Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're looking into this now, tyvm for raising it to us. :)


Originally posted by Chaoss780

One of the first questions asked if I agree or disagree with something. I pressed agree and it prompted me next to explain why I disagree. Exact opposite happens when I press disagree.

I'll check the survey logic now, thanks for flagging


Originally posted by Rustledstardust

Hey Sween, when I Agree with "The Toxic Blowpipe should be less effective against mid and high-defence targets." the next question is "Why don't you think the Toxic Blowpipe should be less effective against mid and high-defence targets".

Seems contradictory since I just agreed it should be less effective?

I'll check the survey logic now, thanks for flagging


Ah sh*t, here we go again.

Seriously though. The blog is intended to get you all thinking about Ranged combat generally. There's no outlandish proposals this time. And we finish up with a survey which asks how you feel about the ranged meta, the blowpipe, the T-Bow, a couple of buffs (like crystal bow etc).

Read the blog, and whether you hate the proposal (and us), like it, you're unsure, angry, confused etc. Fill the survey!

19 Apr


Hey there. I am so sorry this happened to you, there is absolutely no excuse for this type of behaviour.

When I flagged this to the Player Support team, we tried to find the incident but it unfortunately wasn't reported to us. This means that we would need to manually trawl through lots of data to find it and action it. The best and most efficient way for us to handle in-game harassment is through the in-game reporting system. When you use this system, we will have a record of what was said and can efficiently deal with this issue.

That said, I am sorry to hear of the toxicity you experienced - there is no excuse. Please keep reporting this to us (ideally in-game) so we can punish offenders appropriately.


Hey guys, thanks for raising this to us. It will be fixed by next week, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. Hope that gives the eels enough time to save themselves. >_<

18 Apr



Just passing on a message from one of our player support team members (who doesn't have a Reddit account at the moment.). This was an error, so apologies for that! Your name has been changed back, and you've been given a free name change, if you'd like to change your name anyway. :)

17 Apr


Originally posted by BugsInABarrel

I'm sure if someone out there dedicated enough wanted to figure it out, they could smuggle Ana in a Barrel into the Ruins of Unkah.

Seems so :)

Really enjoying the insights though, thank you.

Lol, good job. Let me guess. You used another way out of the desert, and then took the ferry back into the Ruins of Unkah?

16 Apr


Originally posted by koen_C

What discord account will you be contacting the clan leaders on? My clan and many others will have open discords. This leaves many clan leaders open to phishing attacks from people pretending to be jmods.

We'll be contacting from various JMod accounts but we'll verify who we are. We don't actually need any information other than a suitable time to meet up in-game, so just remember to not give your details to anyone! Us JMods don't need it unless we ask for it, and when we do, it'll be via your accounts message centre :)


Originally posted by aphshdkf

Oh that makes sense, thanks

Yeah exactly that. Chambers of Xeric will continue to run from the friends chat system rather than the new Clan system.


Originally posted by RNGeebs

awesome ty ayiza. also enjoyed your work in the tanzoo/virtoso challenge vid way back :)

Wow, that video is a complete throwback! I've done a few more Barrows runs since then lmao


Originally posted by sebartiaan

Shouldn't you implement some general Player.addToInventory(item) method, in which the needed checks are performed? The way you wrote it, it sounds like every time you create a new situation in which items are added to a player's inventory, you need to re-evaluate what things need to be checked

This is pretty much true, yeah. We add stuff to the inventory all the time and perform necessary checks when doing so. For the most part, we do use plenty of encapsulating methods to deal with various use-cases. There's a lot of ways to add stuff into the player inventory, though. And a lot of reasons to do so.

Sometimes we want to add it in exchange for something else. Sometimes only if there's room. Sometimes we'll add it to the floor, or give it to someone else if you can't hold it. Sometimes we'll turn you away if you can't have it in your inventory. Sometimes we'll turn you away permanently if you can't have it at the time. Sometimes the item is transferred from player to player. Sometimes it moves slot within your inventory as part of some kind of combination... Heck, sometimes it could even be based on things like item weights and other items you already have. State and quest tracking, items added temporarily, it's a lot. So in the end, a lot of stuff is besopke.

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Originally posted by Peechez

Any particular reason you manually write in checks for teleport methods instead of checking player coordinates against the desert boundaries? Seems like a pain

Specifically, for this case, I do indeed do a co-ordinate check for the Shantay Pass but not other parts of the desert. Partially because it helps prevent you going the wrong way. And partially because it prevents exiting the intended area and causing problems. However, if you do get Ana through to the Ruins of Unkah, you'll likely be able to take the ferry and take her on a world tour.

But you are right, that checking desert boundaries is a potential option to deal with Ana.

The question is - What are you trying to prevent? Bug abuse? If we presumed bug abuse with ana in a barrel could occur only outside of the desert, because that's where we see it, it'd be the wrong choice as future content wouldn't necessarily take this into account. Then we're a bit in trouble if we release some desert content that takes advantage of Ana in a Barrel. So fixing the problem with the item in the first place is the priority call to make. Then if someone did find a way to break Ana...

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Originally posted by rturke

the clan system will accommodate for casual social clans right?

There should be something for every type of player, or at least a way to find a Clan that might suit you best :)


Originally posted by RNGeebs

will there be an increase in max amount of people in a clan channel?

I believe it is 500 players at any one time.