PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

19 Jan


Originally posted by ASJ_sapphics

Regarding Kiki, what kinds of features can we expect to see pulled in from 2020's experimental maps? Should we expect to see it receiving regular updates after launch, like Taego? What aspect of the map are you most proud of? Any ETA on more information being released?

Unrelatedly, do you know if there have been any kills with drone packages in public matches yet, if you have the statistics to hand? Seems like one of the hardest ways to kill someone; I'm curious if it's been pulled off at all yet.


YO! Thanks for asking.

So ofc, I can't share too much as it's still in development. But we've got some new traversal stuff we are exploring, a new biome we haven't really featured in PUBG, more verticality than we've seen in previous maps. And yes, for sure, like all maps, we will keep tinkering based on our observations of how it does in the wild. I think I'm most proud of the gameplay variety it's providing in playtest, I think it's got something for everyone.

Offhand, I don't have the numbers of package kills, but I've been living for the "drone drops gas can" combos seen on Reddit and Twitter. We love seeing players experiment with the tools. We've got some pretty crazy tactical gear in the pipe, which should offer deeper, weirder combos to explore. Thanks for the question, and send me a clip of you getting a package kill =)


Originally posted by KawaiiLM

will there be a cross play between pc and consoles? (PC)

I sorted by controversial for this one! No plans for PC/Console. Of course we love bringing players together, but we want to maintain the fairness and integrity of both ecosystems.


Originally posted by iAmCDome

Hey Dave & Team! πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Some of the most asked questions I found:

Will we be seeing a movement feature or update, particularly rolling or sliding?

Graphics engine update coming?

Map selection for regions with high player counts?

PUBG Streamer Store (for streamer skins)

More iterations of a β€œbring-back” mechanic, such as defibrillators on all maps? Super People implemented this very well.

Permanent bot mode and zero bots in normal games?

And lastly, my personal question: What are the plans for Player progression, weapon progression, etc. With many new players joining, I fear they have nothing to "grind" for except for mastery level 500 and the same 20 charms...Would love to hear more on this and especially, an overhaul to the current contraband loot crate system. The shear cost and mass duplicates of "low-level" skins that players can get is very discouraging and doesn't promote more play.
I think a GREAT change to...

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u/Linnception hit everything, but I just wanted to add, re: movement, a bit of context.

Some games are reaction (twitch) based, and others are a bit more strategic. This isn't a value judgement, I enjoy both kinds!

But part of PUBG's approach is (observe, strategize, execute). Our gameplay pace is a little more deliberate/thoughtful. So while I enjoy good slides/dives/rolls in other games (shoutout to Black Ops dolphin dive), I don't think that movement would be a good fit for what we are providing!

And re: player progression - I totally agree. I like playing PUBG because it's fun, but I also enjoy having a series of smaller challenges I can work at. We're gonna have more for you at a later date, but just know that I share your sentiment.


Originally posted by 1PeePeeTouch

You are just agreeing with what the question asker pointed out. Could you please give us some information about whether or not you are planning on making any changes to map queues based on region or if you as a dev team have no plans at all to change map queues.

Sorry about that - yeah, with F2P, it's time to gather the data, and try to make the best decision possible for matchmaking. Random can be frustrating. Waiting to que can be frustrating. So with each region, we look at the data, and go with the best decision for the population. Thanks for the question.


Originally posted by Bubbles_012

Hi Dave and Linn, I just want to pick your brain a little and ask why you think PuBG is so much more popular in Asia at the moment. And what are some things you could implement to win back some of the players in NA\western regions in the future.

So the goal has always been, provide the most fun to our fans. I think that's the only way to design. You can't bribe players, you can't chase trends, and your game can't be all games to all people. The reality, is if you prefer a more casual experience, for example, there are games that better serve that desire on the market.

So rather than thinking about specific metrics (can we win back X players), we think in more concrete design challenges. "We will have an influx of new players with F2P, how can we best serve them?".

And that leads us to our new first time user experience. The tutorial, 1v99 match, and improvements to the training grounds are all in service of welcoming new players.

We've added Action Queuing as a QOL update, I think it makes the game feel more responsive.

Tactical Gear, of course, is also designed for players that want to contribute to their squad, but may not be awesome shots (yet!).

Moving forward, we're working on...

