weiner in the vents

Cheers for the tip, u/EuphoricAnalCarrot!


Originally posted by YatesyLaa

Can i do sire with my group please jagex

Unfortunately no, but you've got everybody's favourite vents to keep you company for ages at the start of every single kill - what more could you want?!


Originally posted by SkeletonKing959

"We're hopeful to re-release Slayer Partner before Araxyte tasks are added to the game alongside Araxxor"

Does this mean we'll be able to duo Araxxor? (Please!!!) So much content is solo instance only...

Duo Araxytes yes, Araxxor no. Agree though, I'd love to see some more duo/trio content built around those specific scales


Originally posted by Peechez

Getting married next week. Think I found our honeymoon

Love the enthusiasm but I beg you aim higher than arguing about one of you not pulling weight on a Gargoyles task...


Originally posted by LeagueOfOSRS

Ah, Slayer Partners are back! Time to drag my GIMs through the shared trauma of a metal dragons task 😂 Honestly I love this. My friends and I don’t actually enjoy slayer all that much (rare minority I know) but having the grind accelerated and having fun competitions, while trying to get gear upgrades from higher slayer will be super satisfying. I think it adds a really simple,  straightforward MMO (well - multi player) element to the game without forcing players to feel like they need to group or be solo to be efficient. Great update!

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Only the half the trauma if you're pulling equal weight - especially with Elemental Weaknesses, might actually turn into a reasonably quick task if you're partnered up!


Originally posted by kikkekakkekukke

Nice, now i just need a partner

Can always try using the group finder channels in our official Discord, or just whacking a Reddit post out and squadding up!


Originally posted by mmmmmmmmmmmm77

1 hour pre start as a last chance to gear up I believe

This is correct! For players, worlds open at 5pm so you can secure your spot. For viewers, stream starts around 6pm!

31 Jul


Originally posted by Ketchupboi

Thanks for finding that, still feels kind of weird to me that they wouldn't include javelins.

Though those don't work with the quiver atm, there could be a future where they do, but we would have to think about whether that ammo would get the boosted stats from the quiver's effect, and if not is that confusing? or would that now make ballista or atlatl too good etc


Passed this on to the team and shortly after wound up logging in - could anybody who sees this try again and reply to this comment if you're still experiencing issues? Cheers all!


This should be fixed now! Apologies


Originally posted by ToothyDMD

Quiver is bugged now with scorching bow. If you have the correct ammo in the quiver it says you dont have the right ammo or no ammo.


Sorry about that... Should hopefully be fixed!

30 Jul


EDIT: 13:14 BST - We're getting reports that players who didn't already have an active login session on the Jagex Launcher is still experiencing issues. We're working to reoslve this. Players who already had an active/logged-in Jagex Launcher running prior to around 13:00 BST should be able to log in as normal.

EDIT: 13:07 BST - Looks as though a number of the issues have resolved, we're seeing impacted players on Desktop able to log in again so try jumping in and let me know if you run in to any further issues! Mobile players still appear to be affected and we're working on a fix.

Jumping in on this thread as well as the other one to say that we're aware of the issues and they're being actively investigated.

We're currently not able to update the Game Status Information Centre for reasons relating to the current outage, but will look to update it as soon as we're able to. In the meantime, we'll keep you posted via Twitter/X and will look to update this comm...

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EDIT: 13:14 BST - We're getting reports that players who didn't already have an active login session on the Jagex Launcher is still experiencing issues. We're working to reoslve this. Players who already had an active/logged-in Jagex Launcher running prior to around 13:00 BST should be able to log in as normal.

EDIT: 13:07 BST - Looks as though a number of the issues have resolved, we're seeing impacted players on Desktop able to log in again so try jumping in and let me know if you run in to any further issues! Mobile players still appear to be affected and we're working on a fix.

This has been raised with the team and is being looked into. We're having some trouble getting the Game Status ...

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25 Jul


Originally posted by Skrue-Mcduck

Does this mean that with the new pluginhub, we finally get quest helper for mobile? And maybe a puzzle box solver for clues?

Puzzle box solver - not coming in an official capacity, but if someone makes a plugin for it then sure. I don't feel that you need a solver for those tbh, but that's personal opinion.

Quest Helper - I expect to work with the Quest Helper crew to make something that we're happy with Yamflex side. I think we've been open about this, we'd be fine with something that does less than the current iteration, which effectively does the quest for you. It's a Quest helper, not a quest solver

24 Jul


Originally posted by lissend00d

Isn’t Runelite based on the java client? So when java goes away.. Runelite as well?

Nope, RuneLite will continue to be supported even after we deprecate our client. You can see some more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1eb4c3w/comment/leq4xjx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by urzop

What programming language will be used for developing plugins?

Can say that we'll be using Lua as the language for our Plugin API.


Ello ello, I just want to quash any worries you might have.

Us announcing the deprecation of the Legacy Java Client won't have any impact on RuneLite, which is exactly what Adam says himself in that screenshot ("which is not that they are doing right now"). In our blog we've tried to be as clear as possible with that in the first sentence of the section:

"Finally, let’s talk about what these plans mean for the Legacy Java Client – and to clarify, we’re talking about our own official one, not RuneLite or other third-party, Java-based clients."

We love RuneLite, most of us internal...

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