Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Sep


Originally posted by Ivony

If the recolours pass I'm done with this game. I'm all too familiar how games develop after this.

I'm sorry to hear the godsword anim recolour is a dealbreaker for you. We made a point of removing the other community-suggested recolours because they were unpopular when pitched more widely. Can you specify what you think this change would mean for the game?


Originally posted by TKuja1

26 minutes late brothers

8:00AM UTC is 9:00 BST - 28 minutes early at the time of this reply.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Is the new sara sword spec the same as the Korsei sword spec minus the AoE?

It is.


Originally posted by Merdapura

Why can't we get different rune configurations for different rune pouches? Id pay the extra cost for rune pouches for veng, alchs and ancients

I don't think this is possible for technical reasons.


Originally posted by sloth-says-what

What's the feasibility of having multiple rune pouches that did not share the same 'inventory'?

It's useful so if you want to swap spellbooks you can just grab your ancients pouch and go instead of sitting at the bank.

In PvE there is a decent need for different sets of runes as well, so instead of going through the (annoying) process of emptying and swapping runes, we could just have ready to go pouches for different activities.

None, unfortunately.


Originally posted by TheHappyPittie

u/jagexgambit will the slayer store rune pouch see a decrease in price?

If you guys want it. We've talked about offering this within the team.


Originally posted by Eggymop

Does that include PvP worlds? It would be a bit inconsistent if it didn’t.

I agree they should - I'll see if this is possible.

10 Sep


Hi There! Apologies for the delay in a response. I'd like to assist in getting this sorted for you. I have sent you a private message here on Reddit. Thank you very much for raising this and looking forward to hearing back from you.


Originally posted by Ex_Ex_Parrot

This was brought up in a NMZ post.

Now that polling is hidden could we get a repoll on possible reskins of Dream instances?

Unlocks from questing/diaries/high gold payment to unlock new dream instances would be cool. Tack on a 100k/1m/10m requirement for unlock as an extra gold sink or something as a seperate poll (?). Or just just straight up unlock some after some quests are done.

Just as some examples:

Requirement(s) = Instance

Dream mentor= final dream battle

RFD= Final culinaromancer battle

Desert diaries= KQ area (?)

10 Mimic boss kills+10m= Mimic Casket instance

Femm Hard/Elite Diaries= Dag King dungeon or GWD boss room

Wildy Hard/Elite= Mage arena

I get there would be some work to eliminate safe spots and the sort but it would still be cool.

And can we get a house or building or something for the NMZ? Its so Private Server-esque.

Hey Parrot - Wolf and I just talked about this and can't remember the specific poll this was asked in before. Do you remember which one it was?


Originally posted by mage24365

Is the rework itself not being polled anymore?

Do the dagon'hai robes have a set effect?

Why are pvp weapons everywhere being polled?

We'll run a beta to make sure the minigame's gameplay changes are fun and what it's players expect. Once they are, we'll go ahead with those changes and only poll the rewards as these have an impact on players outside of the minigame, too - similar to LMS.


Originally posted by CrazyHorseSizedFrog

This doesn't make sense to me...

Reading the blog, it seems you only get cursed if you die and lose the weapon, but you can still drop it for 1m coins without being cursed? How does that act as a counter-measure.

Seems like there's three options:

  • Die with it and be cursed, costing you 1m
  • Use it until it degrades, costs nothing, gain nothing
  • Drop it right before it degrades, costs nothing, gain 1m coins.

Each weapon would degrade to nothing after one hour of combat. Brand new weapons will be tradeable, but as soon as the weapons are used in combat they will change to a degrading state and become untradeable. If they are dropped, they will convert to 1,000,000 coins.

I see that it doesn't read quite right, I'll get that fixed. In the meantime, the idea is that if you use the weapon until it degrades to nothing, there's no cost. Dropping (manually or by death) should result in the curse.


Originally posted by RennacOSRS

So- eventually the only way to get rune pouches will be BH? Or will it stay in the slayer point store? Not a fan of forcing people to PvP..

Also- feel like if the dagonhai robes are better than ahrims there should be a higher stat requirement- as it stands theyre better than ahrims with no drawbacks and easier to equip. Makes no sense.

The pouch will still be available from the Slayer Points reward shop. Where would you set the Dagon'hai reqs? These can always be adjusted.