Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

19 Mar


As most people have identified, this looks like the owner was back in control of the account, but the hijacker had set Authenticator which was still active. It's possible that the person Tweeting was the Auth setter but didn't have the current pass, but less likely because the owner can just set a new pass if they wanted to.

Often a 'hijacking' is actually a share gone wrong, and although I'm not saying that is the case here, it is common for 2 different friends to look quite similar in an account history, especially if they live close to each other.

It's not always really clear if we should remove the Authentication, as sharers often ask for the other sharer to be removed - and as there is no way for us to verify who someone is on Twitter, the advice to remove the Auth would guarantee that the person doing so has access to the active recovery email.

In fairness, although the advice is sound, we could have been a little clearer in our response, so we'll tak...

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18 Mar


Originally posted by AmateurKidnapper

Hey, my pure was also affected, but I missed the main thread. Is there anywhere else I can post to be included?

You can expect to hear more about this on Thursday in the update post!


Originally posted by ironmeme07

Thank god everybody’s account will be fixed

... given they find this super obscure Reddit comment and go to a specific place & world at a certain time

And they say Jagex has bad support!

We contacted and fixed 20 out of the 24 players affected in game already. The remaining four will be sorted on Thursday when the update hits if we don’t meet them in game before then.

I’m not on the support team


Originally posted by TheAdamena

So theoretically they could completely avoid you guys and have an impossible account running around? Nice

My bad for not being clear. To fix it immediately, we need to contact the player in game. Anyone we miss with broken accounts will be cleared up on Thursday


Originally posted by Rogue_Tomato

So out of 24 accounts, 6 managed to post to reddit? You sure it wasn't more?

We're sure - the majority have been sorted now, only four left.


Originally posted by EnduringHonor

Quick question if you have a moment Gambit - I had also posted my account on the thread for pures affected by the glitch but it doesn’t look like anything has been done on it. Any idea on how I should follow up on it? Thanks!

Hey Honor. If you're one of the pures affected by the original XP bug a few weeks ago, you can expect some comms on this to go live on Thursday in the update newspost


Originally posted by Lazy_Inferno

u/jagexgambit you said it required the players to be logged in to change it back. What iff someone just keeps their account logged out to keep the account this way?

That was just for the immediate fix :) anyone we can't reach in-game before Thursday will have the Defence XP set to the correct amount with the game update. There'll be no accounts leftover from this.


Originally posted by 0078456

Can you sign my phat if I come?

You're late to the party, I'm afraid. We already sorted out the majority of players affected and will contact the remaining ones individually


Originally posted by tomblifter

Imagine not dealing with this shit using data analysis...

We did - there was a list of all the players affected right away. However, to fix the accounts quickly it needed to be done in game which is a lot easier if they're all in one place.


Originally posted by Mat-95

He went from 92 Defence to 1 Defence to 116 Defence. Please Fix this user @Mod Gambit, I told you a few times in game and nothing changed about him.

EDIT: Just wanted to make this post as some of us grinded 99 defence legitimately... Not to mention he got put much over 99, reducing a ton of peoples ranks.

Hey Mat - maybe you didn't see my reply in game. This will be fixed on Thursday :)


Originally posted by dragonboy27

Thats what you said about the amount of tbows spawning into the game look how that worked out lmao

Here we're talking about 24 accounts, 14 of which have already been fixed. The rest we'll catch up with individually when they're able to come online :)


Hey u/oshdwtf - we're able to see exactly who was affected and won't have any trouble fixing it. It was just handy to have as many people affected in one place because the fix has to be applied in game. Anyone who didn't make it will be reached out to individually.


Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).


Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).


Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).


Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).


Hi guys - we identified all the accounts that accidentally had their Defence reset. This was caused by an unexpected error from looking at resetting the pures affected by the XP bug a few weeks back. We can confirm that 24 accounts were affected and that over half of them have already been fixed. We'll reach out to the remaining 10 players via inbox message and return their Defence XP as soon as they are available (they need to be online for us to do this).


Hi there - this'll be sorted for you on Thursday


We're currently reaching out in-game to the players affected by this to have it fixed.


We're currently reaching out in-game to the players affected by this to have it fixed.