
Planetside Dev Tracker

02 Mar


We’ve been going through the PTS feedback over the weekend and overall, things are looking fairly solid. However, in addition to a handful of general tuning/polish improvements we would like to get in before it goes live, there is a physics-related client-crash that seems to be fairly prevalent. We’ve seen this crash happen on live, but it appears to be happening at a higher frequency on PTS.

The team is preparing another PTS build that should be ready to publish later tonight or early tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. It should contain a handful of bug fixes and polish, along with a potential fix for the client crash I mentioned. We will also be sending out an invite for a North American playtest tomorrow (Tuesday) and depending on the results an EU region playtest Wednesday morning to ensure the build is looking solid at scale. To further encourage participation in these tests, and by popular request, players that join during the times outlined in the upcoming invites will rec...

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Daybreak TechOps team reported that there was a switch failure in the EU data center which caused population drops in all Daybreak games (PS2, H1, EQ, DCUO, etc). It should have been corrected shortly after.

01 Mar

29 Feb


Originally posted by GomorraDaAsporto

Couldn't have hoped for a better answer. Thank you very much :)

Of course!


Originally posted by GomorraDaAsporto

I urge you not to invest too much in marketing campaigns. You have the dedicated community and a good product; just give people the tools to run a grass-roots campaign and reward them for doing so. The amount of encouraging and supportive comments that pop up every time PS2 is mentioned is staggering. Build upon that.

Even just promoting this subreddit or offering rewards for people shining a spotlight on the game on a larger scale could help a lot at next to no extra cost. Something like a public contest with an in-game prize pool could really boost the profile of the game. A community contributor model similar to Warframe could also work quite well.

Don't get me wrong, some paid advertisement is worth it, i just don't want to see another AAA trailer eating away at the budget.

Edit: as a personal anecdote, i did not know this subreddit existed until i searched for it a few months ago, and i would like to see that changed for future players.

100% agree with this. All our creative is produced in-house; every cinematic trailer and video uses real gameplay captured on live servers that accurately represents our game (no expensive CG or editorial fakery).

Of course, we’re still going to invest in marketing around big updates (like Escalation’s upcoming launch) and major events, but the beating heart of all our campaigns is the community support. Even if we did have some massive AAA marketing budget (we don’t), promoting community content like VODs, guides, threads, live-streams, and all the other good stuff you guys make is always ALWAYS the best, most effective, most authentic way for us to continue attracting players new and old back into the game.

You’ll def see some similar tactics to those you’re suggesting when Escalation launches, but please do keep suggesting ideas!


We’d like to, yea. There’s some development overhead and Twitch buy-in required, but I think you’ll see Twitch drops integration for PS2 at some point in the not so distant future.


Originally posted by beregon

Piggybacking a question here although it's off topic : is there any chance to get ps2 working on Linux? I would love to play, but last time I tried there was some form of anti cheating tool bundled in the game that raised all kinds of hell when I tried to run it with Wine.

I’ll have to check - I imagine it’s a pretty significant physical hurdle. But it’s a good question.


Originally posted by TandBinc

We do on r/Connery as well. I just copy-pasted our post from the thread over there for here.

Appreciate that. Just trying to make it more visible for more people who aren’t as familiar. The more you know...etc :)


Hey everyone,

So I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can help guide new players to the right Outfit, especially those who are less socially comfortable getting out there and trying to find the right community on their own.

Over the next week (and beyond) I’d love to feature more Outfits that are actively recruiting new members, and open to helping out new players get into what is an...amazing...unique...but super challenging game experience. By “feature” I mean promote on our social channels, steam page, website, and even in-game launchpad.

What I’m asking from you is, if you’re part of an Outfit that’s actively recruiting and looking to get involved, please share it on this thread. Outfit name, empire, server/region, size or specialty etc. any details you feel are relevant for someone just getting into the game, or a solo player who’s always been a bit shy of getting more involved. Logo and motto encouraged :)

Or, if you have any favored communit...

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Originally posted by ReedRoy

Not to nit pick and thankyou all for the work on this, but by any chance on reversing the decision to give a warning to enemies that an OS is landing? Originally it only gave the warning to allies. Now? if theirs an enemy vehicle ball, both the audio voicelines and minimap indicator just lets them drive away too easily without a scratch

The timing is a good question. I’m not necessarily against the warning in general - it’s not my decision , but I like it being broadcasted - but I agree it shouldn’t be easy enough to just bail and avoid.


Originally posted by Moridin669

any thoughts on another round of player submissions?

YES. Would love to do another loading screen submissions - need to brainstorm some new ideas so we can come at it from a fresh angle


Originally posted by MaTaNzA86

Hey, this is nothing to do with the artwork. More to do with my friends list since DX11 update last year. My whole friend list disappeared and now I can’t add people back because I’m already in their friends list still!

I’ve contacted support and they said nothing can be done. I really find that hard to believe. Would you be able to look into this please?

Hmm, normally this would be a customer service question. Did they help identify the issue? Are you playing on Steam or through the Launcher? I’ll flag it with our QA team and see if it’s related to a bug we’re tracking.


Originally posted by Heini_2012

There was a Reddit thread that suggested this and it looks like they liked the idea.

We had planned to do this on Live (and will), but it was thanks to a Reddit thread and some quick ingenuity by our UI guys that we were able to get this on Test :)


Originally posted by ItsJustDelta

The problem is landing the hit. During one test VS carpet bombed the carrier I was defending with six orbitals, and only one connected.

^This too. We want to be careful with Test values because the lower acquisition cost for OS makes them spammable in a way that you obviously can't do on live (or, is really really hard to do). But OS on live is pretty spectacular and should feel robust when it lands full-on.


Originally posted by MuffinkingPM

probably so the bastions have enough room around scarred mesa and the like.

^this. Clearance, and space for flyers to turn/maneuver/ascend etc.


Not to gush, but this is absolutely 100% on you guys - I can't even begin to tell you how many players have contacted me asking how they can help, getting their friends in the game, re-engaging their old Outfit mates, sharing all the news we share on reddit twitter steam etc. It's been an amazing month and we'll do everything we can to keep the momentum and good times rolling.

If there's anything else we can be doing to keep communication on peak please just let us know - tag me, or Andy, or another one of the Devs. Just today we made sure there was a live article with an up-to-the-minute launch status report linking both on the launcher and on our Steam community portal, which were player-requested since not everybody follows our twitter or checks the forums. If there's anywhere else we can speaking up and sharing news, let us know.

28 Feb