Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

07 Mar


The Spice King was indeed a big inspiration when it came to the creation of Cadiro!

11 Feb


Originally posted by ChronoExile

The infested crabs found in the wetlands have had their color pallet shifted to a lighter hue of blue. The normal versions look less like magic versions as a result.

Good point. I changed the colour of them now, and it will probably get through to the live realm with the ascendancy release.

29 Dec


Originally posted by Hojirozame

Who did the artwork for the ascendancy classes? Pass on to them that they did a f**king amazing job.

They are made by Jaan-Paul Van Eeden, here's a link to his blog:

I'll pass this on to him for sure!

22 Nov

    Rachel on Forums - Thread - Direct

" Dreggon wrote: Skin Transfer Bundle that claims to be a 50 pack but actually links to the 10 pack and doesn't have a listed discount - 155 points.

Hey there, this should be all fixed now :) thanks for your diligence!

08 Nov

Unfortunately the camera angle is something that is unlikely to be changed in the future. The only way to get a further zoom is to use 3rd party programs, which are in breach of our terms of use and will result in your account being banned.

26 Oct


The boss in Plateau is called "Drought Maddened Rhoa" yet it is pretty much surrounded by water. That boss is currently at the top of the list of map bosses to be redone(not just renamed) once it is possible to find time fore it.

20 Oct

    Support on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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19 Oct

    Support on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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    Support on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

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04 Oct

Hey there, we're sorry about that!

Path of Exile is not available in certain regions on Steam. In those regions, please use the client from or the Garena client if it's a territory that Garena covers (currently Singapore/Malaysia). We are working towards making Path of Exile available in more regions on Steam in the future.

10 Aug

    Gary_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

" Nasreth wrote: Does GGG ever put on sale the mtx to upgrade normal stash tabs to premium tabs? I'd like to upgrade the 4 base tabs I have to match the others that I bought but I would rather not pay full price since it's not extremely important to me.

These were on sale within the past two weeks.

01 May

Hi there,

Please send us an email at [email protected], or send us a PM on the website using this link:

12 Apr

Hi there,

We're very sorry to hear that you've been having these problems.

With issues such as this one, a good way to diagnose the problem is if we took a look at your connection between our servers and your computer.

Can you please run WinMTR and generate a report for us? This will give us some more details about the connection and show if there's been any data loss or problems with the route it's taking to get to our servers.

Instructions on how to do this can be found here:

Please note that it's best to run WinMTR while you are experiencing your issues, as this will provide us with the most accurate data.

Keep us posted about this problem, and feel free to contact us directly at ... Read more

06 Apr


Originally posted by insomm

Ondar's guile is the god send to any projectile build that wants to avoid reflect.

I can't fully explain it to you out of the top of my head (I recommend you give it a read in the wiki), but the way evasion works with crits is the hits get rolled twice, once to see if it crits, and once to see if it hits. The way this works with crit reflect is that not only you have a chance to avoid the hit entirely but also to turn a crit into a normal hit, making it much easier to handle.

The only thing you want to avoid is something like a lioneye's glare or resolute technique (hits can't be evaded), or you won't be able to evade your own reflect.

Reflected damage cannot crit, so the evasion check to downgrade a crit isn't really applicable


You can evade the reflected damage from all parts of ice shot unless you have the "hits cannot be evaded" stat

25 Feb


Originally posted by pes_planus

So how do you explain what happens in the video?

It's a bug. If it's bugged in the way I think it is, it should be easy enough to fix :)


Originally posted by abcnever

cyclone has a target limit of 8. that's why this happens. It has been this way ever since the release of the skill and i still dont understand why GGG hasn't removed the limit yet.

There is no target limit on cyclone.