Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

31 Aug

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear that this has happened, if you are still experiencing this issue could you please contact [email protected] so we may be able to help you with this, thanks!

30 Jul


This is a good example of something I call a "perfect storm unique"; It has a very strong and instantly understandable theme, and all the parts(name, stats and flavour text) contribute to the whole in a great way.

19 Jul


Originally posted by ocknon

Is he gunna be on reddit too? :D

Yes, I will! =)

17 Jul


" Dreggon wrote: I generally don't buy stuff like armour sets and weapon effects but somehow I have less funnymoney than I did a few months ago because I bought things and I don't remember what they were


I have sent you a PM about this :)

30 Jun

    Gary_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

" TriniGamer wrote: seriously this is why I stopped bothering to spend money on this game for mtx. I havd spent $55 USD in cosmetics that turned out to look like complete trash on my marauder. Now the MTX that I need for him like Demon King or Gore Armor they won't put it on sale......

So there goes my money on mtx that I won't use since they refuse to even implement a dressing room ingame.

People has been asking for armor packs for months now and the only one they could find to put on sale was ghost flame.....

They keep bringing more of these same terrible mtx ...
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22 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


Kreathak wrote:

I got a question about The Tempest (the fated version of Stormcloud).

Is the "100% increased Lightning Damage" modifier local or global?



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20 Jun


Fixed, will probably go in a patch sometime after 2.3.1

14 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


SamOnion wrote:

When in Merciless, does it matter from which act you purchase Prophecies



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Originally posted by imyourkat12

So uh, quick question, aren't GGG staff supposed to have red/colored names? Seems a tad suspicious that you claim you guys are "narrowing it down" when this is a pretty small issue not affecting everyone. Did everyone at GGG just stop their current work to focus on this? lol.

Fair call, it is my first post here. I just read this thread shortly after seeing that getting extra information about this specific problem will help in finding a fix, that's all.

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


AwakeningTheChaos wrote:

How amount of bonus damage of "Unholy Damage" (Cata's minions' aura) buff is calculated?

I'm not sure what you're referring to, sorry.


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Originally posted by imyourkat12

I'm the guildie, Uh, its on every single node, no Idea how it happened...

Thanks. Is it still happening? We're trying to narrow it down, some have mentioned it only occurs when they have their loot filter enabled. Makes things look interesting none the less.


Was this on just this particular node, or throughout the UI?
If you also have any details on how to reproduce this it would be appreciated, thanks.

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


Sjanna wrote:

Does Curse effectiveness increase the "Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower" from Temporal Chains or the "2% of damage leeched as life" from Warlords Mark?

Yes, it increases any numerical quality of the curse.


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10 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


kot0005 wrote:

New Unique Voidheart: why is the wording for bleed different, which says 100% chance but the poison affix is simple ?

Because of a mistake made when merging multiple changes to that file, which reverted my fix. It will be correct on live soon, if it isn't already.

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    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


dth3flash wrote:

How does Mjölner with 3 discharges, Juggernaut (Unrelenting), Voll's Devotion, Romira's Banquet (and Resolute Technique/Voll's Protector) work?

Assuming starting from zero charges, and only a single enemy, within discharge range, which never dies (and taking the Resolute Technique option as it's ea... Read more

09 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


Resurr wrote:

The support team linked me to this thread,

so i have an issue with pierce chance from the Drillneck quiver. it is supposed to give "10% chance of Arrows piercing" but it doesnt increase the chance to pierce, that is indicated by the tooltip of my Lightning Arrow

Skill Tooltips intentionally only show the stats t... Read more

08 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


3sfour wrote:

Hi, I have a question regarding Arctic Armor, does AA reduce reflected fire dmg (assuming you are standing still ofc) ?



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    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the questions!


dogheat wrote:

Why is elemental overload worded to only work with players and not totems?

It's worded that way because that's what it does, and having the wording say something else would be problematic.

If you mean why it works that way, then I'm afraid that's an example of the kind of question that's outside the scope of this thread. I can tell you how it does work (you need to crit something, so your totems critting something won't cut it, but once active, since totems use your skill... Read more

07 Jun

    Mark_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct


I'm Mark_GGG, and I know how PoE works. If you'd also like to, this thread is for you.

We're trying out something new as a way for people with mechanical questions to get answers. People can post mechanical questions in this thread, and every few days I'll come by and answer as many as I can. This is specifically for questions about game mechanics - I can't tell you why a balance change was made, whether something will get nerfed, or what option is "best" for a given build. So if you have questions like "Does X support Y?", "What order do A, B, and C happen in when I get hit?", or "Why do the calculations come out this way when I take this passive?", I can help. Questions like "What will the next league be?", "How do people level so fast?", or "What were you thinking when you nerfed X?" are off topic for this thread, and I'm not going to be answering them.

I'm not perfect, and some things I'll have to look up. It... Read more

09 Apr


Back in the days(after someone suggested it) I did some initial testing using blue/silver instead of gold, but it looked kind of out of place and clashed badly with blood red especially. Maybe golden opulence and blood strikes a chord psychologically in a way that blue/silver and blood doesn't? Either way there wasn't a quick and easy way to make this work and since I'm quite happy with the current mood in Lunaris it is unlikely I'll try to change it again.