Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

19 Sep


Originally posted by kingkevvvinn

Customer support chat with wait time/period to speak to a actual jagex employee. Like my case. My account was banned for botting and has 2 major offenses on it. The funny part is that I recovered my account after it being hacked. A few days after recovering it got permanently banned. I haven’t had access to this account since 2017, Hense why the botting should be removed from my account. It just doesn’t make any sense. But here we are in 2019.

We absolutely would quash a ban incurred by a hijacker, have you tried appealing it here? https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans


Ironically the Support team did just send a large scale survey to lots of players asking them for the types of things they prioritise, inviting them to be as honest as possible about past experiences, and things like ease of contacting them.


This is against the rules. Your ban won't be adjusted as a result of you appealing it.


The account has been secured, and you should find that you'll be able to regain access. I'd hope that your email has been secured, because that was what you were re-appealing with and what has been re-registered to the account.

As for the appeals themselves, individually they weren't very strong in terms of the information you provided. The Support team did review all appeals collectively though.


Originally posted by SaltyTees

Gambit, when is the approximate release date of Exiles?

I just got my quest cape bro. Don't do this to me 😂

Roughly 11.30am BST on Thursday 26th of September 2019 (next week). If you've got the quest cape already you should be able to handle a Master level quest :P


Originally posted by Lazypole

For this to work you really need to address the extreme bad habits of players. Actively rewarding players for missing sleep and punishing those with jobs is a fatal flaw. If its in game time, cool!

One thing we'll be offering is tiered rewards, ranging from Bronze tier to Dragon tier. The tier is dependent on your performance in the League. Players who can play for longer will have more opportunity, sure, but with the League being open for so long, and rewards being offered to everybody who plays, there's definitely not the same pressure that Deadman had in terms of playtime.


Originally posted by FourOranges

Standard league (our current characters) is going to suck if this goes through. Ever since seasons/leagues were introduced for D3/Path, standard servers went completely dead. You'll find at most one or two players chatting in one of the general chats that everyone automatically joins. If you're one of the few types of people who can ignore all of that and play by yourself then that's fine but for players who actually enjoy the MMO aspect of walking around a bustling city and seeing people around them, it's definitely off-putting and deviating towards the newer and "funner" league where everybody else is playing becomes the norm. Standard league becoming a joke "dead" league is pretty much the general consensus of both communities. If we do have players that stay in Standard, splitting them from the seasonal players (after already splitting us from rs3 players) is going to cause such a huge divide between populations.

Honestly it'd work out alright if exprates are u...

Read more

XP rates certainly are upped, and some of the Relics could affect XP/progression rates too. We don't want the main game to suffer because of Leagues!

I think we're in a unique position as an MMO because there's always something to do in the main game, whereas other games 'normal'/'standard' offerings just aren't as enjoyable as their temporary game modes.


Originally posted by EthanRScape

Poe does this and it's amazing, could also be cool for osrs, if they are planning world changing stuff, which I doubt.

Expectations = demons take over and are everywhere except major cities, very easy to die, world feels totally different, gamemode feels fresh

Reality = iron man mode for EVERYONE wowww. I'll just play my regular iron man lol it's no different

We could do world changing stuff for sure. We don't want to do anything boring. We've looked at what Path of Exile and Diablo do, and we want to hit their highs and meet expectations.


Originally posted by Discord_Show

Group ironman mode too please

Leagues is all content work, whereas the likes of Clans and Group Ironman (related) require some platform work first. We can offer Leagues now, but can't yet offer Group Ironman. We know there's an appetite for it, and we'll offer it when we can.


Originally posted by LothricsLegs

Idk man the problem with this and deadman mode is retraining the shit you already had to do (twice) now. For no purpose since its basically irrelevant to your main account.

Idk maybe its just me but once once i 99 a skill i generally dont want to do it again

XP is accelerated, and the relics will offer a whole new method of training. But you're quite right, that's why we're trying to gear the Tasks around actual exciting things rather than just reliving what you do on your main account. We don't want to release anything that's boring!


We rarely start development before content passes a poll. Design work and time happens, sure, but a lot of that can be reused to introduce content and ideas elsewhere.

Fremennik Exiles was developed in Wolf and Ed's personal time. We were relatively confident it'd pass, because quests tend to, but if it didn't then it wouldn't necessarily have been a waste of time and resources. The personal project time is focused on a person's development.


Originally posted by Thermald

Is it me or are the dark crab teleports from LMS kinda expensive?

The new tabs are 3 points per teleport. Trouver parchments are like 750k for 50 points. That makes the tabs ~45k ea. Seems a bit high - any chance we could get like 2 tabs per point or at least 1 tab for 1 point?

Thanks for the feedback - I'll bring it to the team when we review the update tomorrow.


Originally posted by gangotf

Please add some more stuff to the LMS shop! it's a shame most of the other stuff didn't pass

There's scope for working on designs that'll be more popular :)


Originally posted by Unlikely_Island

Can this get looked at, at some point?
It's much easier to search for the result online, that it is to go through old polls in game.

It's pretty easy to find the recent polls in game, but you're right that the website archives are more convenient for the older ones. Sadly this isn't a priority for the web team who have more integral issues to solve for now.


Originally posted by BotBooster

Wow, I did not expect fremmy exiles to come so quickly.

I guess they must've been so confident that it'd pass (like new quests always do) that they probably developed like 90% of it before even polling it.

Most of it has been ready for a long time (a couple years I think) from when Mod Wolf started work on it. It was shelved after that until now.


Originally posted by ExplainEverything

Why is the lvl 33 wilderness tp tablet entering the game when it didn’t pass polls? 71.6% yes.

Lol downvoting me because their website is shit and inaccurate enough to change the entire result of a poll and they know about it but won’t take the time to fix it. Nice Reddit...

It passed the polls with 76.3% support. If you're looking at the results via the website, unfortunately that incorrectly includes the Skip Votes in the Yes/No calculation. I recommend checking them in-game at a poll booth instead.


Originally posted by TehSheep

🦀🦀 Jagex won't respond to this 🦀🦀

🦀🦀 Telecrablet 🦀🦀