Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

11 Jun


Originally posted by Corsica96

Any plans to allow Leap Slam be usable with unarmed?

I don't believe so. I passed that feedback on at the end of Delirium so I suspect it would have been part of today's reveal if we were going ahead with it or had future plans for it.


Originally posted by Quelex

Path of Voices has been limited to a maximum of 1 would be a mouthful though. :P

and misleading ;)


Originally posted by psychomap

So all hits of Tectonic Slam are the same, with the endurance charge being expended on each third slam?


With the obvious exception that as your number of endurance charges changes, that affects the per-endurance-charge mechanics.


Originally posted by Lwe12345

I read that as "nerf manifesto"

We actually called one of the previous manifestos “Path of Nerfs” but not everybody liked that.


Originally posted by psychomap

So if you slam the ground three times with Multistrike and thus get the charged slam on the third hit, does that result in an alternating pattern with Awakened Multistrike that would make it slam 4 times?

That might make Multistrike more desirable for consistency, always granting 29.6% more damage to the charged slam, over its awakened version, which might even deal less damage.

There is no "charged slam" now.


Originally posted by xlxlxlxl

This is pretty cool. Do minions automatically die with 50% or more chaos res, though? I'm gonna need some new Jousis setups with that if so.

Minions do automatically die with 50% or more chaos resistance with this unique on. :)


Originally posted by regularPoEplayer

Tectonic Slam tracks each time you slam the ground. Ruthless tracks each time you use the skill.

Does the counter that tracks those things resets when you leave and then re-enter the same area?



Originally posted by omegaghost

u/Bex_GGG can you confirm whether earthshatter explosions can proc on hit effects like bleed, ngamahu balls, bone novas, etc.?

They do, yes.


Originally posted by afding

Ooh, I'm really hoping that Tectonic Slam's "every third slam is charged" lines up with Ruthless Support. I've been kinda indifferent to the support due to the inconsistency of damage, but lining the two extra damage effects sounds like it's worth the investment

EDIT: misread the paragraph, didn't realize the endurance charge consumed is now a cost rather than a charged slam. Guess I'll wait until I see the 20/20 gems next week

Tectonic Slam tracks each time you slam the ground. Ruthless tracks each time you use the skill.

If you always slam the ground once each time you use the skill, they should stay in sync.

If you use the skill, but animation cancel or get stunned before you slam the ground, then you used the skill (Ruthless) but didn't slam the ground (Tectonic Slam), which will push them out of sync.

If you use Multistrike, then each time you use the skill, you'll slam the ground three times. This would stay in a different level of sync provided you don't get stunned or animation cancel, as noted above.

If you have multiple Tectonic Slam skills I know Ruthless treats them separately, but I don't know if it's own slam tracking does, so all bets are off there.


Originally posted by jTheFox

Is the launch confirmed for Friday 6/19 (USA time)? Or is there still flexibility in that it may move around?

Thank you and we all appreciate your and the team’s hard work!!!!

It's extremely unlikely that the date would change at this point.


Originally posted by Benesmash

are we going to get a video or anything explaining how Fist of War support works? I really want to see how it works?

I’ll downvote myself too, don’t worry guys.

Fist of War is used throughout much of that video.


Originally posted by psychomap

I don't usually play melee, but those skills look amazing. Does anyone know what soundtrack this is? I think it's a boss theme, but I'm pretty sure it's not Innocence because I had that running in my hideout for a while. Is it Chamber of Innocence or Kitava or something?

Also, Doryani's Touch being a slam is amazing. I can't wait to see how much stuff can be stacked into that now.

Templar's Pride from the Oriath Mystery Box.


Originally posted by Oreopower

Wait this music is straight fire


The soundtrack is Templar's Pride from the Oriath Mystery Box.


Originally posted by CountCocofang

So they are like the entities that spawn from The Savior?

Those also update stats in real-time but only use the skill they were summoned with and all stats that directly affect the skill itself.

Yes. The ones from the Saviour are also Mirage Warriors. These are the same, mechanically, with an additional restriction that they can only use the skill once.


Originally posted by Karjalan

Will there be a general 2hander info post? Like changes to 2handers beyond some unique reworks, slam skills and warcries?

I assumed there would be base changes to the items and some passives/ascendancies. Or are the changes largely a culmination of warcries, slams and unique reworks?

We've also buffed two-handed base types and there is better support for two-handers on the passive tree but yes in general it's a culmination of all of the above. We may cover some of it in the manifesto (I don't know yet) but it should at least be covered in the patch notes. Also to be super honest the manifesto is mostly about explaining nerfs before you see them in the patch notes to give them more context and insight into our goals. Buffs are usually in the patch notes (ie This is a buff).