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Originally posted by Player_1038727

Hey! I'm a big PUBG fan, playing for 3 years already. Glad to see Creative Director & Senior Producer open for a discussion.

As we all know PUBG online is decreasing, the game is fading and I'm sad about it. The developers have taken a course towards monetization by increasing the number of skins in the store (and I can understand it), but this does not attract new players and does not make old ones to play more.

As a gamer, I lack motivation to have the same gameplay every day. Land, loot, survive. Every day is routine.

But there are at least two reasons that could make me spend dozens of hours weekly. Both are already implemented in the game! Why are they gone now?

#1 is Skins. Skins for playing, not for paying. In the past, there was a great opportunity of getting rare skins by completing hard, time-consuming challenges. It motivated gamers to play more and more. Moreover, it could be a partly-paid skin set. Let's say, a player ca...

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Great comment dude - like I said, I'm not the money guy, I'm the game guy. But I'll share this with the proper team for their consideration. Thanks for being dedicated, and I hope you've enjoyed feasting on the influx of new players! ;)


Originally posted by toilet_scholar

Casual mode is a great way to bring new players into the game. It's allowed me to bring people into the game that have either been away for a long time or are new. Have you considered removing the red zone from casual? It's really frustrating for new players to die to a red zone, particularly when they are limited to three casual matches per day. And as a follow up, have you considered allowing more than three casual matches per day? (PC)

Man should we just take away the red zone all together?


Originally posted by Zopper

Any chance to implement a requesting feature for missing attachments/scopes similar to Apex Legends (i.e. ping an empty attachment spot to "say" you still need it). This would help comms in randoms. Thanks for the continuous updates. (PC)

I think that's a great suggestion. I think in-world ping does a nice job to help communication between players speaking different languages (EMEA rise up), but we still have room to improve on granular asks. Thank you!


Originally posted by Contibeatz

(XBOX - xAUXx Monster) Any plans to introduce something else as a reward for a chicken dinner besides just BP?? Maybe something along the lines of a crate for winning a chicken dinner whether it be a already existing BP crate or new one?? Thank you!

No concrete plans I can share atm, but with the move to F2P I feel like lots of options are on the table.


Originally posted by Towelie8-7

Hey Dave. Many polls here in the forum indicate that Sanhok is one of the most unpopular maps. What does your internal data show? Is there a possibility that the map rotation for season 16 will take place without Sanhok?


YO! Towelie, thank you for reaching out. So I'll give you two bits.

One, as you might imagine, every day I get like a "EVERYBODY THINKS" qualifier to a suggestion. And man, occasionally we really do stumble into something that the community is aligned on. But with the global audience, TPP/FPP players, and PC/Console players, it's harder than you think to find true consensus.

Two, we've got some stuff in the oven re: Sanhok. I've gotta be vague, but we will have more info at a later date - stay tuned!


Originally posted by Truthful27

Sanhok is my favorite map

They hated Truthful27 because He told them the truth.


Originally posted by GabenMaker1337

is map selection coming back? Dave Curd? (PC)

This is something we are always looking at - now that we've got a nice player bump from going F2P, we are gathering data to make an informed decision. Thanks for the question!


Originally posted by ChocotacoMad

what is the plan for improving anti-cheat software ?
Most of the top 500 Ranked leaderboard stats are unrealistic(eg: 12KD, 18KD, 30kD). Are you guys seriously looking into it ?
Platform: PC

Thanks for the question- I think the most specific answer is here, where we get SUPER GRANULAR on all the stuff the team has been up to- please check it out!

I hope that answers everything, but I wanted address the general sentiment, which is "cheating sucks, please fix".

The reality is, there are two kinds of online, competitive experiences. Games tha...

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Originally posted by Siannath

Have you ever considered hiring some streamers like /u/wackyjacky101 for advice?

People like him can give you a lot of good insight about the game, because they play it a lot and also they tend to have very good opinions and suggestions.


At PUBG (and I'm sure, at every game studio) we are super grateful to the community - they promote, educate, and advocate for our game. And a big part of PUBG's meteoric rise was due to the emergence of streaming as premium entertainment. And I can promise you, we've always got streams up at the office, especially when new content drops, because we love hearing how they are received in real time!

