Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

14 Sep


High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being investigated and treated as high priority, we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

Affliction Launch - Live Updates:

High priority problems:
  • Ebony Tornado Shot MTX causing performance issues.

General technical problems: General Troubleshooting Guide
Xbox or PS4 specific problems: ... Read more

13 Sep


Other Common Issues (PC)

These are other general issues that while not high priority, are common enough that are worth mentioning here until we're able to get them fixed. If you don't see a bug here you're experiencing then it may just be that it's uncommon and not affecting enough players. Please check for any issues, or make one to us and we'll investigate when we can.


  • Converted unique maps revert to base tier

  • Detonate Mines "Always Attacking Without Moving" resetting in new instances.

  • Portals placed in blocking can fail to let the player back in (e.g. Cold River stairs).

  • Elemental Overload damage increase doesn't change tooltip DPS

  • Legion Generals not retreating again.

  • Harvest T4 bosses not transitioning

  • Totems/Traps/Mines not culling when using Marked for Death

Microtransactions:... Read more

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being investigated and treated as high priority, we'll be trying to get them fixed as soon as we can.

High priority problems:

  • Mac client unable to patch.

General technical problems: General Troubleshooting Guide
Xbox or PS4 specific problems: Console Known Issues


Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in h...
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High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:
  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ultimatum content problems:

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

  • Client crash when changing renderer type

  • Visual artifacts when running low on GPU memory

  • Problems with Vsync not working properly

  • ...
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Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in h...
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High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:

  • Some players client crash loading between areas after extended play

  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ritual content problems:
  • Lookout Map boss packs can become invincible when revived by a Ritual encounter

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

Read more

Other Known Issues (PC)


  • Channelled skills (in Predictive) can get stuck channelling.

  • Life on the client can sometimes desync from the server. Most common case of this is appearing to never reach full life when you should, after receiving intermittent damage over time.

  • Lava Chambers transition can sometimes have an extra transition

  • Fractured items do not grey out in inventory when being vendored or filtered in stash


  • Missing Challenge Rewards: Please contact [email protected] if this occurs

  • Weapon Effects that apply to both weapons aren't always removed correctly (usually going to a different area fixes this)

  • Divination Card Tab misses a column in h...
Read more

High Priority Known Issues (PC)

These problems are currently being looked into and we'll be trying to get them fixed for you as soon as we can. There is no need to make new posts about them unless you have further information that may be helpful, thanks.

High priority problems:

  • Some players client crash loading between areas after extended play

  • Some players are client crashing shortly after launching the game.
    Try deleting your DailyDealCache, MOTDCache and ShopImages if you're encountering this

Ritual content problems:
  • Lookout Map boss packs can become invincible when revived by a Ritual encounter

Vulkan renderer problems:
Before referring to this list, please try updating your drivers first.
Out of date drivers may not support Vulkan correctly and can cause various problems.

Read more

03 Sep


The load screen images were made by Tomas Honz. Here's his art station page for those that want to see other work from him:

02 Sep


Are all Prophecies that are not Map specific available at Level 1?


When in Merciless, does it matter from which act you purchase Prophecies?


How does Navali dole out Prophecies? Is it based on character level, location, etc (Difficulty is a factor, obv.)?

Only character level and difficulty matter.

Are there restrictions regarding some prophecies received from Navali and which ones? I've the feeling some prophecies can only be obtained from a specific act, is it the case?

No. Only character level and difficulty affect which prophecies can be generated for a character.

I have a question regarding a few prophecies, specifically "The Nest" and "Wind and Thunder". The community has ... Read more

Is there any way to definitively distinguish whether a modifier is local or global, if it could reasonably be either?

In general, if a modifier can modify the base behaviour of an item (what a white item of that type would do) then it will be local. There are very few exceptions to this, but they do exist, so the answer to the question is no.

Local modifiers only affect the item, and are self-contained - if the effect cares about the player, it's inherently non-local.

Do you still benefit from "when you take a critical strike" effects if you block said critical strike? For example, Avenger's prefix on flasks.


Do strongbox prefixes have any effect on quantity of items contained?


Would opening a normal strongbox ... Read more

Also, does the flat physical damage from Coated Shrapnel jewel(s) count as 'bow physical damage' for Doomfletch and Doomfletch's Prism if you're using a bow skill as a trap/mine

Yes. All damage done with an attack using a bow is bow damage.

Could you please explain how Growing Agony (viper strike threshold jewel) works? Does the per poison mechanic a) increase damage dealt by the player or b) increase damage taken by the enemy? I have the same question regarding The Taming + Emberwake combo.

