I think the reason everyone is so upset about the nerf or the slow xp compared to rooftops is because they love the concept SO much. Currently I'm stuck at the boss of Sins of the Father but can't wait to get to darkmeyer to do the sepulchre. Agility has always been one of my favourite skills on concept (rooftops becomes soul draining tho) and was excited about the sepulchre since you showed it on live stream. Now that it seems sub optimal I cannot see myself using it much in the long run. What's your thoughts on the comparisons people make between AFK content and intensive content? Skill based content should be heavily rewarded. Not everyone can boss, not everyone can raid, not everyone can perfect the sepulchre. Reward them with loot and XP not marginally but heavily. I love the skill ceiling in OSRS, give players a reason to pursue that, and have less XP when afking.