With that said, 3 things to consider:

The first thing - Part of their appeal, in my opinion, is they are 100 percent independent content creators. Each streamer a small media empire unto themselves. They praise the game when they dig it, they critique it when they don't, and their communities trust and value their opinions as free thinkers. So I don't think we would want to blur those lines.

The second thing, well damn, now I think I have 3 things. But the second thing, is they represent a super small part of the community. Their perspectives, formed from thousands...

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Originally posted by keetyuk

Maps! They are a hot topic and map rotations evoke much emotion. Is there any chance you can be more transparent on map statistics and break down by region which maps are the most played and which maps are most often quit before starting the game.

In addition as different regions have different queues etc, is it not possible to have map availability differ by region as tastes can vary due to various reasons. And regional tastes.

Platform - PC

You are totally right about different regions digging different maps- I remember back in the day NA HATED Miramar, but in China is was super popular. What we've found is different maps will kind of churn up and down depending on the meta and season, but as a universal rule, our 8x8 maps tend to shine brightest. I consider maps like Taego, Erangel, and Miramar the Main Course, and our smaller maps like Haven/Karakin the appetizers. Sometimes you want an epic chicken dinner, and sometimes you just want some tendies.


Originally posted by eogoifrostyo

Will we ever see a more consumer-friendly approach with the battle passes? Paid passes that will never expire and we can earn the rewards at our own pace? (PC)

I think a part of what makes passes sticky is the challenge: It's exciting to do the work and max out the pass! However, I realize not everyone has the time to grind these things out. I for sure see the value in offering something to our players who want to accomplish missions, but don't have dedicated chunks of playtime. I think a super hardcore, but no time limit Pass is a very intriguing idea.

Excellent suggestion Eogoifrostyo.


Originally posted by Siannath

We have LOTS of skins. I like skins. I paid for season passes and I purchased skins. But is a bit draining having to change every item piece by piece when you want to change your survivor looks.

That's why we requested, since long time ago, the ability to have custom presets for our survivor.

However, the way that you decided to bring custom presets for us is a bit stingy. Sorry is this word is a bad word. I am not a native English speaker, so I can lost some nuancies.

I feel like it is a bit stingy because the custom presets can only be unlocked temporarily.

I think players would feel more respected if you give everyone the hability to have the 5 custom presets unlocked forever.

Think about it: players are already paying for skins, so you also have to pay for the convenience of having 5 custom presets?

For example, Rocket League is another title converted to F2P. In this title every player have 50 presets to customize your car with l...

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I'll preface this by saying, and some of you have guessed this by my twitter, I am not a money guy. I can't pretend to give you a nuanced explanation on how we set our prices. Of course, we try to get it right every time, but occasionally we launch something that doesn't land with the community.

To add complexity, different regions react differently to content. For example, North America is digging Tactical Gear more than Europe. So if you ever see something in the shop and think "this is crazy pants", more often than not, it's connecting with other regions.

With all that preamble out of the way, I still think it's a great suggestion for Plus players, so I'll be running it up the chain! Your English is awesome, thanks for the question!


Originally posted by Siannath

I miss the survival tab on the post-match screen. Are you able to bring it back? (PC)

I miss it too- unfortunately it was really underutilized by the community as a whole. It's one of those "I didn't know it was a thing", or "it was everything to me" features, and I'm sorry having it go on vacation has been a negative experience for you. The good news, is the team is hard at work figuring out a bigger/faster/stronger/more useable version to be released in the future!


Originally posted by Siannath

Are you planning on releasing more "serious" or "military-like" skins in the future? (PC)

100 percent- we love providing a wide spectrum of choices for you guys, so you can express yourself/feel fresh in the Battlegrounds. We pushed more tacti-cool/mil-sim options in the Karakin (Shakedown) and Haven (Breakthrough) Passes. I think you will be pleased at the skins for our next effort, I think it's shaping up to be a cool mix of serious/fun.

Originally posted by Kotobuki_Tsumugi

Hi Steve I'm having this same issue. Drivers updated, highlights off,and restarted computer. Create your character has a loading symbol and can't click anything

edit: switching to my phone hotspot fixed the problem for some reason

Hmm, that might be an isp related routing issue. I'm assuming your mobile phone is on a different network than your ISP's.

Try troubleshooting the connectivity issues by following the steps from this guide: