PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

09 Dec

Hey sir, if possible, navigate to your crashes folder and compress the recent crash folders and send the file to me in a private message via our discord server

Typing this into your search bar should bring you to the folder in question: %localappdata%\tslgame\saved\Crashes


Hey thanks Swag, this is definitely NOT intended.

In terms of a fix date, nothing's confirmed as of yet, but the Dev team are hoping to push the fix with next week's patch.

03 Dec

Hey sir, thanks for reporting. These issues are already being looked into. We'll post an update as soon as they are resolved.

Hey sir, this is not indended and is being looked into!

Hey OP, this is not intended, and a known bug that is being looked into!

02 Dec

Hey sir, thanks for the clip. I've forwarded it to the team to take a look at!

Originally posted by HaveARandomUsername

Not sure if it's related to the patch, but I just jumped into a game and the jetski was unusable. My player model scaled up like 1000% and all my view was obscured (though strangely the jetski itself looked normal). I rode the bike (which is awesome) just before so I wonder if its related.

Edit - Image for reference:

Hey sir, thanks for reporting. I'll have this shared with the team. If you experience this again, and / or learn more about repro steps, do let me know!

Originally posted by Galdive

So the Glider kicks you out of it when it reaches 0 hp now, does anyone know if that's intended behaviour ?

Hey Galdive, this is not intended and has been reported.

Originally posted by thepekingduckoftruth

Yeah this has happened to my squad a few times. A vehicle pulled up right beind us a few days ago without cutting the engine (we checked the replay) but we never heard a thing. We weren't in a gunfight or anything at the time so it wasn't like we were distracted. It was very irritating.

Hey guys, please share a clip of this in case you encounter it again so we can forward it to the team to investigate!

Originally posted by Hogging_Moment

I think you might have misunderstood his ump comment. Check the tweet from LosHD - it appears the ump now has little to no recoil. He can full spray with a 6x with insane accuracy.

Hey sir. This has been very possible to achieve with little effort prior to this update as well. The UMP is a low recoil, entry level SMG so to speak. Regardless, we have shared the concenrs internally and received confirmation that the recoil has not been decreased with this update.

01 Dec

Beautiful work OP! This is so cool!

Hey Krysis, this is not intended and being looked into.

Originally posted by yessuz

So... Leaning is faster and ump no recoil? Nice

Hey yessuz, the team is investigating the reported leaning issue. UMP's recoil was increased as well as damage reduced at greater distances. The UMP is one of the easier to control, entry level SMGs that is very stable at close to medium range. The changes made aim to decrease UMPs usability at long distance engagements. Close to medium combat should remain the same.

30 Nov

Those are some crazy flicks! Awesome work

Originally posted by Smarterchild1337

In its current form, it’s like a fully++ kitted vector with m416 range and damage

Yeah, it's pretty OP. Hopefully the upcoming changes to recoil will address that and the small ammo nerf will make the weapon less usable at longer distances and make players use it more in the close-medium range combat.

24 Nov

Originally posted by A_pocalyps_E

Bullet proof fences getting fixed? I was a assured by a dev member it would be fixed in 15.1 but saw nothing about it in the patch notes.

Yes, this fix should be live on the test server. It will be added to the patch notes shortly!


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15.1 Highlights

Starting from this update, our Patch Reports will now be released with the Live server update instead of the Test server update. When shooting our amazing Patch Report videos a stable game build is required - however, the build we need becomes complete around the time...

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23 Nov

Originally posted by daiei27

u/SteveTheHappyWhale, wondering if you know of any plans to address these issues. Guessing you don't know or can't say there's a tool hackers are using to exacerbate this, but throwing that question out there as well in case you do have info you can share.

Hey daiei27, we are aware of the frustration some experience with false bans and are forwarding any and all sentiment related to this, to our AC team. I do not have any more info to share than that as of yet.

Originally posted by snowflakepatrol99

So when is TDM getting fixed? How long do we have to have smg and shotgun abusers? Why can't everyone have lvl 2 gear which would be far more useful for warming up and improvement - the thing that the mode was designed for.

DMR still haven't been fixed after the nerf and only come with 30 extra bullets which is way too little and the main reason why the sniper maps are being infested with ARs. There's like 10 AR maps and only 2-3 sniper maps. Is it really that much to ask? It's changes that take less than 10 minutes to make that would greatly improve TDM and help players from every skill level to have better practice.

This has been talked about by multiple people almost every single feedback friday. So many pro players called out the changes immediately when they happened and what do you guys do? Nothing... But the moment someone talks about the most useless and pointless item ever added to the game you guys are taking notes? Cool.

Hey, I appreciate the feedback and will forward it. As I mentioned above, not all feedback will be acted on at all times, or can take time to result in changes. For a change to happen, feedback must be widely requested accross players from all around the world as any change that is made affects the players all around the world.

The reason why AR's come with lvl 1 armor is to provide balance against close range weapons that are not as useful in medium / longer range combat. Therefore, close range weapons come with lvl 2 armor.

Ammo for DMR's was reduced in order to reduce instances of players camping one spot for too long and make them move around and loot for more ammo.

We appreciate all constructive feedback and will continue to make changes where necessary.

19 Nov

Originally posted by suttonjoes

My pleasure, just out of interest does this actually ever get seen by pubg devs?

Yes, feedback from all regions is being collated and presented every week. Here are some notes on the reasons why, in my opinion, sometimes some of the feedback is not acted upon or not acted upon immediately:

  • Feedback is not always unanimous, or commonly shared in majority of regions or common among majority of players within a region. Battlegrounds is a global game, with players from all around the world and the sheer amount of ways that one can play it, is huge. This often leads to conflicting feedback, not only between different regions but also within regions themselves. Pleasing as many players as possible is a very difficult task and one we are dedicated to.

  • Development schedules. Having developers work on different parts of the game in multiple countries all around the world makes it sometimes hard to shift focus from things currently being worked on while having to maintain schedule. Shifting to new plans also takes time and planning. I am...

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