Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

27 May


Originally posted by StupidFatHobbit


While I have your attention any chance you could answer this question about cluster jewels? I sent the following message to several devs and never got any reply (not really surprised at that either, it's rather technical and I figure probably only 1-2 people at the office know).

Hi, been trying to figure out what determines the order that notables appear on large clusters with 3 notables and 2 jewel sockets, specifically trying to find out which notable gets placed in the furthest spot (the one between the 2 jewel sockets).

Based on testing, I have so far determined that it is:

  • Not alphabetical

  • Not prefix/suffix related

  • Not related to the internal mod ID #

  • Not related to the cluster weighting value

  • Not random (multiple jewels with exact same notables have exact same layout)

  • Not related to the order they appear on the item itself

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It's arbitrary but deterministic. No simple way to know just by looking, sorry.

We're currently in the 11th week of Delirium league and thought that now would be a great time to take a look at some statistics.

We'll start by examining unique item usage. First, let's look at all character levels.

Top 10 Uniques (All levels)
  • Tabula Rasa
  • Survival Instincts
  • Perandus Blazon
  • Atziri's Promise
  • Watcher's Eye
  • Lion's Roar
  • Rumi's Concoction
  • Fevered Mind
  • Voices
  • Goldrim
As you can see, Tabula Rasa is the most-used unique when we look at all character levels. If we compare back to Legion league (which was the last time we publicly showed similar stats[... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Originally posted by Stupend0uSNibba

today? :)

Looks like it might have to be tomorrow.


GGG still hasn't implemented as "HasInfluence None" command

Good idea. I'll make it happen.

Thanks for your awesome filter btw!

26 May


.posttable th { font-weight: bold; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ border: 1px solid #111 !important; padding: 2px !important; background: #000; text-align: center; }We're currently in the 11th week of Delirium league and thought that now would be a great time to take a look at some statistics.

We'll start by examining unique item usage. First, let's look at all character levels.

Top 10 Uniques (All levels)

  • Tabula Rasa

  • Survival Instincts

  • Perandus Blazon

  • Atziri's Promise

  • Watcher's Eye

  • Lion's Roar

  • Rumi's Concoction

  • Fevered Mind

  • Voices

  • Goldrim

As you can see, Tabula Rasa is the most... Read more

Originally posted by Clyp30

It's before 9am in NZ right now.


Originally posted by Restryouis

It would be nice to have a countdown for the announcement.


Originally posted by Lucadriao

We need performance information Bex!

I'm tentatively hopeful that we can share some more information about performance tomorrow but if there are unforeseen issues with it it may have to be pushed back slightly.

25 May

The press tour has begun which means that for the next week we'll be showing our upcoming expansion content to scores of journalists. This also means that our announcement is just around the corner - in fact, you'll be able to check out the announcement details in all their glory at 2pm June 2 (PDT).

While we are on track to announce the expansion as scheduled, it's still too early to provide a firm confirmation of the expansion's launch date. As we mentioned last week, there is a possibility that it may be further delayed. The launch date will be confirmed alongside the announcement.

In terms of the size of the expansion, it's in-line with most of our others like Delve, Incursion, Blight, etc., but smaller than our recent December expansions like Conquerors of the Atlas and Betrayal. You can expect all the hallmarks of a Path of Exile expansion like a new challenge league, improvements to existing content, new unique items, skill gems, support gems, rebalanced gamepl... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

The press tour has begun which means that for the next week we'll be showing our upcoming expansion content to scores of journalists. This also means that our announcement is just around the corner - in fact, you'll be able to check out the announcement details in all their glory at 2pm June 2 (PDT).

While we are on track to announce the expansion as scheduled, it's still too early to provide a firm confirmation of the expansion's launch date. As we mentioned last week, there is a possibility that it may be further delayed. The launch date will be confirmed alongside the announcement.

In t...

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    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

The press tour has begun which means that for the next week we'll be showing our upcoming expansion content to scores of journalists. This also means that our announcement is just around the corner - in fact, you'll be able to check out the announcement details in all their glory at 2pm June 2 (PDT).

While we are on track to announce the expansion as scheduled, it's still too early to provide a firm confirmation of the expansion's launch date. As we ... Read more