
Overwatch Dev Tracker

17 Apr


yes. we have actually tried it. the scope of work to do it properly is the equivalent of rebuilding all of the maps. it’s not a “minor redo” or rework level of effort. it’s almost like building a new map from scratch.


we detected and reviewed multiple cheats on this account.



we discuss 2cp all the time. it’s one of the top discussions we have in the design group. we’ve spent more time trying to address that gamemode and trying changes than any other mode. we’ve also reworked the maps the most.

the mode has some fundamental flaws, depending on the context you’re coming from (professional play vs. comp vs. quick play).

contrary to what some communities would have you believe, not everyone dislikes the modes or the maps.

we’ll continue to try solutions for both the mode and the maps. it’s definitely something that’s top of mind for us. there just aren’t easy silver bullet solutions.


you should try the LFG system. it allows you to do exactly what you’re asking for.


currently our plan is to change this system for ow2. we’ll find a way to recognize your accomplishments for those who care but the current plan is for those borders to go away and be replaced with a different system.


switch is the newest platform with the lowest population above level 25. the other platforms have had 4 years to build an eligible competitive playerbase.


not in the arcade when these stats were pulled


glad you’re enjoying it. we’re discussing the future of the mode right now.

it’s interesting to see what regions and platforms are responding to the different modes in the game.

i know you all enjoy stats so have fun theorycrafting with this chart (keep in mind this is just data from one day):

16 Apr


Countless times, she had put on a hazmat suit and goggles and passed through the four doors of the makeshift sterilized area into the infirmary that had been converted from a normal hospital space into a COVID-19 ward. Because she’s small in stature, the bulky suit impeded her hurried steps. On her chest, her name was written in black marker, and on her back was the phrase, “Heroes Never Die.”

Her name is Weiwei. She is a regular Overwatch player, as well as a member of the National Medical Team from the Xi’an Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiantong University in Shaanxi Province, who was dispatched to assist in the Hubei province during the COVID-19 outbreak.

At age 27, Weiwei was the youngest doctor in the Shaanxi Province team. She volunteered after receiving a request from the hospital on Feb. 7. The team left Xi’an on the evening of Feb. 8 for Hubei and arrived at the vicinity of Tongji Ho...

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this hotfix is going live within the hour

(we’re also fixing a bug that affected the scaling of hit markers in this hotfix)


Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – April 15, 2020

A new patch is now live on Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Read below to learn more about the latest changes.

To share your feedback, please post in the General Discussion forum
For a list of known issues, visit our Bug Report forum.
For troubleshooting assistance, visit our ...

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15 Apr


yeah that was unfortunate… not sure what happened there. apologies. Echo*


the next experimental card changes are targeted at CC reduction across multiple heroes.

we’re not currently working on bastion changes but are happy to listen to any feedback you have.


we debated this but did not want to interfere with the algorithm. worst case, if she is removed from the pool, she’ll be back a week later. plus there are always plenty of ways to play a hero outside of comp.


we’re working on a cool update that will address this feedback. more info in the next dev update (sorry no ETA because… world)


this was an intended change that was made for QoL reasons. but we’re going to revert it in a hotfix ASAP.



glad you’re enjoying the mode. we were excited to at least try it out and see how it goes.

we struggled a lot with the name. “classic” has a lot of weight/baggage and means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. and the meaning will change over time. so we thought open queue was a more accurate representation. to be honest, quick play classic isn’t the best name either…