Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

25 Jan

    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report!

    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report!

    Novynn on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is intended. We don't track online/offline statuses for live searches.


Thank you for all your reports, we are currently investigating this issue.

Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime!


Originally posted by Kibehs

Any chance we can get cyclone MTX to apply to Dervish cyclone?

I'll give you a solid maybe


Originally posted by Amongalen

And what about Ruthless? It doesn't work with channel skills so I guess it won't work with the new swords. Did you take into account when rebalancing it? Just wanted to make sure :)

Yeah, the smaller pool of support gems has been taken into account. And it's still no trouble to fill out a 6L.

24 Jan


" Swirley2424 wrote: The sounds are a complete mess following the patch.

Item Filter sounds often do not play at all - I tested this with a mirror drop, and I would have completely missed it had it dropped while running a map.
Item Filter sounds often only play partially
Item Filter sounds play incorrectly in only 1 ear at times
Item Filter sounds are often delayed, sometimes up to 10 seconds
Sound Alert from whispers always delayed, up to 10 seconds
Expedition explosions are absurdly loud

Please fix these sound issues ASAP

Thanks for you... Read more

Originally posted by Akimasu

Love the changes but had one question;

Will multistrike still work with it?

Good question. Multistrike will not work with their new channeled Cyclone skill (making it consistent with players' Cyclone), but the minions are being rebalanced accordingly.


Originally posted by Siarei3712

Why not just make it so minions would trigger the rampage. I would take it over anything else.

The Dervish minions still have 25% chance to grant Rampage Kills on hitting Unique monsters / bosses.


Originally posted by BellabongXC

All you're doing is nitpicking without adressing the point I raise and in a passive aggressive condescending tone at that. Thanks for chasing people away from the game. You nerf the usability of an item and try gaslight me into thinking it's buff when nothing changes for the builds you think it's a buff for. So f**king out of touch.

Your nitpicking makes things even f**king worse "Hurrdurr it's a new stat" without touching on the actual mechanical nerf to starting rampage. Snarky Dev's are nice.

Your post made statements about the mechanics of the item that were incorrect based on your misunderstanding of the new stat (conflating it with the existing stat on the skill), and a lot of people seemed to be taking those as correct, so I wanted to correct the misunderstanding for the community before people spent time and effort theorycafting based on incorrect information about what the new stat does.

I pointed out some other minor inaccuracies (one of which I was wrong about myself, my thanks to the community for pointing that out), because I know from experience that there's a portion of the community who if they see me respond to only part of a big post like this will assume that means I'm confirming all the rest is correct, and that can lead to misunderstandings down the line - I labelled the nitpicks as such to acknowledge they aren't really important to the main thrust of the post.

I don't do balance or have any particular insight into why these changes we...

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Hey teacher, don't forget we have homework due today


Hi, quick update on The Dancing Dervish: we will restore the unconditional Rampage mod. It was not intended to be a nerf. The goal is to reduce the need for multiple Writhing Jar flasks and reduce the investment needed for flask charge reduction etc. Also, to make running out of flask charges and/or losing the Rampage streak less of a "brick" against bosses without a lot of minions, which currently forces you to waste a portal to town/hideout just to refill your flasks. However, for builds that simply don't (or can't) deal Melee hits, there is no reason for them to be made even more clunky.

Also, some clarifications on certain mechanics:

  • "Manifest Dancing Dervishes" summons two Dervish minions, similar to the (soon-to-be-legacy) Dancing Duo.

  • As noted in the ...

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Originally posted by Crazy_Reborn

The nerfs are hiding in the patch notes

Nope :) We don't have any defensive nerfs planned for 3.17 at this point, other than the two mentioned under the 'Unique Item' section of the balance manifesto.