Players can now create Chromium Ingots after discovering the secret of Chromium Smithing in the Undercity of Lassar.
Well that's pretty big.
Have fun figuring it out!
Players can now create Chromium Ingots after discovering the secret of Chromium Smithing in the Undercity of Lassar.
Well that's pretty big.
Have fun figuring it out!
Could the clog staff get a teleport thats useful flor cloggers? Like to the mimic chest?
Or maybe a teleport to that clue step that needs a sled?
Ghommals hilt has perks so I'd love to see this have some functions too!
We could do for sure, I think there's an element of Clog feeling a little less deterministic than CAs and therefore being more apprehensive to tie anything that might feel like a strict gameplay buff behind it. Opinion still seems split on whether or not adding actual perks to CAs was a good or bad decision and doubling down on it here might have been difficult to figure out whether we want 'scaling' rewards (which is scary given the nature of clogging) or 'static' rewards at one tier, which might make it feel like a 'complete 200 log slots and then stop caring' additional passive grind.
is there any chance we will get a reworked CA interface then? Also can we add a "quest" section to CA's. Any CA thats quest related is a huge pain to find. That being glough, seren, tds, galvek...might be missing some but thats the jist of it
I'd love to do it at some point, but "at some point" probably doesn't give you a clear answer. It seemed like a cool pokedex like UI when we made it initially but it's got some clear UX issues that have become clear over time.
Perhaps Husky can speak more to this but I'd imagine it's because those higher tiers are the only really 'competitive' tiers and if people want to compete then it makes sense to keep up with the curve, but for people lower down it's nicer to have fixed goals to work towards and know that you'll definitely get them!
During the Game Jam, Husky shared a Twitter poll asking what people preferred between static/percent and results were super split - this felt like a compromise that might suit both approaches at the right time.
What Goblin said.
We didn't have a clear consensus, there were two conflicting goals from player feedback:
Ultimately we've settled on a compromise, so that Gilded over time isn't going to get significantly easier as easier log slots get introduced over time (It will still slightly, but less than if it was static) while at the same time we'll reward significant milestones.
It's not perfect long-term but we can always add steps inbetween Dragon/Gilded if it becomes a massive issue. I've no clue when this would be though and player feedback will surely guide that.
I personally don't believe that the current system has an issue even at 2000 log slots (180...
Read moreCould we perhaps increase the eligibility timer for forestry events? 3 minutes still seems a bit short if you're not actively paying attention or you're firemaking/fletching.
It should average out to 80 seconds with these changes, but there's still potential for us to go further if it's felt necessary after today's changes!
Just to be sure: the clog update is only cosmetic with no uses? Feels like it should give some benefits like ghommals hilt but I dont know shit about rewards space etc so just making sure I didnt miss anything.
Correct yeah, just cosmetic!
So for bounty hunter, can we get more skips now that I can confidently say that the guy with an msb isn't risking the 2m he said he was? It's wild to still not have risk brackets. It doesn't feel good when I get 5 kills and 1 death and I'm not profiting .
Can absolutely raise it as a feedback point that checking out Skips and whether or not a 'free' skip is possible if there's a big discrepancy!
Why is only the highest collection log tier that is percentage based?
Perhaps Husky can speak more to this but I'd imagine it's because those higher tiers are the only really 'competitive' tiers and if people want to compete then it makes sense to keep up with the curve, but for people lower down it's nicer to have fixed goals to work towards and know that you'll definitely get them!
During the Game Jam, Husky shared a Twitter poll asking what people preferred between static/percent and results were super split - this felt like a compromise that might suit both approaches at the right time.
Any downtime expected?
Not today no!
No changes to the bounty hunter store? Wasted opportunity to add some good rewards and spice it up.
Absolutely potential to expand on the reward offering down the line, but for now we felt as though we had so much stuff in there that wasn't realising its full potential for stat imbalance or usage cost reasons, made more sense to tweak what's already in there than add more stuff in for the time being!
How is the collection log menu when you actually go into the headers? Is it similar to the combat achievement system that is an absolute nightmare to actually use and awful to actually see anything?
This new interface is just an "Overview" interface. You can still directly open the old one, you need to go out of your way to see this one.
When you click on the header "buttons" it just takes you to that tab of the existing collection log, exactly how you'd expect it to look pre-update
I didn't want to do what CAs did and make you go through this everytime you wanted to see the log and just create additional clicks
That is amazing, thanks for sharing now I'm totally jealous and need to get one myself!
So let's say, theoretically*, that this bug was still occurring for one unlucky player*. How would that unlucky player* go about completing this quest? Filing bug reports does not get a response, and the categories for which you can file tickets are extremely limited, and there is no real customer support. Is this player* simply screwed?
*not theoretical, and that player is me
The bug at the time was a result of a mistake made when trying to add While Guthix Sleep to the Christmas event map. The door kept was not the While Guthix Sleep door. We fixed it temporarily during the event. Finally we removed Christmas alltogether, reverting the map square to before the bug. In other words, it was broken for everyone, and now it is fixed for everyone. The clue to identify if it is the same bug is that the location should be called "Cell gate" rather than "Cell door".
I think you may have a different problem. Could it be you're on a Free world?
Clan recruitment moved over to our Discord when the forums were closed down. If you are open to joining the server, you'll find a section called "Clans & Groups" with a bunch of different sections based on what type of clan you're looking for.
Back in the days of peak Falador park trading I would buy and sell whips for 25-50k profit per. After a while I got enough gold to buy 2 whips to carry this on with while venturing into other markets. I bought an Ahrim's skirt which I listed on the forums and someone wanted to pay 300k over... but I had to meet them just north-west of the Jolly Boar Inn.
I knew it was a lure attempt but thought I'd do the classic "I can outsmart them" not realising I'd forgot to bring air runes for my teleport... anyway yeah that's how I lost the majority of my profit :)
Also I guess technically not a scam but I believed if I reported everyone who broke the rules and reminded people in-game to abide by them, Jagex would make me a PMod. They never did. Little did they know I was in it for the long run and now I work here I got my silver crown (and a gold one too I guess).
this is very cute, thanks for sharing.
I miss those days.
Really well made, honestly. Hit the nail on the head with the unsettling vibes. Very impressive if you don't have a background in cinematography
I'd love to see more!
Thank you! That's very kind of you to say. My only background is watching youtube videos about cinematography and thinking wow, that's awesome. I had a vision, but my lack of experienced betrayed me at every corner. Still, it was fun to push through the cringe and try to make it work, and I learned a ton!
If I ever laugh at amateur film-makers again, it will be in solidarity :D
Lord, stop giving me your hardest battles
You just need to rotate a tree
This comment is art. Truthful, yet painful. Succinct, yet dense in meaning. Bravo. You humble me.
This is beautiful! Amazing work with the fx :D