Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by Goombatastic

Mobile UI update when ?

Can confirm the team are in a very through stage of ensuring that this UI is right for everyone. I can say that the reception so far has been very positive and hopefully if that continues it will really be a soon.

As soon as I have some more information you'll be sure to hear it. Sorry I can't provide more than that.


CannonRat wouldn't have betrayed you like that


Originally posted by Airway

Rats on tutorial island were first

Fun fact: During the Game Jam project for Scurrius, we wanted to have some follow-up quests that connected them to Tutorial Island and a secret Rat uprising.

Fully here for the Mad Cow King though.

23 Jul


Originally posted by reed501

Thanks Husky. I really appreciate your thoughts on collection log "stretch goals." Luckily the minigame tele exists so the amulet tele doesn't really matter.

Do you think an imbued binding necklace could be retrofit into GOTR rewards or would you think new reward from something else? Maybe Varlamore? Sailing?

Ultimately, it's a game, we could go either way with it. I think I'm always cautious of retrofitting rewards into content that players might already feel like they've completed but that doesn't mean that's a hard and fast rule either, just something to be, well, cautious of.

In general when it comes to game design I'm usually a fan of having the problem and the solution come from two different pieces of content but I'm aware that can be difficult when content releases can be so far apart, I will say, I'm not aware of any plans for this reward imminently so perhaps that's another way of answering your question.

I will re-iterate though, I do think that the biggest pain point is the need to get more amulets coupled with losing your spot because the game filled up more so than the number of charges being a problem.


I'm not opposed to an eternal binding necklace existing as an item, or some variant increasing charges which is where I think the heart of this suggestion is coming from due to the frustrations with using the existing one but I am strongly against it being the amulet of the eye.

I understand the thought process though, this content rewards an amulet item, it's on the log, let's use this item but the rarity of that item was not set for it to be something meta-defining and more of a nice way to tell a little story and to create that exciting experience of getting something strange and rare from the abyssal rift, it also provides a collection log stretch goal. I really am a big fan of being able to include these rare niche rewards without worrying about the sentiment that it needs to be useful.

Honestly I wish we hadn't even included the teleport on the amulet and just left it as a neat cosmetic. I'm also hopeful that if the scaling changes pass the current poll it'll ...

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22 Jul


Originally posted by A_Sunfish

u/JagexArcane (or Mod Mack or someone else, not sure who's the best to ask) - regarding the Colosseum, could we know the exact mechanics for how a Minotaur decides whether to heal or attempt to attack the player? 

Loving the content btw, almost 400 KC in and I'm looking forward to many more.

The minotaur has a timer on it, if the player is in melee range when the timer runs, it will melee you.

If you're not, then it will scan for a radius of 10 tiles from it's centre coordinate, respecting line of sight.
If it finds an NPC in this radius that is:
- not a minotaur
- has less than 75% of its total hitpoints
- its centre coordinate is also in the line of sight to the minotaurs centre coordinate
- and is 7 or less tiles away

Then it heals the npc

19 Jul


EDIT: Hotfix should be live for this issue

We're prepping a hotfix for this which should effectively let people just warp from one side of the doors to the other, needs testing but hoping to have it deployed ASAP


Log in to w345, reset your progress at Nigel in Lumbridge Graveyard, log in to Armageddon, get gaming


Originally posted by Barbaric_Emu

reports of a craws bow in game already..

With drop rate multipliers and people just rushing revs this isn't outside the realms of possibility by any stretch!


Team have been digging into this but we're struggling to see those offers being 'real', could you perhaps drop me your RSN and the exact quantity of Pure Essence you bought so that I can pass it along?


You can trade Nigel in the maingame at Lumbridge Graveyard to check out the point costs of everything on offer!


Originally posted by Stone-J

Sent! Thank you

Received! Will ask the team to take a look


Any chance you could drop me your RSN? And double-check whether or not you're in world 345 or one of the Armageddon worlds?


Yes, you can just log right in!


Looks like space in 538, 541, 542, 543, 550, 551, 556, 557, 562 - try using the in-game world switcher if you're struggling via RuneLite


Originally posted by Anachren

I've only seen Jagex talk about the crashing on mobile. Are you guys aware that some people are crashing when world hopping on the official client too? (e.g. Steam)

Yeah, I've had a couple of replies on Reddit re. the desktop clients. I did forward that on to the team so i'd hope the fix will also resolve the desktop issue. The mobile playerbase on the official client is a lot bigger, so it's much more likely I hear about it. Appreciate you reaching out to let me know

18 Jul


Originally posted by Leaps29


Can we get an update on Cerberus red x? Thank you.

Was unintentionally removed with an Engine update and requires an Engine update to resolve, it should be fixed in the next scheduled Engine update which I believe is two weeks away.