Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

07 Jun


Originally posted by spockatron

Will this boss be multi or single combat? One thing I see mid level players ask often is "so what can I do with my friends?" And the answer is really quite little.

I also wonder if the 100 cb target is a little high? I think the game could use more stuff in the 85cb ish range, at 100 you start being able to access demonics/zulrah/vorkath. The mole/barrows bracket is quite a bit lower imo.

The intention is for the boss to be a solo challenge for players with around 80s combat stats (100 combat).

I feel like this is at roughly the point in the game where players get "bored" because they can't kill bosses yet but the xp to level up is getting noticeably bigger.


Originally posted by nonpk

I don't see the need for the egg sack, seems to be useful only for irons.

Unsure if you're saying that red spiders' eggs are not needed or that the process of cutting it open for eggs is overly convoluted. I'll answer both, just in case:

Getting red spiders' eggs from relevant content is far better than buying it from a shop that shares very little connection with the item, an item which certainly has a use case. The fact that the shop sells these useful items yet they are not available to ironmen accounts goes to show that this is a rather overpowered way to obtain these items when compared with other methods.

The idea with the egg sac is so that we can drop multiple red spiders' eggs at once without it feeling artificial by it dropping noted eggs, which wouldn't make sense given the unlikely event that the spider has access to a bank. We've had a lot of complaints in the past around monsters dropping noted items, it's more convenient from a player perspective but has a rather odd feel to it; this we feel is a nice solution to this iss...

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Originally posted by FlavoredMonsterMale

At mid level yea, but they said high level can expect to make more as well. You already know how Jagex is with not knowing actual rates in the game. Wish they'd put actually expected numbers in the blog posts tbh. (or at least a rough idea)

Gold per hour will not compete with methods such as Zulrah/Vorkath/CoX/ToB for higher level players :)


Originally posted by killgore755

Looks great. Gives me a very similar feeling/vibe to taverly dungeon. If that's what you were going for you absolutely nailed it.

I definitely wanted to capture that Taverly Dungeon vibe when working with Mod West's design.

06 Jun


Originally posted by juayd

Anything you in particular are a fan of? That way at least one person will like it haha!

Rose but mainly because I'm a fan of sweet wine!


Originally posted by juayd

Fantastic, expect something soon!

I look forward to sharing it with the others!


Originally posted by juayd

Would the offices accept a bottle of wine as a parcel? :)



Originally posted by juayd

As the manager of a wine merchants I would love to show you something new.



It's on the combat screen as it informs you about what category your current weapon is. Any attack style changes or autocast changes will affect other weapons in the same category. Therefore being on the combat style interface makes sense.

I personally wanted it below the weapon name, but players didn't like that it moved the special attack button 10 pixels down, so it had to go at the bottom.


Originally posted by meesrs

This update does actually make sense.

How does it make sense to be the case on ALL max cape variants though? a max infernal/fire cape is EXACTLY the same as a regular infernal/fire cape in terms of stats, so it should be treated like that.

Please read my comment above. It literally does, except when you are above 20 wilderness in which case the person with the cape still loses it as they normally would but the pker gets an extra reward.


Originally posted by meesrs

Before this update, players with a Max cape killed in deep Wilderness dropped 11,880 GP and nothing in lower Wilderness. This has been raised to 569,250 GP (25% of the Max cape's cost - 2.2M). This change affects all variants of the Max cape.

So it's now pointless to pk with a fire/infernal max cape? Since regular fcape/inf costs 50/100k to repair, and now if you use max variant itll be 2,2m? what kind of bullshit is that lmao, great way to fix PvP /s

Before, if you PK'd with an infernal max cape, fire max cape or assembler max cape below 20 wilderness you would receive a broken version and have to repair it while the pker would a portion of the repair cost as part of their loot. This functionality has been left untouched.

What I did change was make it so that when you get pk'd with any of the max capes above 20 wilderness you lose the cape and the pker gets 25% of the max capes value. This includes the 3 mentioned above and is consistent with how you would lose your fire/infernal capes and assembler when you take them above 20 wilderness previously. All we did is reward the pker for killing someone in a max cape varient.

Roq's tweet here explains it here ...

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Yes, this will work :)


Forget Kul Tiras I guess... See ya later Proudmoore's!