Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by christley

I hope Jagex decided to add an agility shortcut to the asgarnia dungeon from the fairy ring with this update. That run has always been so frustrating

You're gonna be disappointed :(


Originally posted by Single-Imagination46

Does Mystic Vigour not have 18% Magic Defence as well as 5% normal Defence?

It does, have updated the post!

04 Feb

31 Jan


Originally posted by The_Karmadyl

I used the Custom Drop Sounds plug-in and have it set to use the Divine Orb tier drop sound for anything over 1m GP in value.

Having a Tormented Synapse drop and hearing that sound at the same time was quite the dopamine hit.

i bet that feels so good ahah

30 Jan


I tried getting this to happen but couldn't figure out a way to make this work with our Survey tool, will make sure to raise it and see whether or not it's a feature we're able to get added for the future!


Originally posted by SameWealth2630

i see theyve already snuck in the ads. the link for FalcoAJ's video directs me to creatorcrafted.com

Good spot, has been corrected!


yoooo i love this!

can we get some divine-tier tinks next

29 Jan


This will likely reduce over time. We've seen in the past that adding an additional new highscores where an existing variable exists can cause the highscores to struggle which affects players who rely on pulling that data themselves.

So over the next few months we'll likely reduce it bit by bit to help ease it.


Originally posted by Bizarrmenian

u/JagexBlossom - the LMS clogs are NOT counting and says "the collection log has already accounted for that item."

I have the upgrades and items from Bounty Hunter prior it was moved to LMS, but none of the clogs are there except for the godsword special attack reskins.

Is this intended or bug?

D'you have a full list of items beyond the Swift Blade?


Originally posted by WastingEXP

if we're getting hiscores for clog, can we at least also get recent items on the hiscores.

Think this would be cool if technically possible (though I'm not sure on how the HiScores architecture is really set up and whether or not it could do this in a clean way) but might also make some people more visible targets for bad actors.


Originally posted by TurnipsAreOkay

Small thing I noticed when trying to look at my collection log rank on the high scores page.

If I "Search by name" for my account, there is no line for collection logs like I would expect. All other bosses, etc, are included, but not the collection logs. So unless you're in the top few pages, it could take a VERY long time to find what rank you are.

Do you have more than 500 log slots? I think the minimum for the time being is 500 slots completed.


This looks like it would be the case for anybody who'd had a name removed for whatever reason but was still able to log in. If you could let me know your previous display name then I'd be able to pass it on for the team to take a look at what's happened here!


Would be keen to hear more about the specific scenarios for you or whether or not others are experiencing this issue - I've not been able to replicate this myself


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

Just logged in, love the clog changes.

TL;DR - add missing items to clog that make sense. Move items into their own sections where it makes sense. Add counters that are available to view in the game world for these related clogs to the clog / new sections where it makes sense. Full list of ideas / first thoughts on these sorta polishing pass changes below.

Now that we've had this interface improved, im wondering if creating a few sections that seem to make sense could happen? And adding counters to sections where appropriate instead of having to look at different places for this?

A few examples i can think of:

  • Shooting stars section could show stars you found first - this stat exists at the Observatory lab.
  • Dusk Mystic and Broken hasta could be moved to Brimstone chest tab - with the counter of how many you've opened. Chest shows on open / you can check it.
  • Dagonhai could be moved to...
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Might be a considerable bit of development but happy to raise these as feedback points!


Originally posted by Marcli

Normally, I am not one to complain, but the bounty hunter balancing changes make viable build variety substantially worse, not better.

The statius warhammer, which at low combat levels is the most smothering weapon in the game, received a buff.

The meta for pures in the 60-90 combat range is to combo an atlatl -> gmaul -> smack with obby maul or other big weapon. Both the overpowered atlatl and gmaul were left untouched, while the last part of the combo was given a buff by reducing the barrelchest anchor attack requirement. The atlatl could really use a nerf, and the gmaul spec should be reworked so that it hits with higher accuracy but lower max hit, which would make it more reliable at higher combat levels and less oppressive at lower combat levels.

The dbow, one of the very few weaker alternatives to gmaul pking in the pure bracket, received a nerf.

60 attack pure builds, which were already weaker than 50 attack builds due to the lower strength le...

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Happy to pass this on to the team, didn't see much to this effect when we first outlined the changes last year. SWH spec buffs shouldn't really impact low level brackets because defences down there are already so low?

Atlatl and Gmaul are separate points I guess because changing them isn't the same as changing BH-specific gear and raises questions around whether their behaviour is changed elsewhere too.

Appreciate you sharing your thoughts and will make sure they're discussed among the team!


Originally posted by hiloai

Now nobody else can have fun figuring it out, mystery is dead :(


Originally posted by xHentiny

I seemed to have lost some collection log slots after the update, I was at 1114/1561 now I'm at 1080/1521.

I'm assuming it's a visual/counting issue as nothing seems to be missing from individual clog pages.

Edit: Main issue seems to be solved, I'm back to 1114/1561.

Could we possibly add more items to the Historical Collection Log whitelist? Some items came out after the Collection Log but weren't given a collection log slot initially. (I have a Swift Blade that isn't on my collection log and I'm unable to add it manually for example, I'm sure other items exist.)

Newspost's just been updated to let people know that we're looking into this!


Newspost's just been updated to let people know that we're looking into this and will update everybody when we've gotten to the bottom of it.