Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

28 May

Alongside the development of our next expansion, the team has recently been working on a small patch with a number of fixes to the ongoing Delirium League. We're planning to deploy the 3.10.2b update by the end of this working day or early next week. In the meantime, check out its patch notes below:

  • You can now filter for items without being required to use special alphanumeric characters, such as "Maelstrom Staff" rather than "Maelström Staff".
  • Updated the description text for the Surveyor's Study and Office of Cartography Incursion Temple rooms to accurately reflect that they do not cause Architects to drop Map-related Currency.
  • Fixed a rare bug where Sirus' rotating beam skill could be invisible.
  • Fixed a rare bug where Visceris in the Overgrown Ruin map could become immune to damage.
  • Fixed a bug where the Arcane Barrage microtransaction created effects that would linger indefinitely, and...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

" Mojar wrote: Enabling the Vulkan Renderer causes my cursor to be invisible. Switching back to DX11 immediately restores cursor.

Occurs on fullscreen and windowed fullscreen. Game restart does not bring the cursor back.

RTX 2070. No flux or anything else running.

Hello there,

Thank you for trying the Vulkan beta and making a bug report.

Before we can properly diagnose your issue, can you please provide us with some additional information.

DX Diag: This can be obtained by pressing Windows Key + R an... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alongside the development of our next expansion, the team has recently been working on a small patch with a number of fixes to the ongoing Delirium League. We're planning to deploy the 3.10.2b update by the end of this working day or early next week. In the meantime, check out its patch notes below:

  • You can now filter for items without being required to use special alphanumeric characters, such as "Maelstrom Staff" rather than "Maelström Staff".

  • Updated the description text for the Surveyor's Study and Office of Cartography Incursion Temple rooms to accurately reflect that they do not cause Architects to drop Map-related Currency.

  • Fixed a rare bug where Sirus' rotating beam skill could be invisible.

  • Fixed a rare bug where Visceris in the Overgrown Ruin map could ...
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Originally posted by Blees-o-tron

I see other people are also having the black screen when alt-tabbing. Not a big deal, since you don't really need the game to continue doing things, but it is a whole 1-2 seconds of my life I'll never get back, so woohoo.

I decided to run a Simulacrum to see how it changed. Ran Wave 1 before I realized that I needed to change the setting at the login screen, so Wave 1 was a nice baseline of DX11. It was choppy, frame rate was all over the place, felt like it had all league.

Relogged, switched to Vulken, lost a portal, oh noooooo, got back to the Simulacrum. The frame rate is still not constant, bouncing around between 60 and 30. However, throughout the entire Simulacrum, I only had one moment where it felt like the game lagged, and it was just for a moment. 19 waves of, yes, admittedly inconsistent framerate, but the game didn't stutter. It was never an unplayable dumpster fire. Can it be improved? Sure. Is it an improvement already? Yes, I think so.

Vsync intentionally locks your frame rate to 15, 30 or 60fps to prevent tearing. if you see it bounce between 30 and 60 then that is just vsync doing what it's meant to do. try disabling it and see if the frame rate stops bouncing around?


" scaryowlface wrote: At the log in screen, I go to options. I click on the renderer box and choose Vulkan. The client freezes for about 5 seconds and then crashes.

When I attempt to enable Vulkan in my hideout, the rendered drop down arrow is grey.

Please let me know if you need any other info.

Thanks for your report, can you please send me an image of your Graphic Settings and could you also send me a DxDiag report?

Information on getting a DxDiag report can be found ... Read more

Originally posted by shoitsma

DirectX11 is grayed out, I cannot change it (even after the update).

You'll need to change it on the log-in screen.

We have just deployed the 3.10.2 Patch, which includes a Beta version of our Vulkan renderer. This alternate renderer provides much more consistent performance than the DirectX 11 one, especially when under high CPU load.

Over the last few years, we have increased the amount of multithreading that the Path of Exile engine uses, which lets us take more advantage of modern CPUs with many threads (logical cores). Because of the dynamic shader system we use, shader uploads occur frequently throughout gameplay and currently may stall the entire game when they occur. In our DirectX11 backend, shader uploads happen on the background threads, but the graphics driver (the AMD/Nvidia/Intel layer) processes them before the GPU can use them. It does so in its own threads that can be starved when the CPU usage is high. In that case, driver processing appears to happen in the main thread, causing stalls. Somewhat ironically, the additional multithreading we have been adding over the years a... Read more

Originally posted by astral23

any update on if it will be today?

It will!

27 May


" scaryowlface wrote: At the log in screen, I go to options. I click on the renderer box and choose Vulkan. The client freezes for about 5 seconds and then crashes.

When I attempt to enable Vulkan in my hideout, the rendered drop down arrow is grey.

Please let me know if you need any other info.

Thanks for your report, can you please send me an image of your Graphic Settings and could you also send me a DxDiag report?

Information on getting a DxDiag report can be found ... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have just deployed the 3.10.2 Patch, which includes a Beta version of our Vulkan renderer. This alternate renderer provides much more consistent performance than the DirectX 11 one, especially when under high CPU load.

Over the last few years, we have increased the amount of multithreading that the Path of Exile engine uses, which lets us take more advantage of modern CPUs with many threads (logical cores). Because of the dynamic shader system we use, shader uploads occur frequently throughout gameplay and currently may stall the entire game when they occur. In our DirectX11 backend, shader uploads happen on the background threads, but the graphics driver (the AMD/Nvidia/Intel layer) processes them before the GPU can use them. It does so in its own threads that can be starved when the CPU usage is high. In that ca... Read more