Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 Aug


Originally posted by Hematomas

The task system seems like a great way to introduce new players to the game since it's a very common system in games today. I would definitely include a canoe task to make sure new players are aware of this transport system.

That's a good call - I've overheard talks about doing more with canoes!


Originally posted by Aurarus

players don't really use the Lumbridge Guide

Then why try more systems like it?

This task-based system has been designed to be more helpful than the guide - I don't think it's particularly similar.


Originally posted by Theprospect12

Does it also address the nerf to black d hide?

It does.


Originally posted by ExtravagantTim

Really looking forward to a pvp update, as a main who has become bored with the game, pvp seems like the only thing that would keep me around for an extended period of time...

We're running a second LMS beta soon for you to practice in and a Bounty Hunter design is just around the corner with some other PvP changes included.


Originally posted by dylansucks

Where is this Adventurer Jon tho?

He'll only appear to some (not all) brand new players near the spawn point once you leave Tutorial Island.


Originally posted by Frenchpapi95

Any update on the pvp state? I keep lookin for it anxiously each week

The plan is to launch the BH Design blog early next week - it'll also include the changes we discussed before like the GMaul and Bulwark ones.


Originally posted by [deleted]


An interesting viewpoint. I don't think enough of the non-iron community would agree and I don't think there are enough people who want a semi-iron mode in the way you're describing it for us to make one.


Originally posted by JeromePowellsEarhair

I'll say for me personally I love being plonked into a live game and being told next to nothing. That was one of the best parts back in 2005 when I was like 10. I still love it and I'm sad I didn't get to experience it when starting in OSRS.

That's totally fair - new players will still have that option. I loved that part of the game too when I started out in 07.


Originally posted by JefferyRs

Where do we post suggestion for update changes/Qol for Zalcano? I'd like the public chat to work throughout the whole room in Zalcano. Like CoX

Here will do :) I'll pass that on to the team.


Originally posted by TormasanBTW

[Error] My points goes back to 0 after i leave tithe farm

That's intended - you only get reward points after you've earned 75+ points in the farm.


Originally posted by K4TE

What are these tasks and aren't they supposed to be for new players and under level 20?


The tasks are simple things like reach a Strength level of 5. They are intended for new players under level 20 - although some have appeared like they have for you. This should be fixed now.


Originally posted by ReswobRS

What do you mean by that?

I think most people nowadays learn video games off YouTube guides and such. At least the older crowd that is.

I can tell you when PSO2 MMO comes out for Xbox next year I’ll be going through tons of videos to see what the best methods to level/get ahead are.

So for example, people tend to skip tutorials unless they're mandatory like ours. But, they do want some level of guidance when they're plonked into the live game (which is why the first couple hours of most games are tutorialised but still part of the main game). The main reason players leave right after our tutorial is likely the sudden drop from being told exactly what to do next to being told next to nothing - players don't really use the Lumbridge Guide.


Originally posted by A1KMAN

Huge fan of the ecumenical key changes

Me too!


Originally posted by FishAxe23

Wait, didn't a few of these fail the poll? -10 Blessings for 1 points - 56% yes -Chaos ele respawn timer 2.5 -> 1min - 73% - Avaniansies getting ecu keys - 74.9% ?????????

The website incorrectly includes the Skipped Votes in it's calculation. All of these were above 75% Yes votes and fewer than 25% No Votes.


Originally posted by iStingerX

Loving the update to Tithe farm, hope it’s more bearable now

Glad you like it!


Originally posted by Darkpawra

Someone at Jagex should watch Hugrazy's 'World of Runescape Episode 2'. Not to say his theories are correct, it is just an opinion video, but I think it gives great insight into the misteps Jagex made trying to revamp RS2-RS3's new player experience.

Regardless, I hope this new system gives the results you're after.

I actually watched this video and found it an interesting point of view. I won't write an essay on it, but I think one thing to bear in mind is that the way people learn video games has changed since RuneScape was new.


Originally posted by throwaday56582

Corrupter Gauntlet (post-balancing): Kelvino - 3:12

unplayable /u/JagexGambit

Fixed :)


Originally posted by tomer624

what with the gmaul and bulwark update??

u mentioned it over 2 months ago if i remember well and yet nothing.

We've made our decisions on those items and will included them as part of the Bounty Hunter blog next week.


Originally posted by PsyFarm

  • The Shilo village shortcut has now been changed to require the medium Karamja achievement diary instead of the elite.

Reeeee devalues my karamje elite fly fishing acc only
