Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Aug


Originally posted by FourRS

The ICU Team are looking at it and they are getting banned.

I went through my ignore list searching Every.Single.Account on the highscores and removed the ones that were 'removed from highscores'.

The Red Square on the right shows all the accounts that were reported in the past and that currently remain on my ignore list, and I decided to do a larger check today, and well yeah.

They are banning some accounts.

I have no proof these are bots other than the stats and that they're 'camping' Zulrah and I could be wrong for some accounts.

Jagex. You shouldn't have to have your paying customers (playerbase) reporting these bots for you.

If there was an incentive to reporting them besides having a cleaner game i'm 99% sure you'd see a lot more reports.

90% of the accounts that you're posting here aren't bots. They're gold farmers that have either purchased the account, hijacked it or trained it legitimately to get it ready for farming Zulrah. They don't sell their gold often and (unfortunately) I can't just ban an account for looking like it will probably sell gold at some point. If an account is reaching crazy high amounts of XP, they're likely storing all the wealth up ready to cash out or moving it off the account very discretely to try and avoid being picked up.

We are banning 10's of thousands of bots EVERY DAY (50.4k yesterday) and thousands more manual gold farming accounts on top of that. You're under no obligation to report these bots, or make a Reddit post informing everyone that you've done so. I appreciate if you want to take time out of your day to bring them to our attention but I'd be much happier if you didn't feel obligated to spend a lot of time hopping worlds trying to find them.

I'm very aware ...

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Originally posted by ppjt

Crystal equipment/Blade of Saeldor charge change not in there? Another week of not using Blade I guess...

That's currently in testing. As soon as it's ready we will release it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Early update day! Giving everyone more time to play on the beta worlds :)


Originally posted by SacKingsRS

Ardougne knight armour can now be stored in a Player Owned House.

Good call. Not gonna lie, as epic and grand as the Elf storyline was my favorite part of that quest was definitely dressing up as a knight and being an asshole to random small business owners :P

Is that you Tim?


Originally posted by SacKingsRS

Ardougne knight armour can now be stored in a Player Owned House.

Good call. Not gonna lie, as epic and grand as the Elf storyline was my favorite part of that quest was definitely dressing up as a knight and being an asshole to random small business owners :P

Chaotic Good.

14 Aug


Originally posted by ZainTheOne

ty, f**k jagex if they release a clue regarding it now. You can't even store it in costume room

You can store it inside your PoH tomorrow, but you can also just re-make it after the quest the same way you did during Song of the Elves anyway.


I can confirm what /u/Darkpawra wrote. He has the same droptable as a regular man.


Originally posted by kingblah

:( Oh no. How is it possible to get hacked with an authenticator enabled via my mobile? I thought I had my account secured properly

Have you recently put your RuneScape details into a website which wasn't an official RuneScape website? That seems to be the cause because you also disconnected meaning that the person who stole your account either has access to your computer or IP address as well as all of your account info to be able to log into your account through an authentication without disabling it.

If you're not sure if someone has access to your computer I'd suggest running a full anti-virus scan just to be safe.


Hey, it appears that your account has been hacked, please make sure you secure your account and change your passwords on both your RuneScape account and your connected email.

13 Aug


Originally posted by HinkieDied4OurSins

No, this is what my account management screen looks like. It doesnโ€™t look like the one in that link.

That's interesting, unfortunately I don't have an iOS device to hand to check with my game center account.

Could I ask that you submit a ticket via https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001552065-Can-t-log-in-? (Click 'no', and then 'no' again, then 'maybe we can help').

Give them the support team the in-game name of your account, explain that you're trying to add a login email to your game center account, and explain that you tried following the guide I linked you to.

Sorry I can't help further at this moment, but the support team should see you right.



To confirm, the instructions on that page don't work? What's in the account management tab if the Link Email button isn't?


Originally posted by [deleted]

This is f**king epic



Originally posted by SoccyStar


I see a major flaw potentially in this and think it needs to be brought up. I may be mistaken as well.

Currently the new proposed change allows for bounty hunters to receive 1 point per kill. Is an emblem required to receive this point or will players be able to receive points without any risk?If no emblem is required to receive points then that is where the problem lies.

Reason of concern is that the bot farms will just have a bunch of low level 30 accounts with 0 risk, and having a couple accounts mule points off the other accounts. They essentially could easily grind points and with an average of 100K per point, an account with say 10 kills on a continuous kill streak, is already at 41 points. That is 4.1M on average and this would take little to no time to reach, especially for bot farms.

I don't think they'll be making 100k per point. If you're referring to the average cost of a crate which has been pitched at 100k, those cost 5 points. I'm open to the idea of requiring an emblem to be eligible to gain points, but it does increase the cost of playing the minigame, raising the barrier to entry for new PKers. One of our goals was to do the opposite of that.


Originally posted by MrNicka244

Has there been any internal talk about changing Ironman pking? Allowing then to "destroy" tradeable items when they get kills in pvp?

As an ironman, there is really no incentive to try pvp in the wilderness, but if I could remove dropped items from the game, I feel like I would be more inclined to risk items myself.

I believe that exact idea was polled previously but didn't pass.


Originally posted by KingTwall

Can we get rid of people ranging in full armor with no loss in accuracy?

We've discussed this too but haven't settled on exact numbers just yet.