Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

10 Sep


Hey everyone,

We're aware of on-going issues with our login server, we're investigating this and are looking to sort!

I'll edit this post when I get updates on it.

EDIT: This appears to have affected other services such as the GE, our team are investigating.

EDIT 2: The issues should now be resolved!

External link β†’

09 Sep


There's a huge floor in your argument.


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A livestream at 5pm UK time!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



External link β†’

06 Sep


Originally posted by unstabletable_

I'm not gonna lie, you've surprised me with the reply lol. But imo, this is the best community design I've seen so far.


Yeah, that one caught my eye too. I've shown it to the team and we're going to discuss Dragonstone armour further next week.


Can confirm this has been removed.


Originally posted by The_PandaKing

Could we put the new g maul in the LMS chests? It's going to go unused otherwise.

The Gmaul in LMS has the 50% special attack cost by default.


Originally posted by unstabletable_

πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€Jmods don't reply to dragon stone criticism.πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€

The design was discussed with the community. The three options we've offered were a response to the first one being too detailed - hence the middle and least detailed options. Do you have more specific feedback on it?


Originally posted by tonypalmtrees

please just start over from scratch with the dragonstone armour...

How would you have it look?


Originally posted by ConservativesRise

All those dragonstone armors suck

I'm sorry to hear you don't like them. Can you specify why and let us know how you would have it look?


Originally posted by Smokertokerson

New welcome screen is terrible and doesn't make me feel like I'm playing Old School Runescape. Please don't. Also new armour does not have the Old School feel.

Can you tell us what the armour would look like if it felt Old School?

05 Sep


Originally posted by JaxB12

Hey Gambit, is the gmaul always lost on death even if not skulled? The 50% one in pvp not lms.

No, we made it act like a regular +1 weapon.


Originally posted by Dworfe

New welcome screen is really terrible and gives me RS3 vibes.

Can you be more specific about what you don't like?


I want this.


Originally posted by PM_ME_UR_360_NOSCOPE

πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€ /u/Jagex_Wolf IS POWERLESS AGAINST CRABS πŸ¦€πŸ¦€πŸ¦€

I like seafood.


Originally posted by thegreenseda

Knee-jerk reaction is to flame Jagex for even more unpolled changes. Having said that, the gmaul needed a nerf. Bulwark too, but going from 18 to 0 is a little overkill. +6 or +8 would have been more appropriate, imo.

I'd be interested to know why you think +6 or +8 would be more appropriate. Why have you picked those numbers?

Unsurprisingly, PvPers are saying the change was too small rather than too large. We went with the smallest change that would still have a significant effect so we could monitor it and adjust further if needed. I think reducing it to +6 or +8 wouldn't make much of an actual difference in terms of how often a freeze catches.


Originally posted by putkiaivo


I see crabs, I can never resist.


Originally posted by ExactKaleidoscope2

So, for broad-stroking purposes, you did the equivalent of a find and replace for elf kits? Doesn't this imply that your numerous statements about it being impossible to revert all the elves were complete lies?

I don't know the technical details of how the models are implemented, but the reason we couldn't revert the new elf models is that they were made in the updated style so they didn't have "original" models that looked like the old elves.