Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Jun


Hey folks, we've had a few reports about this but haven't been able to figure out what's going on, or if its something on our end or the individual's PC for whatever reason.

Its interesting /u/GorudenNeko that you say its been happening for years. If you, or anyone else could PM me reproduction steps (to the level of detail... 1) Click my bookmark tab for https://www.runescape.com/community 2) Press Account etc. etc. ) we would very much appreci...

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Originally posted by Bucky640

The picture I snapped on my phone didn't do it justice. In person your signature comes out just fine :) It means a lot to me that you took the time to sign it, I don't mind the color of your pen :p



Originally posted by MandaTohru

You really shouldn't. You should be pissed at the apparent neglect and indifference.

I thought the pen was silver and had to commit once I'd started ):


Originally posted by BeginningEye6

Thanks for the fast reply the email is from https://i.imgur.com/kDwna7R.png. I thought that was an official runescape email? I didn't click any links on the email yet.

That's an official RuneScape email, but email spoofing is a thing, unfortunately.


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A livestream at 5pm BST!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



External link →

Chances are that the email you received is a phishing email.

In terms of finding out what accounts you have linked to an email, you can receive an email which will list the logins for accounts linked to an email through this channel.


Originally posted by Aeglafaris

Time for everyone to stop making fun and interesting content because it annoys the jmods.

That’s not what I’m saying and you know it. I too thoroughly enjoy his videos, after all. What I’m saying is we shouldn’t be blocked from updating the game because a singular player wishes to restrict himself. Nor should we go out of the way to cater for them specifically.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I can't do RWTing bans and I'm also a girl. I don't know specifics about the system and how it works other than I've been told it bans quite a lot of RWTing a day. I will however pass your concerns on to the Anti-Cheating team and see if there is anything they can do to improve on it. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by John--117

Are you not able to easily follow the gold trail and then ban the gold sellers as well? There must at least be one other immediate ban, the account(s) dark dave sold to, correct?

It appears from an outsider that its pretty easy for the large gold sellers to buy gold from players and then hide it for resale later. We only ever hear stories of real players getting banned after usually only one transaction. Is anything being done to combat these organizations from purchasing, laundering, and then reselling this gold?

I checked with the Anti-Cheating team and the accounts involved in RWTing got banned this includes sellers :).


Originally posted by [deleted]

Low IQ comment



You can submit a ticket here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000937037-Transfer-Bonds

It asks where your bonds are, hit RuneScape (RS3) if that's where you think you bought them. Then follow the instructions (open them in your bonds pouch in RS3, and then submit a ticket by hitting 'Transfer My Bonds').


Originally posted by BasicFail

You are right, Jagex can no longer add a spinning wheel to Morytania. But you guys can still add a "wheel-that-spins".

🤔 Now that’s thinking outside the box!


Originally posted by DenslatX

Add it in port phatysmatys as a reward for doing ghosts ahoy, it gets added and settled can’t use it! Problem solved

I suppose locking content behind that quest would certainly make things smoother, but in other cases it may seem like a forced requirement rather than a logical one.


Originally posted by Bucky640

Lmao, I'm still blown away. Thank you so much!

Haha, I can’t take too much credit :P It was Mod Acorn who got everyone to sign it. Glad you like it :)


Originally posted by clry

Settled elaborates more on his point of view in his comment here. There's plenty of other clothing shops without a spinning wheel, to say it's thematic would mean you need to add one up varock, gnome stronghold etc too...

In this instance, I agree it would be going out of our way to cater to Settled. But what if in the future we want to add a spinning wheel to Morytania for a different reason? Suddenly we can’t because we’d be accused of doing it for Settled.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I do understand, he doesn’t want his progression made easier and any update to Morytania runs the risk of making it easier. I’ve ran into this problem before where I’ve worked on a design and it’s made Zeah only ironmens game mode easier or a new dungeon that makes caveman mode easier. So many different restricted accounts exist they’re almost certainly having an impact on the way we design future content whether we want it to or not.

The consensus is that we don’t cater purposefully to Ironman accounts but we get accused of it all the time when just making generic content. It’s kind of irritating, that’s my point.

I was exaggerating initially, we won’t stop updating areas because of singular accounts, even if they’re incredibly popular.


What idiot signed black on black? Oh yeah me.


Damn, suppose we can’t update Morytania any more. What a shame, I had designs for Slepe way before swamp man became a thing.

EDIT: I've not missed the point here, I'm exaggerating for effect. Where is the line drawn? Whenever we pitch Morytania content in the future it'll be torn apart to see in what ways it benefits specific limited accounts. Even before that, we find ourselves asking "How will this impact X player?" while designing content, whether we want it to or not. Regardless, we'll be accused of catering either way.

For instance, when we first pitched the Hosidius dungeon design back in October, it came to my attention that it would be the first tanner on Zeah and the first one underground, this hadn't occurred to me prior to making that decision. Now it haunts me whenever I sit down to design a new area.


Glad it arrived safely!