Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Delirium Ends Soon

The Delirium League on PC ends on Monday June 15th at 3pm PDT, so you have only this weekend left to complete your unfinished challenges! The Delirium League on Xbox One and Playstation 4 will end when the Harvest expansion goes live on Consoles (June 24th at 3PM PDT).

When the league ends, its exclusive Brimmed Hat will leave the store forever. Check it out, If you've been enjoying Delirium!

If you haven't played Delirium, ... Read more

11 Jun


Originally posted by fallingfruit

It's sad that GGG doesn't currently invest nearly any resources to create mid-league events/races, other than minimal support to the community in the form of mtx prizes here and there. I really wish GGG would hire a few more people to try to bolster race events, they are IMO the most exciting PoE content on twitch. Absolutely loved all the races over the last few weeks and looking forward to the race tomorrow. Sadly GGG has absolutely double triple quadrupled down on "4 seasons predictably per year is the best business decision!!!!!!". Can't we get a little bit on the side too?

There has always been a lot of interest in racing in games on twitch and I honestly don't understand why they aren't trying to do more.

We actually did hire someone to help work on races but because our border is closed we can’t get them into NZ.


It's not final yet but it's likely to be around 15 to 20.


Originally posted by Clyp30

cyclone cast on crit earthquake? that doesn't sound balanced

what about cast on crit consecrated path? that would be fun, for about 30 seconds

We're not talking cast on crit - more specifically about the suggestion that a slam triggers with Leap Slam's use.


Originally posted by shug_was_taken

Thats awesome. Does GGG have a place I can check out their artists' portfolios?

I don't have a compiled list of all of the artists portfolios but you can find more of Jowie's work here.


It's not possible to trigger slams... yet. This idea was popular with our team. We don't know if it's feasible (certainly not for 3.11) but we will explore it.


Originally posted by 34656691

u/Mark_GGG Hey does leap slam use an exert charge from a war cry? I'm worried about using my war cry and then leaping away my exerts while travelling.

Yes. Exerting Leap slam with Seismic Cry is my planned build for 3.11.0


Originally posted by shug_was_taken

Is she full time GGG staff? I've got to say all these rewards look amazing and I'm considering doing 36 for the first time.



Originally posted by ripskins123

bex what build are you playing?

I’m feeling pretty compelled to try Earthquake with Fist of War and Brain Rattler. I don’t know how good it will be but the small amount of play testing I’ve done with Earthquake and Fist of War has been really satisfying.


Originally posted by ALittleInappropriate

The team members who designed that portal deserve some serious kudos, its very appealing.

The artist who made the concept for it also did many of the concepts for the Glimmerwood microtransactions as well as many of our most popular microtransaction designs. Shout out to Jowie! Her work is consistently great.
Edit: I just found out these concepts were shared between Jowie and another one of our artists, Paul Shut!


Originally posted by Paciula

Bex, when we will finally get the rewards for 40 challanges? Unique armour set or something like that? 40 challanges is really hard to finish. We need some motivation.

This one is tricky because we want to leave room for people to choose not to do some challenges if they don't want to. If we add a reward then people feel like they 'have' to do them all.


Originally posted by EarthBounder

Didn't that happen literally once (Rigwalds)? Is this a meme?

We did this several times but Talisman was the last league where this happened. We changed it because say you only complete half of your challenges, you'd only end up with boots and gloves which is pretty dissatisfying. Now we only use 'whole' microtransactions as rewards so that there is something usable for each stage of challenge completion.


Originally posted by azantyri

So does you posting this today mean there's something else on Monday/Sunday?

Yep, we post news five days a week! We haven't missed a day in the better part of a decade so we won't start now :P


Uri from Overwolf emailed me earlier this year to ask my thoughts on whether we'd be okay with a potential third-party program. I replied with

"Generally we ban users who run programs that interact with the game client directly (overlays, etc). They're allowed to run/create third party programs that can operate without the game client running, for example ones that process logs from the hard drive. It sounds to me like what is being proposed here would not be allowed, unfortunately."

He replied clarifying some features of the program. My reply was:

I figured it'd be useful to explain some key reasons why we don't encourage people to download external tools:

  • Downloaded tools run on the user's machine and can steal Path of Exile passwords or install malware. While I understand that your tool probably doesn't do this, there's nothing to stop that being the case (for example if your build machines were compromised). We cannot...
Read more

Originally posted by Rejolt

That doesn't fit his narrative of always complaining about free rewards tho...

One of the tricky things about challenge rewards is that tastes aren't universal so we do always aim for something that we hope the greatest number of people will enjoy. It's understandable that some people have negative feedback, it's the nature of things. We don't mind that too much. What I do mind is the amount of times people say "GGG suck because they did this and I'm mad about it!" when that thing didn't happen. Constructive feedback about real events whether people enjoyed them or not is always welcome.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is the second time in three years that footprints have been a challenge reward. It's definitely not 'always'.