just a small note, the 27th is Saturday, not Friday!
Thank you very much, it's been one hell of a week...
just a small note, the 27th is Saturday, not Friday!
Thank you very much, it's been one hell of a week...
Note: our line-in-the-sand here is Skilling inventory space savers. So don't go asking for the likes of an off-hand Dragon Scimitar, you've got RuneScape for that!
This does not rule out main hand dragon defenders though.
You've got me on a technicality there, but it absolutely does. Maybe try the Dual Sai and put a little red filter on your monitor where your character is?
Hey all!
Just a quick heads-up to say that I'm likely not going to be able to stick around and reply to as many comments as usual, have got a lot to get done ahead of DMM: Armageddon (which is tomorrow!!) and we've got a Q&A coming up in a little over an hour.
That said, wanted to take a moment to thank you all again for your feedback and draw special attention to the survey included - we'd really love to hear from you about how to proceed, we've got loads of cool stuff written up for other minigames but aren't dead-set on the best path forwards for delivering on them in the context of this poll.
This poll should open on Monday, July 22nd and run until Friday, July 26th - we've added a couple more questions in for things that we think we can do without setting ourselves back or delaying a future poll, so make sure to take a look. If anything appears mismatched between the blog update and the original blog copy then please let me know - have aimed to...
Read moreEDIT: Have removed the link to the sheet because it looks like prior to sending this, all Sigil descriptions have been updated on this Wiki page. Rest of the message still stands though!
Hey all! I know I'm a little late to the party on this one but figured I'd chime in.
For starters: I totally agree, the blog is a nightmare to navigate, character limits on our newsposts mean that the table isn't searchable with Ctrl + F, to say "it's not ideal" would be a total understatement.
This is largely a res...
Read moreAny updates on this? I hoping this would be fixed during the weekly update. Still not the case..
Because the solution to resolving this is not the weekly update. We need to build a new mobile client, test it and submit for approvals on both app stores. Mobile client launches are independent of the Wednesday updates. I don't have an update as I wasn't able to make a sync on the progress yesterday
Hi, there's currently an issue with older versions of macOS that may be the cause of this error, so if you're playing on an older Mac please try updating your operating system to the most up to date version you can.
See this article for further info:
This is in the process of being reverted. The reason it was done by stealth is that we were simply fixing a bug - unfortunately that has had this knock on effect.
That bug will then be re-assessed tomorrow alongside planned drop table tweaks.
Lastly... apologies for the disruption to your TD killing, thanks for raising the thread or we may have not noticed!
I genuinely appreciate this kind of feedback (If not the targetted jab at the end, we did do a blog post about this a few days ago :( .) For what it's worth, I do agree that MoD is pretty miserable to use, and I think some of the suggestions people have been discussing are appropriate to address that. It may take us time to implement some of them, and they may not come with WGS, but I'll try to raise it to the team for discussion soon. The comment made on stream is my bad, I didn't know the price off of the top of my head but I had thought I did. It was an honest mistake, I can only apologise.
As far as competitiveness with Emberlight/Purging-bow, it is a shame that it doesn't outcompete them right now, but it's also an opportunity. A demon strong against melee/ranged might be the theme of a boss or another piece of content in the future! I know I'll be on the lookout for it as an opportunity because I absolutely love the aesthetic of demonbane spells and the purging staff....
Read moreAny chance of writing entires being considered for Creation Station? Stuff like fictional stories, in-universe books, diary entries... Would love the opportunity to write something about the game I love.
Absolutely! As long as they're hosted elsewhere (we have a strict character limit for newsposts) you can send us the link!
ty will fix.
these skillguides are incredibly manual and error prone, one day we will get around to making this actually data driven i s2g
Any word on this? Still consistently crashing every single time I try to world hop on mobile (iOS, latest version of game and OS)
Fix being tested, but we still have to finish testing and then go through the App Store submissions/approval process
Holy moly let me use fragments to repair broken barriers instead of essence at GOTR. This would save so many games where I beeline straight to strengthen the barrier after crafting my first runes only for it to lose its’ last hp just as I arrive and no one will sacrifice their essence to save the game.
That's in the blog! :D
My apologies i must have completely misinterpreted and missed that! Foggy head after last night
After a re-read it sounds good. Am I reading it correctly that the first 20 players won't be impacted by proposed scaling and only players that join thereafter will? Or do the changes apply to everyone in the game but are triggered after the 20th?
On the scaling thing, currently the game scales up to 200 players linearly, adding a fixed number of essence required to finish the game. I can't remember the exact number but for the sake of roundness let's say 100
So 20 players requires 2,000 essence and 200 players requires 20,000 essence.
This model assumes that players are expected to all contribute effectively but we do know that larger groups have higher numbers of players who are not participating at 100% efficiency.
So instead we're suggesting that we could be lenient and only scale by 80% as much after the initial 20 players. So for example:
20 players still require 2,000 21 players is 2,080 (instead of 2,100) and scaling up to 200 would instead be 16,400 (instead of 20,000)
If the "big search" is being added to GOTR can we also get it added to tempoross? It takes an absolute age to fish up rewards there currently.
More than happy to see if the team will add this - makes sense! Also tends to be easier to rack up Tempoross permits than GOTR searches, especially if firefighting, so might be even more welcome there.
"Guardians of the Rift has been with us for some time now and serves faithfully as everybody's favourite Runecraft minigame. Admittedly it's the only Runecraft minigame," The runespan is now crying in a corner due to your hurtful comment.
Loved RuneSpan but it is busted. Last time I made an Iron on RS I rushed 90 RC for Ports by doing RuneSpan while playing LoL the entire time. Think with the nostalgia goggles off GOTR is much nicer-paced and actually a lot of fun (particularly in small teams, shoutout he box jonge for his unreal guide/discord for small team GOTR)
Counterpoint: make Nail Beasts louder
+1 to this
How will the Wintertodt changes affect players with 99 hp? In mass worlds, currently all you have to do is pray redemption and you completely ignore your hp (rarely sip a brew), teleport to house and use pool, then teleport back in.
This seems like a nerf for players with high HP since you can't just coast with redemption, you'll have to actively watch your warmth and drink potions. Not a fan if that's the case.
I'd imagine it's possible to make Redemption work with Warmth though can't speak to the complexity - will pass it on to the team and see what they make of it!
Would the team be willing to look at the NPC Contact spell? It goes hand in hand with Mahogany Homes and is a bit of a pain - it takes a while to cast and on mobile (fat thumbs) clicking the "never mind" option when calling Amy is the worst as you have to recast. A speeded up NPC contact spell remembering the last option would be a very welcome addition (potentially right click spell including previous menu selection)
Would love to see some love given to NPC Contact in a future poll. I've always just kinda presumed it's an homage to dial-up (if it's not already, somebody's gotta make a plugin that plays that sound when casting)
Really disappointed to not see Hunter XP for Chompy Kills here, it feels like the exact poll for that change
Weirdly not sure where Chompy Bird Hunting sits in terms of 'is it a minigame?'. Think it's sort of just an activity, but wouldn't be opposed to seeing what the team think for a future poll - some passive/token Hunter XP while ticking diaries off probably isn't the worst thing ever, though I wouldn't like to see it compete much with traditional Hunter/rumours.