I can't login at all as of now. When clicking the "Login" button on the char select screen, the circle will load indefinitely and never let me in game
EDIT : Either Cobalt or Miller characters if that helps.
I can't login at all as of now. When clicking the "Login" button on the char select screen, the circle will load indefinitely and never let me in game
EDIT : Either Cobalt or Miller characters if that helps.
Thanks - see the comment I just posted. We're seeing this across the board pop up intermittently, but *mostly* on EU servers (which could be because of pop or time of day). Please let us know what server you're playing on and time it occurred.
Is there a known issue with the logginservers, because i just can't login, stuck in the char screen for 5 minutes.
see my comment above - there isn't one single known issue, but we are seeing intermittent login issues across all servers. If it's still occuring for you, please reply to my comment above with the server you're playing on and time it occurred (multiple times, if multiple occurances). The more info we have, the easier and faster we can dig down to the root cause.
SECOND EDIT: We believe we've identified the login issue, and it's *NOT* actually server-specific; it's just affecting a lot more EU players right now with EU pops so high. We're in the process of cleaning out our server logs, but we can only clean so many sessions at a time, so this will likely continue throughout the day (and players will see a steady improvement as more people log in/out) rather than get done in one big swoop.
Thanks for this thread u/Strategyofthemind. We're tracking a LOT of different bug threads right now, but just to keep everyone in the know, most of the main issues identified here are being tracked with our first (technically, second) hotfix that we're looking to get out as soon as possible (before the weekend). It also includes several high-priority...
Read morePlease keep the bug feedback coming - we are actively monitoring and triaging to hotfix ASAP.
We'll be re-adding the cert/ISO rewards from meltdown alerts in an upcoming hotfix, and it was a misstep to remove them during this update. Current plan is to eventually move these two rewards off of alerts (though the big experience chunk might come back,) but there are some things that need to happen before we do that.
We want currencies to primarily be gained through intentional actions, and feel more rewarding when you do get them. Certification gain is an example of a currency that has traditionally been problematic for a progression system that mostly revolves around it. We have a lot of random sources of bonus experience, exploitative behaviors, wildly varying skill levels, and playstyles that greatly influence how much or how little players earn over time. These ch...
Read more External link →Top rated MMO on Steam right now. Free OR paid. Just sayin’.
Colossal idea
Rhodesian idea? Too highbrow?
I just straight up laughed out loud when I saw this. That’s hilarious.