Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

20 Sep


Originally posted by IronClu

This sounds like an oligarchy with extra steps. I'm definitely against the player council. I'd be more on board with Jagex changing how polling for PvP specific content works.

Thanks for the feedback. How do you feel about the example whereby content could be limited to PvP and BH worlds only, but would still be tradeable?


Originally posted by Sqiurmo

Responding to the question of where to draw the line:

I preface this by saying I am strictly anti-pvp.

For me the line would be if the content effects any non-pvp content at all (such as tradable items/flow of money through the game as stated in the post) needs to be an open poll. Anything that is completely, 100% contained within the PvP community would be a-okay with me to just ask PvPers.

Edit: Also, I'd add that if the change affects the wilderness in normal worlds, even if the change is PvP only, it should be polled to everyone. PvMers and skillers have to use the wildy for some of the content, so it's not fair to them to just ask the PvPers. This post was more for the idea that it would only be on PvP worlds.

Can you elaborate on why you wouldn’t want them to be tradeable?


Originally posted by wealldie1day

Okay thank you. Is there a typical ETA on this? Because this hit as soon as a PvM raids comp started for me and my clan

I'm afraid not. There's some action we can take, otherwise we're reliant on passing information to ISPs. ASAP is all I can say, but we're on it.


Originally posted by CarolinafanfromPitt

I am curious what you consider interacting with content. Hard clues and up on 50% of clues require you to go to wildy. If ironman wants a dpick they have to go to wildy. Is that what you would consider the criteria? Or is it strictly pvp?

In the example we gave of PvP content being restricted to PvP and BH worlds, you would be able to go to Wilderness to do your clues on other worlds to avoid any interaction with it.

Otherwise in general, we would say going into the Wilderness counts as being affected if you're killed with a new PvP weapon, for example.


Originally posted by lawldewow

Any chance deadman mode will ever be brought back? I feel like that's all pvpers had left and now its gone. Even short seasons, or even weekend DMM seasons would be a lot of fun.

There's no news on Deadman yet, that's in the remit of our new Head of esports. Deadman was paused because it wasn't working for a number of reasons. What Mod Rogue is doing is taking a proper comprehensive look at how a competitive strategy for 2020 and beyond would look, rather than bungling from season to season like we were beforehand.


Originally posted by TehChid

I feel like the idea is good, coming from someone who doesn't pvp.

Although I would like to point out one thing. I think (and someone can tell me if I'm wrong) that the reason LMS rewards failed the poll was because the entire osrs community in general thought they were just bad rewards. To be fair, you can't expect any game-changing rewards from a game that costs nothing.

Anyways, I'd love to see a barrows-style minigame in deep wildy, still fully pvp, designed to obtain those wildy weapons. Would be a great system I think.

I've heard from several people that we could improve on the LMS rewards that were offered. Even though the ideas of voter-limited polls or a PvP council are only discussion points for now, something we can do right away is work closer with the community on the designs of PvP rewards to make sure they're given the best possible chance to pass in a standard poll.


Originally posted by CarolinafanfromPitt

It could work, but that is so many voices. You are going to have to parse everyone's opinions. And when you make your decision, some group is always going to be unhappy.

For sure. It's hard to know where to begin. Fortunately we've got valuable contacts at other studios who do use player councils, so we're keen to learn from them.


Originally posted by superfire444

I have no clue if a council is the right way to go about this. It's quite clear now that quite a large portion of the playerbase does not like certain pvp-updates. I think a large part of that is due to pvp, in it's current form, feels a lot like a pker versus a non-pker. A council would simply circumvent a large part of the community to push through updates which didn't reach the threshhold. It's also trying to cure the symptons rather than the problem which in my opinion is that a lot of people have a reason to vote no to these kind of updates.

The solution is to remove unnecessary content from the wilderness and make the wilderness fun and viable for pkers trying to kill other pkers. There is zero fun for the non-pker who is targetted because he will always be at a disadvantage.

If I would be doing prayer, catching chins or killing a boss I do not like to be pked or fought. Also because I'm actively engaging in that certain activity I have a di...

Read more

What if the council is a general player council, with a remit to discuss things like PvP, but is comprised of players from all backgrounds?


Originally posted by CTpeen

feel like this is the beginning of the end

In what way? The blog itself is really only talking about the types of discussion we're having internally.


Our SysAdmin team have identified possible causes for packet loss and are investigating it now. Apologies, but hopefully we'll get them back to how they should be soon.


Originally posted by Stonic_reddit

Dude... have you even played lms in f2p recently. Legit 80% bots. Its a game of who can kill the most bots first.

I was merely pointing out the information. Mod Weath actually spoke to me this morning about the bot detection and banning at LMS in free to play., he said improvements had been made to it.


Originally posted by Stonic_reddit

Ikr it alnost seems like he is trolling us but maybe he is just extremely disconnected.

Merely pointing out the information to the player. We had member and free to play worlds located in almost every region on launch and found people still flocked to the UK members world to play regardless of where they were. At some point, im not sure when, these were removed to funnel players into fewer worlds for more games.


Originally posted by DefactoAtheist

Yeah it's been pretty unbearably choppy the last day and a half or so

Paging u/JagexGambit u/JagexAcorn u/JagexSween if this hasn't been brought to your attention already.

Cheers - replied


I've asked for a few traceroutes, and ping-wise they look fine (as you've said).

Could I ask that anybody here drops a traceroute to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])? I'll forward them to our SysAdmins, they might be able to determine some sort of pattern.

Cheers all.


It does look like SysAdmin have found something. They're investigating now, thank you very much for the traceroutes, they were invaluable.


Originally posted by Slackiiin

Oh I remember that, myself and 98% of people thought that was a phishing scam attempt.

What about it seemed like a phishing attempt? Genuine question. I'll pass on any feedback.


Originally posted by prometheus199

The next instalment in the Fremennik questline is coming in next week's update!


🦀🦀🦀🦀 $11 🦀🦀🦀🦀

Edit: I'm bad

"Instalment" is the correct British spelling.


Originally posted by Th3Tw3ntyThr33

He makes Mod Sween look like a school girl when they sit together.



The minigame is exactly the same in members and free to play and you can still earn points in competitive mode to spend in the store all worlds with LMS enabled are exactly the same for the minigame and gameplay inside it. So it makes no difference whether the world id f2p or not for the minigame.