Mind if i pm you a friends rsn and maybe she can get her pmod back?
It was removed for inactivity due to going to college, i remember her telling me the msg that told her it was being removed told her to msg you guys when she was active again and she'd get it back. She's been active a year or so now and when she first returned tried msging/emailing and never got a response back. I suggested her tweet you guys, which she made a twitter and tried reaching out a couple times there and still heard nothing back.
I know she was down about it for awhile but would probably still love to have it back.
Sure thing, I'll take a look.
Hi guys, Mod Mouse here! I've exchanged emails with the lady in question and she won't get de-modded because of her move =)
This is the quality content r/2007scape needed. Absolutely class!
Read moreFirst and foremost, thank you to everyone that wished me well, made me laugh, and took the time to DM me with various gracious offers. I appreciate you all keeping me company. Im feeling better thanks to resting up, and I’m still quite amazed that I didn’t break anything (except the drivers windshield, if memory serves). My memory is pretty spotty of the event and the events that followed. I’ve been in touch with family and friends back home and I’m looking forward to sleeping in my bed.
Mod Gambit PMed me early yesterday and we exchanged discord info. We chatted for a bit. Later, Mod Nav wrote me asking me where I was staying. I figured someone was going to drop off merch since Gambit asked me if I preferred OS or RS3. Little did I know that Nav brought a crew along (My Airbnb hosts were quite surprised at what was happening). We all sat in the living room and chatted. Very nice lads and I’m super grateful for their visit alone. They went above and beyond and brought me a ...
Such a pleasure meeting you and we are all so glad to see you recovering well. Really looking forward to seeing you at Runefest 2019 <3
This is the correct response.
Hi - please take a look at this page of the Support Centre: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207217595-Hijacked-account
Hi there. It's Mod Noodles from Player Support here. Firstly, I just wanted to confirm that neither of these accounts were recovered via our appeal system. I've investigated both the accounts you mentioned and it looks like they were both accessed by the same hijacker, whom had access to the registered email on both of the accounts, as well as your game log in details. I can see that you've since recovered them and enabled the authenticator, which is great! Regarding next steps, I'd go ahead and check out the articles and mute appeal link u/Lazy_Inferno provided if you haven't already. Hopefully this provides some clarity on how your accounts were compromised!