Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

10 Jun


Originally posted by MarisaKiri

waiting for u/juayd and /u/Jagex_Wolf to deliver

It's arrived!

09 Jun


Originally posted by zeWoah

I'm disappointed that another midtier boss is possibly being added when Grotesque Guardians are still in a state where they're not worth doing unless you're pet hunting. Are Guardians even a midtier boss when they require 85 Slayer.



Originally posted by r0naldismyname

As a company it would be in your best interests to promote dialogue, however imflammatory it may be and "retaliate" with professionalism and transparency.

Instead, you're choosing to ignore serious security flaws in your game, silence those who speak out or flat out ignore them and then do your best to PR your way out of it.

Instead of demodding the player moderator, you could've messaged them and opened a dialogue about how you plan on tackling account security, instead you demodded them and are promising to post a blog in the future. This is just the wrong approach.

The blog was planned a while ago, and includes plans on improving security. It's not in response to this current situation. To reveal the contents of it to a P Mod ahead of other players doesn't feel right although I get your sentiment. Be assured, we are not ignoring the community or issues and nobody has been 'silenced'.


Originally posted by Dasangrypanda

It’s understandable that this is the reason you removed his mod status, but it would be nice if Jagex would even COMMENT on the actual issue that everyone is angry about.

It sucks this dude lost mod sure but the reason the community is so volatile over this is because account security is a f**king joke and joggaflux does nothing but ignore it, redirect criticism of it, or start gaslighting other things like banning a mod for unmodly behavior. Please give us a break from the corporate facade and address the problem.

You are right about the account security sentiment, the next blog addresses this in far more detail than I could offer in a quick comment here though.


Originally posted by DolphinatelyDan

Thanks for the response. I understand as an ambassador for the company you have to support them. I think the community is being insane and overreacting especially considering they taunted all over the post to get a reply, and when you give it to them they shit all over you. You deserve a better community. But we also deserve better account security. I'm looking forward to reading the dev blog coming up



Originally posted by new_world_chaos

Now, the topic that triggered this demod is clearly emotive, and nobody (including my team) wants to see a player hijacked. It annoys us

Someone losing hundreds of hours of work "annoys" you. Omegalul

My internal voice would use another word, but trying to keep things professional.


Originally posted by Watch_Plebbit_Die

Typical PR bullshit that's all talk with no action. Seen it a million times.

Also, are you trying to align yourself with that of a charity? f**king WEW LAD!

No of course not, it was an analogy of an organsiation and a volunteer relationship.


Hi everyone,

I wanted to offer comment on this topic. This discussion is about removing P Mod status from a player who had said in a social post that Jagex Support had 'showed a middle finger' to one of their customers. Many of the comments on this thread are based around account security, as the original social post was in relation to a player being hijacked.

I'd like to address the topic of the P Mod being demodded.

Firstly, this person did not get demodded for speaking up about account security, all P Mods have access to a private set of forums and meet with us from time to time, and in those situations they can be very forthright in their opinions, and we welcome that. P Mods are also welcome to offer constructive criticism on public platforms. This issue was not about the opinion being offered, but how it was expressed.

Part of the context missing from this current situation is that P Mods have guidelines that they agree to, and within those gu...

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I haven't got too much to say right now, but I will make sure this is discussed tomorrow when I am back at work.

Sorry I cannot say any more at this time :(

Edit: Yes this is to discuss the security situation, but the pmod removal also wants discussing, it has been interpreted by many as preventing passionate players speaking out, that's a problem.


Originally posted by CallMeJustin




08 Jun


Hey, your recovery attempts look OK but they are from an ISP/IP that has never been used on the account, and a lot of the info is compromised. You are not trying to set the email address that was used to unban the account as well. That said, other info looks pretty good, I've asked an account security expert to review it - no guarantees but if they are happy they will send a pass reset link to the email address you wish to set in your recovery form.


Originally posted by dreadwraith8d

What do you think of the boss perhaps dropping a attachment to the Keris to make it the Bug Destroyer equivelent of the Arclight? As in, it would be BiS when used against stuff like Kalphite etc.

I’d love for the Keris to be improved (see Ellen in the myths guild for my proposed weapon) but it should probably come from a continuation of the contact quest line rather than from a spider (which is an arachnid :P ). However, I’ve seen a fair amount of demand for a unique from this boss so I’m interested in hearing all possibilities :)


Originally posted by Gavello

Is there a reason why new bosses always have to be instances? Why can't it be in the world instead of having another safe place to boss due to death mechanics.

The aim of this boss is for it to be engaged by mid level players. Because most of the other higher level bosses we've added are instanced with a gravestone system it makes sense to get them used to this idea.

Also, if a player wants to engage with this content to learn it can't find a world they will just not bother and go do something else


Originally posted by gigigamer

Can we get a better look at the drop table other than the eggs? Eggs are neat but if the market is flooded with them then the value will crash hard, if this boss is to survive its going to need a variety of drops.

The drop-table isn't completely finalised as I am still debating on having a unique on the table and that drastically affects how the table itself is balanced. On this weeks Q&A i'm going to ask for players to submit suggestions because i've been drawing blanks on what I could add that will actually add value to the game and fit the content.

07 Jun


Originally posted by rejectedstrawberry

do you mind changing the floor on this image

notice how its one solid colored floor, as opposed to this. you need to remember that you cannot try and make it look better than other older parts of the game or it will stand our like an ugly sore thumb. kourend already suffers from this issue severely, please do not mix and match art styles and dont change them without changing it everywhere

The mapping of the area is not completely finished and that room is definitely on the to do list of areas to polish off. Mod West has already done a fantastic job with other areas of the dungeon. If you're interested to see a sneak peek, tune in for the dev stream this Wednesday! :)


Originally posted by magistrate101

/u/JagexHusky will the Giant Egg Sacks stack? The eggs themselves don't stack and this would allow people to fit more runs in at a time if they can manage their resources properly.

The intention is for the Giant Egg Sac itself to not be stackable to incorporate that inventory management aspect


Originally posted by Soul_Turtle

Wait, why does a tanner live in the middle of this dungeon, exactly?

I get the gameplay/balance reason, but it feels a little out of place. Unless there is some lore I am missing?

Haha it is very much explained in the lore of the dungeon. You just have to go ask him! :)