
Overwatch Dev Tracker

25 Sep

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can confirm.

Geoff: Add stats to that list as well (sic; metrics, analytics, etc…)


Andy, on the discussion of feedback. Can you say if it is still the philosophy of the dev team that they take into account these three factors when determine balance changes overall:

  • Player feedback across all ranks
  • Statistical performance of heroes at pro level and grandmaster play
  • Developer team insights

I know this was something former Game Director Jeff Kaplan discussed at length on the old forums. (I really need to finish the old forum archives…)


Hey folks,

Since we’re talking about feedback, and why we would have OWL pros playing the game, this is an area where I can speak as a CM first, rather than as a proxy for Team 4.

Every designer I’ve worked with has understood that any player feedback (whether Bronze, Grand Master, or professional) is laced with personal biases and assumptions. Game designers are like artists in many ways: both disciplines take in feedback from many diverse sources, and apply that feedback with a central vision guiding their decision making.

A large part of what community managers do is to try to remove the personal biases from player feedback, and then communicate what’s the root cause of player friction to designers. The designers have an understanding of how that feedback fits into the bigger picture, and have analytical tools that they can use to evaluate what’s reported via community sentiment. Most importantly, according to Lead Hero Designer, Geoff Goodman,

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24 Sep

21 Sep


exactly what it sounds like.

(it’s a 2D take on Flappy Bird, but replace the bird with Mercy)


It’s on my list of modes to try, along with Genji dodgeball and Ana golf.


We’re glad you’re enjoying the new custom games browser.

I use custom games to fill the time while I’m waiting in queue, and this new feature has helped me discover some new modes that aren’t aim trainers or parkour of some sort :slight_smile:. My favorites so far have been Flappy Mercy and the Boss Battle modes.

18 Sep


This conversation dovetailing in this direction is my fault folks.

I shouldn’t have engaged with the comment, regardless of my intent. I get where MissEdgy’s comment comes from, and I do want to assure you that I am not in any way responsible for decision making around design and balance.

My role is to facilitate communication between the developers and the community, something I’ve been passionate about for years. We’re required to have empathy for both the player experience and the developer experience, and walking in both worlds can be a bit tricky, as shown in this post.

Let’s get back to hearing about your weekend plans, and I sincerely hope that everyone has a great night.


I wouldn’t conflate understanding with ability. There are plenty of people out there who have a deep understanding of their game of choice, but are not competitive participants themselves.

17 Sep


My problem with games like it and Anno is that I suddenly look at the clock and it’s 6am on a Tuesday.


Support is a role I’m a lot more comfortable on. Peaked high silver previously, but haven’t really focused on the role unless I’m flexing to generate priority tickets. It’s also a role I’ve usually played in other similar games, so I tend to understand where your feedback comes from as it relates to the role.


Peaked at high silver around season 1, currently climbing back from Bronze.

The last 6 months has been a lot of me focusing on learning the Damage role better, and playing a lot of heroes I’m uncomfortable with, like Doom and Genji, as opposed to ones I’m more comfortable with, like Soldier, Cowboy, Ashe, etc…

I won’t even touch Widow yet. I don’t think I’m ready mechanically.

(been playing since the friends and family beta, so this has been a long journey)


Happy Friday to everyone!

This weekend I plan on agonizing over whether or not I should buy Humankind (spoiler alert, I will), working towards my goal of +50 SR/night on Damage and Tank, and smoking a pork shoulder for some delicious pulled pork sandwiches with the family.

Whatever you’re doing, be safe, be well, and I hope it brings you happiness :slight_smile:.

16 Sep

13 Sep


On paper, Discord is theoretically weaker with 1 fewer person per team benefiting from the debuff. Thus far in our playtests, Mercy’s Damage Boost hasn’t shown any major issues. That said, there’s still a chance we end up tuning both Discord and Damage Boost down, if we see they’re causing issues in further testing.


It is something we’re considering


I’m not prepared to talk about DPS today.



I said this in the thread last week, but it bears repeating here: none of our hero design and balance changes for OW2 are being made in a vacuum. A change as fundamental as going from 6v6 to 5v5 has far reaching implications and requires us to examine every part of hero balance and design.


Rumors thrive and take root in the absence of information. My goal in being here is to cut down on the rumor mill and to provide you all with as much insight as I can as to what’s happening.