Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Originally posted by meandtheboysss1

does this problem effect the lich transformation problem both visuals and not becoming undead? and is it at any time during act 2 or only after you pick the 3rd rank in mythic path cause i did respec at the start of act 2 and have had 0 problems so far cause of it during my time in act 3 as lich

Visuals and becoming undead is fixed in the upcoming patch. It's a different issue.


Originally posted by iroairoa

Is there anyway for us to check if our saves are corrupted or not before we throw away hours of playtime unnecessarily?

Not that I'm aware of :\ But if everything seems to function fine so far and you're not playing demon or lich, it's probably worth trying to finish the current playthrough.


A bit of clarification on this:

The issue is that respec bug was affecting the mechanics so deeply, that we were not able to guarantee that your game will manage to repair itself even after the fix is deployed. I.e. things may be so broken in a given playthrough after respec, that even a fix won't help it. Highest chance to bump into this is with demon and lich mythics, other mythics have a chance to be affected, but it's considerably lower.

It does not necessarily mean your game won't work or that it will suddenly stop working after the patch - it simply means that if it was already broken, there's a chance it will remain such. Thus we recommend to revert back to an old save if possible.

Patch itself is about to come really shortly. Issue is fixed there and respeccing after patch is no longer dangerous.


Originally posted by seiga08

Hey just wanted to check, are there any plans to implement more of the occult classes later on?

Hi! More classes are possible in future DLCs, no details at this time though.

    MaLal on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Crusaders! An important announcement:
We are now working on an issue that turned out to be really serious and the fix deeply affected the internal structure of the game. Please note that if you saved after using respec in Act II or further, your saved game may remain corrupted, potentially blocking your playthrough. Mythic Demon and Lich are the most affected by this problem. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused, and strongly recommend reverting back to a save made before respeccing.
Please stay away from the respec function up until the next patch. The problem will be gone then.

13 Sep


Originally posted by OwlcatStarrok

Hello! This is a known (and a quite nasty) bug, the Undead traits are not applied properly after transformation. Fix is already in works, it's coming in one of nearest patches. I'll try to come back later with a more precise ETA.

Sorry, immortal masters of life and death, your time will soon come!

Good news, just got a word from the tech team that they fixed it. So expecting it in the upcoming patch. Day-two.

12 Sep


Originally posted by RealZordan

There is a difference between Q/A for a linear 15 hour game, where every tester fully plays through the game 3 times a week and a 100 hours game with branching paths and dozens of character classes where testing is more a random spotcheck.

Also bug fixing is difficult to manage timewise, since it's often more a "Half-Life" than linear time frame. Lets say you know you have 1000 major bugs in the game, then you can probably fix half of them in a month, i.e. the ones that are common and reproducible. But then in the next month the bugs get rarer and you only fix 250 of the remaining ones and so on. Eventually you will have to cut off testing at some point.

Often bugs are very easily fixable post launch when you have thousands of bug reports but hard to nail down by ~100 testers.

Also more testing isn't free. Games have budgets and more testing means less game. Would would you take 10% less content for bugs that are fixed within a week after launch? As a produc...

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Something tells me you are working in gamedev :D


Originally posted by l_x_fx

Again, thank you very much, especially for answering on a Sunday nonetheless!

Though I'm a bit saddened to hear I can't have both an intact phylactery and my revenge on Zacharius. Or a new Lich voice.

Incidentally, would it be hard for the Devs to introduce a custom voice feature analogous to what we already have with custom portraits? Otherwise we can only mod the game heavily or replace existing voices, both options are a bit unsatisfying.

Idea is interesting, and I'll make sure to mention it to the team. No promises though, currently all effort is on bugfixing, not on adding features. Meanwhile, the game has extensive mod support, and will soon get Steam Workshop functional, so I'm sure modmakers will take care of this quickly.


Originally posted by l_x_fx

Thank you for sharing this information with us!

I have a question regarding the phylacteries, mine and Zacharius': is there supposed to be a way to repair/remake mine? You probably know why it broke. Since we literally can hold the one that knows how to do it in our hands, is there be a way to ask/persuade him?

Also, when choosing not to destroy him once you find the wand, I can't interact with Zacharius in his state as a wand anymore in any way. I can only use the wand like any other wand (this version of Finger of Death also works on undead btw) and once all charges are spent, it simply disappears. The quest to destroy it still remains in the questlog. Is it a bug or is it working as intended?

One more thing: is the transformation supposed to change your voice in addition to just the portrait? If not, is there a way to change/remove your voice after the transformation without having to respec? I'd like to avoid it, as it also completely resets your spellbo...

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Hello u/l_x_fx!
1) No, you can't repair it.
2) Remaining quest in the log is a bug, please report it via ALT+B.
3) And sadly nope, no change of voice during transformation.
Thank YOU! Your guys' enthusiasm is very energizing for us :)


Originally posted by OwlcatStarrok

... Oh well xD

On a serious note though, u/Moikanyoloko, did you leave a bug report using ALT+B in-game? This should not happen in any circumstances.


<3 Thank you all wholeheartedly for such an amazing support!!! The team is really humbled. Nothing of this would be possible without you guys.


Hello! This is a known (and a quite nasty) bug, the Undead traits are not applied properly after transformation. Fix is already in works, it's coming in one of nearest patches. I'll try to come back later with a more precise ETA.

Sorry, immortal masters of life and death, your time will soon come!

11 Sep


This seems to be a leftover from beta. Rations are no longer needed. Please submit a bug using alt+B.


Originally posted by meandtheboysss1

Thanks, any eta at all on when the lich transformation might be fixed?

Unless the dev team suddenly bumps into something really complicated, within a week is a safe bet.