Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by psychomap

That depends on whether resistance or armour applies first, assuming they don't stack additively (which would be stupid). Because there hasn't been a precedent of armour or physical damage reduction applying to elemental or chaos damage, there's no information on which is calculated first.

Essentially, you need to mitigate 16.67% of the incoming damage through armour before or after the remaining 70% elemental resistance. The armour you need for this is twice as much as the size of the hit.

With the pessimistic (realistic) assumption that armour applies before resistance, you would need 16k armour to mitigate a reasonably high 8k damage hit down to 2k including your resistance. If armour applies after resistance, you only need 4.8k armour for the same effect. If armour stacks additively with resistance, you need about 4.2k armour (because while the percentage of required reduced damage reduction to achieve this effect is much lower, the size of the hit considered wo...

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"[type] Resistance" applies before "[type] Damage Reduction" for any damage type that you have both those mitigation mechanics for.

As always, both apply before any modifiers to damage taken.


Originally posted by Dantonn

Mathil can only be nerfed so many times.

We’ll see.


Originally posted by welpxD

Will seed monsters leave corpses? This matters for skills like DD.

Yes and we are also trying to to make it possible to use them with spectres.


Originally posted by mingli_vov

Are all crafting options stored alongside with lifeforce (if I condense them) if I am not going to use them right away?

You need to use them.


Originally posted by MisterKaos

Hey mark, just want you to ruin my dream early:

Does an Arcanist Brand-ed Righteous Fire originate the flame circle from the brand or from you?

Righteous Fire is a buff applied to the player, it doesn't use any origin location, so Arcantist Brand is not any different from using it with any other trigger.


Originally posted by Bikvin

Oh no, so many seeds to click on, my hands...GGG, please, have some mercy.

That’s an outdated version of the seed drops. I was just demonstrating the root guiding system.


Originally posted by Faerlina_Lash

Can you tell us the original plan or is it a spoiler for the new one.

The plan was to implement something we included in one of those old Halloween boards.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You can see an example here.


Originally posted by mikex41

Any chance we are getting the Bex card this league?

Unlikely. The original plan didn't work out so I'm planning something else. Not sure how long that's going to take.


Originally posted by dmillz89

When you say "triggered" are they actually considered triggered or are they considered hand-casted for the purposes of the lingering blades from Bladefall?

Arcanist brand Triggers spells.

Earlier this week, we announced Path of Exile: Harvest which is set to launch on June 19. In this league, you'll assist Oshabi as she explores the mysterious powers of the Sacred Grove. In short, you'll plant seeds, encourage their growth, harvest the monsters within and use their Lifeforce as a powerful crafting resource.

In Harvest, you'll be able to find a seed cache in each area. When you're within a certain range of it, roots will appear beneath your feet and point you toward it to help you easily locate it. Open the cache, collect the seeds and enter Oshabi's portal to plant them in the garden alongside collectors.

Each seed has a different property which dictates which monster will spawn from it and which specific crafting resources that monster can create. Once a crop of plants is fully grown, you can harvest it and monsters will emerge. If you are able to slay these monsters, their Lifeforce can be used for crafting and to help grow higher tiers of seed.
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

We're holding a sale on a huge variety of pets with more than a hundred microtransactions available at a discount. Now is the perfect time to enlarge your collection with furious Dragon Hunter Pet and ... Read more

Delirium Ends Soon

The Delirium League on PC ends on Monday June 15th at 3pm PDT, so you have only this weekend left to complete your unfinished challenges! The Delirium League on Xbox One and Playstation 4 will end when the Harvest expansion goes live on Consoles (June 24th at 3PM PDT).

When the league ends, its exclusive Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever. Check it out, If you've been enjoying Delirium!

If you haven't played Delirium, ... Read more