Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by Foxtrot434

Oh my. Is this 0.15 cooldown?

It has a one second cooldown which sounds slow but the item is crazy.


Hey everyone! We're making a couple of small changes to Summon Raging Spirit's for the Synthesis expansion. We're putting its mana cost back to its old values and we'll change the cost in future if the gem changes. We're also doubling its base accuracy. This doesn't preclude making bigger changes in future when we next do a balance pass on it.


Thank you for the morning chuckle.

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Path of Exile: Synthesis is set to launch in less than two days! We know that you're eager to get stuck into planning your builds, so we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and reworked gems for this expansion.

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Originally posted by Tobikaj

Is there still the bug with freezing and two monitors?

Unfortunately that is still around; I've never been able to get anywhere in my previous investigations into the issue.


Originally posted by kfijatass

Doesn't hurt to pre-prep an update with the data that's confirmed to go public, right?
Knowing that would probably require you to poke at some team at GGG responsible, but I think it'd help if you had this info ahead of time. Something worth considering in any case.

In theory I could, but it wouldn't really be fair for the other tool developers who can't get access to that info early.


Originally posted by Sakataseiki

GGG actually released Openarl!

Edit: "I won't have access to the necessary data" - doubt.

I may have access to literally everything at work, but for PoB I'm only permitted to use information that is accessible to everyone.


The 1.4.130 update for Path of Building is now available, containing the passive tree for 3.6.

This update also contains the known uniques for 3.6, as well as most of the missing uniques from 3.5.

Other changes for 3.6 are still to come; note that skill gem additions and changes won't be coming until the patch is released as I won't have access to the necessary data.

For existing users, the update is available via the usual update system; click "Check for Update" at the bottom left if the update hasn't already been downloaded. For anyone interested in trying the program for the first time, head to the releases page to get the installer.

If you'd like to give me something more tangible than energy, I have a ...

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It was renamed Intensify (to avoid confusion with stuff like the fact we have a Spell named Focus, which Spell Focus didn't apply to).


We'll be fixing this up soon as well as bringing back RU forums!


Originally posted by Dex8172

So, Ascendent Slayer gets "50% reduced Maximum Recovery per Life Leech", and there are no new nodes with XX% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech? Not even for (duelist) Slayer? Then why did u/Mark_GGG use that modifier when he explained new leech mechanics?

My job ends with knowing what the stats are and how they apply. What values of those statsare available and where they're given out is done by the design/balance guys. I have very little idea where that stat will be available or in what values, I was just explaining what it does. I made sure to include each leech stat that exists, and chose nice round values to make the maths simpler to follow.

The example was supposed to show how the stats work, not a specific case that would definitely be possible in-game.


Originally posted by superanonymousgamer

And I'm just sitting here and wondering what happened to the new support gem "spell focus" they advertised

The Spell Focus Support was renamed to Intensify Support


Originally posted by prospectre

Nah, you're thinking about it in a different order. Yes, in the formula it goes something like this:

(X(10% Bag) * (2% per second) <= (20% throughput)) * Y(% healing increase)

But if you think about it algebraically, you can simply apply the healing increase to the whole formula.

Y(X(10% Bag) * (2% per second)) <= Y((20% throughput))

It's a bit rough, but that's the general idea. It doesn't matter to the formula where the increase happens, so for the purposes of the illustration it still fits.

My point was that does matter when you look at the rest of the game, because there are other mechanics which care about the size of the bags.


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