Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

04 Jun


Originally posted by ebritt66

Can these be found be anyone or just the top 1%?

They're on the tree, you don't need to find them.


Originally posted by Enger111

Projectiles will hit the branded enemy

So Fireball + Arcanist brand + LMP without pierce will hit the branded enemy and then no one else, basically you need Pierce to use Fireball + Arcanist brand like in the videos. GGG is my logic correct?

So Fireball + Arcanist brand + LMP without pierce will hit the branded enemy and then no one else

Projectiles don't shotgun, so with the LMP in there, one of the fireballs will hit and explode on the branded enemy, the other two will be unable to collide with that enemy and will continue through to hit other things.

Pierce or chain are definitely good things to have for projectiles used this way, though.


Originally posted by Ajido

Is there any kind of internal cooldown on how often Arcanist Brand can trigger a spell? Or was a cooldown not needed in this trigger because it has the activation rate gating it?

Arcanist Brand has its own activation rate, modified by cast speed just like other brands. The cast speed of the skill itself is irrelevant, but Arcanist only triggers a single linked spell each activation. This means that the more cast speed and activation speed you have, the more frequently it will triggers spells.

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're introducing several new Brand skills and one Brand support gem. We've also reworked existing Brands and reviewed how their mechanics work. Today's news covers what changes to expect and provides a preview of the new Brand gems.

Changes to Brands Brands were first introduced many leagues ago with Storm Brand and Armageddon Brand. Brands are all cast on a location and attach to nearby enemies, repeatedly activating to perform their unique effect. They detach if the enemy dies, ready to jump to another target.

We've finally added some new Brand skills: Arcanist Brand, Penance Brand and Wintertide Brand. These come alongside new options for how you can build and play Brands, like the new Swiftbrand Support. These additions introduce a more aggressive, active play style.

Arcanist Brand Arcanist Brand is a new Brand skill that also supports any triggerable spell linked with it. Each time the Brand activates, it triggers a supporte... Read more

Originally posted by sphiralisx

With those changed to how brands work as well as brand recall that sounds like it's going to make brands feel so bad to play. Especially them not dropping at a monsters feet anymore.

I've really enjoyed them in the play testing I've done but it's worth trying them yourself to make up your own mind.


You have a small window to activate as many collectors as you'd like and then you aren't able to target anything when monsters are alive except the exit portal.


Originally posted by OBrien

Will existing jewels in Standard be converted to giving the new Keystone or still give the old one?

They still have the old one but will only roll new possibilities when you use a Divine Orb


Originally posted by runninginsquare_s

u/Bex_GGG do I win the game now? :)

I'm sending you a free copy as we speak.


Shouldn't be too much longer. Maybe an hour or two.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Cyril__Figgis

Very cool!

Will Skin of the Lords also be updated with these new keystones?



Originally posted by Faerlina_Lash

Is there any new keystones that are not from the timeless jewels?



Originally posted by FallenStar08

So do the timeless jewels get new ones or?

They do


It's nice to see so many good-natured memes about Harvest.


You can still get Orbs of Delirium from Delirium content.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Comments like this make me want to be less transparent with you.