Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

18 May

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We know many of you are eagerly waiting for an update about when to expect our next expansion announcement and launch. This news post will let you know the timeline that we're currently working to but also explain the tricky nature of predicting when the expansion will launch.

As many of you are already aware, we have completed 8 of the 13 weeks of this development cycle from home which is a significant amount of lost time in terms of face-to-face and group collaboration. Our team worked hard to quickly adjust to the new work paradigm but there have definitely been some difficulties in working this way that have made development a little slower. Due to this, we have already internally delayed the expansion's launch by one week from its originally-expected launch date.

It is very important to... Read more
Continuing with our developer interviews, we took a moment to talk with Skyler, one of our gameplay programmers who joined the team last year. Check it out below.

Hi Skyler! Thanks for taking part in the interview. Please introduce yourself.
Hi! My name is Skyler and I'm a gameplay programmer at Grinding Gear Games since about October of last year. I was born in Alaska where I grew up, attended college at the University of Utah, and now I'm here in NZ learning how to be a proper kiwi.

Could you tell us a bit about your current role at GGG?
As a gameplay programmer I pretty much do anything and everything programming related that has to do with gameplay: implementing unique items, hooking up new stats, making skills, and more.

When did you find out about Path of Exile?
I started playing Path of Exile about 7 years ago when I was in highschool and 1.0 came out. I had a good friend who told me about it and I had fond memories of ... Read more

17 May


I'm happy to announce that the announcement of the announcement is likely tomorrow or within a few days.


Continuing with our developer interviews, we took a moment to talk with Skyler, one of our gameplay programmers who joined the team last year. Check it out below.

Hi Skyler! Thanks for taking part in the interview. Please introduce yourself.

Hi! My name is Skyler and I'm a gameplay programmer at Grinding Gear Games since about October of last year. I was born in Alaska where I grew up, attended college at the University of Utah, and now I'm here in NZ learning how to be a proper kiwi.

Could you tell us a bit about your current role at GGG?

As a gameplay programmer I pretty much do anything and everything programming related that has to do with gameplay: implementing unique items, hooking up new stats, making skills, and more.

When did you find out about Path of Exile?

I ... Read more

16 May

15 May


Originally posted by Kamantum

Theoretically the 6-link should make them much stronger. I just think the problem at the moment is that not many builds want more than one 6-link setup (bad enough). So I hope for poe2 to close the gap between one- and two-handers.

Perhaps... sooner


Not quite ready to give an indication of the timeline to expect. Hopefully early next week.

We're continuing to share screenshots of Path of Exile bosses from Act One. Have a look at them below. If you're interested in seeing more screenshots, check them out here[] and here[].

... Read more