Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

03 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


I already work through the weekends to post teasers, I'm not staying up all night too :P The good thing about teasers is that once they're up, they stay up so you can view them when you're ready.

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Path of Exile: Harvest, we're introducing several new Brand skills and one Brand support gem. We've also reworked existing Brands and reviewed how their mechanics work. Today's news covers what changes to expect and provides a preview of the new Brand gems.

Changes to Brands

Brands were first introduced many leagues ago with Storm Brand and Armageddon Brand. Brands are all cast on a location and attach to nearby enemies, repeatedly activating to perform their unique effect. They detach if the enemy dies, ready to j... Read more

The team is iterating on something like this but I don't have any information about it just yet. At the very least, we are aware that something like this would be good to have.


Originally posted by ElGosso

Hey can I ask why y'all decided to make a new support gem instead of buffing the skills directly? Like now EQ has to run two mandatory supports to be playable instead of one?

We also buffed the skills.


It’s 7.45am right now and I think it’ll most likely come out some time this afternoon. We have a couple of other teasers to share in the meantime, however.

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In this post we will compile all the Harvest teasers as they're posted. The most recent will always be at the top.

The Duskblight unique boots have received a new skill!


Here are the starting levels for the new gems in Path of Exile: Harvest


Here's a preview of The Traitor, a new Timeless Jewel Keystone


Here is a video of the new General's Cry skill in action!

Sp... Read more

Originally posted by rtg35

I know you are likely flooded with messages right now, but I want to say thanks!

I am extremely excited for this release, the league seems like a lot of what people have been asking for during the last several leagues and Harvest really makes it clear how much you listen to and care about the community.

The concept of crafting being a reward is fantastic and I can't wait to play!

Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it.


We don’t have any updates about this yet.


Originally posted by Au5tinz

Hey u/Bex_GGG , is there any word on performance in general? last league horrible performance issues entirely killed my motivation to play at all, and if there aren't any major improvements this league i don't see myself coming back.

Have you tried the Vulkan beta? It's live to try right now.


Originally posted by aresisis

When is next league? Too late to start current one?

June 19. You still have time to play this one if you’d like to.


Originally posted by zaerosz

I mean, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to go there from our hideout, right? Just like the zones from Bestiary, Delve, Incursion, Betrayal...

Yeah, I have confirmation now that you can access it from your hideout.


Originally posted by Quote_a

Does that include the Brand and support gem that haven't been revealed yet, or will those be in a later post?

It does


Originally posted by Gerrador_Undeleted

Will BV be able to trigger on Arcanist Brands, or will it be incompatible?

It will be compatible, but will not behave any different to any other method of triggering blade vortex.


Our news post for tomorrow reveals changes to brands and how the new brands work (with a preview video).


Originally posted by whitesammy

One question, if you leave zone/map with the seeds in inventory do they disappear or do they stay in inventory?

Basically, is the league use it or lose it?

The seeds stay in your inventory.


We tried and y'all got stuck with me instead.


Originally posted by lucientherat

there was a quick question I had regarding blade vortex: why does it work with totems but not mines or traps? is it because they're considered "living" like totems and, once they no longer exist, the blade vortex can no longer exist? blade vortex can't be supported by mine and trap supports at all.

There's no useful interaction there - they'd cast the spell, gain the blade, immediately die, lose the blade. It's the same reason they can't use Righteous Fire or auras. Any skill that applies an ongong thing to the caster doesn't work if the caster ceases to exist as a result of casting. Because it wouldn't work, making the support not apply is the best option, because otherwise it would be confusing to players when it supported the skill and looked like it never used it.

There is a theoretical case where it could actually do something, but unfortunately that's horribly abusable and thus can't be allowed - if you have the stats to allow your mines/traps to re-arm to detonate/be triggered an additional time, it would gain one blade, and then sit there not being targetable but dealing damage with the blade, until it dies after the second detonation.

That can't be allowed a) because we can't change supportability based on that modifier, and b) because it's a...

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