They both say "increased damage", not "increased damage taken", and that's what they apply to. Anything affecting the damage taken by an entity, rather than damage dealt, says "taken" or "take".

I found a possible bug with Unstable Payload and Zero duration Traps. For the people who do not know If you use a... Read more

If I have the boots enchant "adds x-x fire if you've killed recently", will it affect the Explosive Arrow explosion?

Yes. The damage is not limited to attacks and/or spells, so will apply to all hits of damage.

What are the stats of the minion generated by the "Of Reflection" glove enchantments?

It's a Clone, working the same as ones from Blink/Mirror arrow. Exact stats depend on the level of the skill and are too much detail for me to list here.

For skills on glove enchants: do I get increased damage from sulfur flasks? Is the AoE increased from passives? Do I +1 base crit chance from the Assassin subclass?

Yes, Yes, Yes. The explosions are caused by you and use your stats. The skills are just like any other skills, and you can check them in the character panel to s... Read more

What's the official name for Ascendancy abilities such as Headsman and Paragon of Calamity? They don't seem like Keystones, but they are also more significant than Notables.

Technically, they are Notables, although since you can't socket an Inspired Learning jewel near them, this doesn't matter mechanically. I'm not aware of any other specific name for them.


Are the Slayer's Headsman bonuses to area of effect radius and damage multiplier on kill treated as buffs and will they be scaled by Ichimonji's increased buff effect?

No. Buffs can be identified by having a visible icon with a green border. Anything without that icon or with a different border is not a buff.

Is the Slayer's Headsman passive supposed to prevent on kill effects from curses like Po... Read more

Why is Elemental Overload worded to only work with players and not totems?

It's worded that way because that's what it does, and having the wording say something else would be problematic.

I can tell you how it does work (you need to crit something, so your totems critting something won't cut it, but once active, since totems use your skills, they benefit from it), but not why that decision was made.

How exactly does weapon flat damage interact with passives? Does it calculate from the total weapon damage or from the affix and base weapon damage, and then gets amplified by the weapon mod?

All local modifiers on a weapon contribute to that weapon's damage, which can be seen on the item. This total is what you get as base damage for equipping the weapon, to which your modifiers apply.

... Read more

Does Hypothermia's more damage affect Vortex's DoT?

No. Conditional modifiers cannot apply to DoT, because the condition could change during the DoT.

Rapid Decay: Can you clarify in which cases the gem actually works? I heard rumors that it does not apply to Righteous Fire, since its not technically a duration gem. However it will apply to Righteous Fire if it's linked with Spell Totem, because that makes it duration. Why is this?

You answered your own question here - because it's now a duration skill, and Rapid Decay only supports duration skills.

Follow-up question: does Rapid Decay work if I link it to a bow Skill (lets say Lightning Arrow - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Pierce - Void Manipulation - Rapid Decay) and I use Snakebite to apply poison. Will Rapid Decay (and Void Manipulation fo... Read more

Does Arctic Armour reduce reflected fire damage (assuming you are standing still of course)?


Vortex's Damage over Time tooltip doesn't benefit from +damage to spells (Herald of Ice etc), and also cannot have its element converted. Is that the actual functionality and/or is that intended?

This is true of all damage over time, and always has been. Flat added damage only makes sense for hits, and damage conversion cannot apply to damage over time (although that one might be able to change in the distant future).

Vortex seems to chill even if it's connected to Elemental Focus. According to the Wiki it shouldn't (Wiki: "The drawback of this gem will override all elemental-status-inflicting effects of the supported skill or passive skills, as well as buffs such as Elemental Conflux.").
... Read more

Hey, I had a question about Daresso's Passion: "X% Increased Damage while you have no frenzy charges"

Is that modifier local or global?


I have an issue with pierce chance from the Drillneck quiver. It is supposed to give "10% chance of Arrows piercing" but it doesnt increase the chance to pierce, that is indicated by the tooltip of my Lightning Arrow.

Skill Tooltips intentionally only show the stats that are specific to that skill. They don't show global things that affect all skills.

If you want to see everything a skill does, including all your global stats, the character panel, not the skill popup, is the place to do that.

With the "Projectile damage increased by arrow pierce chance" mod on Drillneck, is there any way to achieve more than 100... Read more

This is the Gameplay Compendium, a collection of Mark's answers from this thread, organised into handy sections for your convenience!

This thread will be updated regularly with new answers, so if you'd like to have your gameplay question answered by a developer, head over to the Mechanical Questions Thread!


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