Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

02 Jun


Originally posted by FlyingThunder2992

uhm, what i didnt get - it said "harvest them when they are ready", so is it like a portal in a map that opens, and behind this portal is the garden, where i plant some seeds and then wait 10 minutes until they are ready, or what?

When you click on the seed cache it counts as one growth cycle. You don't need to enter your garden to grow the plants, just to plant or harvest them. It's not tied to the passage of time and your plants won't wither if you don't Harvest them.


Originally posted by DeadSneedStorage

Can you take the seeds out of the map?

The seeds aren't tied to an instance. You can store them, trade them etc


Originally posted by CodingIsJustTyping

Are seeds tradeable? I fear a rise of scamming when we have to give away our items in order to buy crafts from other people

Yes, you can trade seeds.


Originally posted by cydaea6752

pls pls pls tell me theres ice brand

Keep an eye on the news in the coming weeks!


Originally posted by Space_Croquette

Is crafting the only reward of the league?

The monsters in the garden also drop items but crafting is the main reward. You can check out some of the examples on the announcement page.


Originally posted by allbluedream

No news on Cluster Jewel stacking?

It may still change but they currently still stack.


Originally posted by Tockity

Do seeds need to be harvested within a certain amount of cycles after maturing, or can they be left there indefinitely?

They don't wither. You can leave them there once they're ready to Harvest.


Originally posted by SirVampyr

Any information about cluster jewels? Bex?

It looks like they're still available from Delirium encounters. Also this still may change but so far notables still stack.


Originally posted by ShadowSpade

So the Sl was for slams?



Originally posted by GrimTheReaper

Bex does this mean that for sure June 19 is not delayed? Thanks :)

I would be very surprised if it was delayed.


Originally posted by RedditMattstir


Hehe, glad you noticed!


Originally posted by Conspark

Biggest concern on league mechanic is these "growth cycles". Do I do something to trigger them or am I waiting? How long am I waiting?

When you click the seed cache it counts as one grow cycle. Also, your plants don't wither. Once they're ready to Harvest you can leave them as long as you like.


Originally posted by SlowMissiles

When last time there was a "Crafting" as a reward system.
Synthesis... how that league went???

When will drop matters?

The crafting is pretty different this time around. It's not as obscured and should be easier to use. Check out some of the crafting outcomes on the announcement page.


Originally posted by AccomplishedPea1

When will the challenge rewards be released?

The week before launch.


Originally posted by AarBearRAWR

Will groves be a "one and done" thing like delirium mirrors, or more of a "build as you go, then tackle a big grove" thing like atziri's temple?

It's build as you go - constantly evolving.


Originally posted by DevotionToU

Seems insanely complicated at first glance

It's designed in a way that should be really accessible and leaves lots of room for error. Unlike say Synthesis where you could brick your layout, you can't really do that in your garden. You can move things around and the pipes extend pretty far. In short, it's very forgiving. Just relax and plant and slay and craft!


Originally posted by andols2k

what else is considered a slam?! :D

I'll get you a full list hopefully later this week but for example - Earthquake, Ground Slam, Tectonic Slam. I think Sunder too but I'm not 100% on that.

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Originally posted by _positronic

So we get to go to a new area to plant those seeds and fight monsters? Hope I got it right, after deliruium, legion, etc. I wanna fight & craft in peace without map monsters all around. Wonder how will map mods affect this. Great stuff as always GGG, I'm really hyped.

That's right - you have to plant them in the garden. There will only be monsters around you if you decide so.