Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

13 Aug


Originally posted by wakaflockarob

I just need to get good :) I truly enjoy PVP in it's current state. I just hate getting way outplayed every fight due to being "new" to the scene. I always end up getting on ready to pk, end up dying 4-5 fights in a row, then getting off of the account for a couple weeks lol.

That's fair - if you didn't have time to check out the last one, the upcoming (second) LMS beta will be a great place to practice without paying for gear and supplies. Same will be true when it's in the live game.


Originally posted by MrNicka244

What made you decide 30 was a good combat to limit bounty hunting to? Are there any specialty accounts that will be left out of a 30 combat minimum?

The lowest brackets start around there - most of them are a lot higher.


Originally posted by Countertoplol

Will non-pkers still be able to buy a rune pouch through mysterious emblems? This was unclear to me in the blog.

They would not - if you don't wish to participate in BH, you'd have to get the Rune pouch from the Slayer reward points shop instead.


Originally posted by wakaflockarob

I am almost inspired to create a PKing account...

What can we do to get you over the line? :P


Originally posted by DaedalusMahda

This would actually motivate me to PvP

I'm glad to hear that!


Originally posted by lostscaper

Removing emblems from wildy slayer will never pass, these are huge incentives for people to do wildy slayer in the first place

What if it came with an increase in value for Wildy Slayer elsewhere like buffing Larran's keys?

12 Aug


Thanks guys, I would like to point out that this is now the third account I have 200M in all skills on.


Hey, this isn't a bug, the Elven scout that has replaced Ilfeen will be able to recharge this for you, however you've been attempting to talk to the scout that replaced Islwyn and Eluned. If you head to the two areas that Ilfeen wandered you should be able to find the correct scout.


Yep, it's made of climbing, it literally says it in the description!

On a real though, will change it on Thursday.


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A livestream at 5pm UK time!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



External link →

Originally posted by alexterm

Why is there a tank parked outside of the Jagex building on Google Maps?

To stop exactly this happening.


You wouldn't find many of us at the building anymore considering we moved from there in 2005, lmao.

Fun fact: A few days before the release of Farming.



It also makes me feel sad that you couldn't PM your friend about the drop and you had to tell us instead :(


(that's our old address)

11 Aug