PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

PUBG_BATTLEGROUNDS: Match 3 - PUBG Global Series 3 - Group Stage - Day 1 - A/B — streaming for about 3 hours

15 Jul


Originally posted by yaboi_JT

Any plans to make the bridges at Quarry breakable? Via a lot of bullets or throwables? [PC]

Whoa, this is a cool idea.


Originally posted by Froddoyo

Will the loot truck on sanhok be replacing the crate drops? I see crates still drop on test server but do you have any plans on cutting the plane crate drops specifically for that map?

Platform: PC

There is no plan to cut the crate drops currently. Loot Truck and crate drops were designed to exist together.

That said we're always monitoring feedback and looking for improvements that can be made to content.


Originally posted by Siannath

Hello, PUBG people. Would you consider bringing back the night setting to several maps in the future?

My platform is PC. Thank you.

100 percent- we love the nighttime too! The main thing, is when (if?) we bring it back, it needs to look and perform well, and offer interesting gameplay implications. If we ever find that balance- we would love to revisit night settings. Thanks for the question!


Originally posted by PUBG_Sword_Saint

Hey guy. I know you've kept competitive play in mind when working on these updates to Sahnok. Would you mind briefly covering some of the changes that were directed at improving the experience for Ranked and Esports?

I went into this a bit lower in the thread, but the main thing was Ranked and Esports players have been on the struggle bus re: traversal and wonky final circles. Shear, 90 degree cliff faces, brutal river crossings, big NW mountain being so unbalanced, these features make it hard to play a fair, competitive game. We want tactics to matter, high ground should be advantageous, but not overwhelmingly so.

So the big focus was re-balancing those engagements to feel a little more fair, and then adjusting areas of the map that weren't seeing enough love (REST IN POWER, COCONUT FARM!).


Originally posted by PUBG_curdstuff

It was a beautiful dream...

Could have been so much ice cream.


Originally posted by itzprone

Gaming in general can sometimes be extremely toxic, and even rewarding at times. How do you guys balance the good with the bad? What motivates you to keep moving?

P.s - I've been playing the remaster, and love it. Keep up the awesome communication and work! <3

I'll be honest, there's no pleasing everyone, but I always try to hear them out. I look at negative comments and try to find valuable information out of them. Doing so requires practice and I've had to develop a thicker skin throughout my career.

I love me some positive comments. If you're one of those people who leaves simple, positive comments when you don't have to - Absolute rock stars.

People who leave constructive, well thought out comments - also rock stars. I read through all of those. I find the best constructive comments tend to be the ones that talk about the experience rather than how to fix the experience.

Glad you're having a great time with the remaster. Definitely going to be catching some streams later to see how the map is playing.


Originally posted by tumbling-walls

Is loot truck sanhok Only? Console Xbox.

Let's see how it goes- if people love it, I think anything is possible!


Originally posted by blinkgecko182

Was the radio style backpack which ‘Alex the PUBG DEV’ tweeted an image of on twitter simply a great looking backpack or does it have any new or improved traits to the PUBG experience?

Thank you. (PC)

It's gonna be a cruel Summer...


Originally posted by blinkgecko182

As seen in this upcoming season there are skin set’s dedicated to specific individuals (Mad Malhotra’s, Lunchmeat, Lawan, Julie Skels, & Duncan Salde) will these characters be included with the PUBG lore/storyline?

Thank you. (PC)

Play them map, earn the skins- but as they say... 'WAIT, THERE'S MORE"...


Originally posted by IcyHolix

pc player here, what are your opinions regarding having the new sanhok in esports? how much consideration for esports went into designing the new sanhok?

I'm really excited to see it- we've really considered their feedback (overpowered big mountain/tough rivers), so I'm absolutely pumped to see it get there one day.


Originally posted by The_Hieb

Hi Dave, How many ideas for content come from places like Reddit and other forums? I think the hardest part would be coming up with new ideas that are original and haven't been done before on other BR's. Thanks, and I hope PUBG keeps its realistic feel.

Console, Xbox.

"Fans First" is one of our 4 pillars- so yes, we're interested in what our fans want to see, and of course, we're all following our own creative muses.

I think it's okay that we're seeing cross pollination between BR games- it's a wide genre now. If creators weren't remixing/improving each others ideas, we'd still be stuck on vanilla team deathmatch!


Originally posted by SilentBtAmazing

Xbox player here.

My kids are interested in game design, do you have any advice for high schoolers interested in the field?


Make bad games, and if it's fun, keep going until they are good games.


Originally posted by maximilianul

Hello there. What are the processes, steps, for creating a brand new map ?

It's very simple: first we ask "what do we want to achieve/what's the desired gameplay?" And then, we draw the rest of the owl.


Originally posted by Kortieen

Good morning PUBG devs,

Seeing the introduction of gliders to Sanhok, can you say there is any future plans to bring the vehicle to Vikendi? I feel Vikendi’s map size and open spaces are well-suited for the addition. Thanks for your time!

My platform is PC.

I think if the glider doesn't totally break Sanhok, it stands a chance of getting into Vikendi. I think it feels fun, but let's see what yall think! (that's the beauty of a live game: things can go in, things can come out)


Originally posted by ESM1309

Hello guys! What was the main task your team has when you started working on remaster Sanhok?


My task was to identify the opportunities to change/improve the map, design some town layouts, and work with our other talented developers to establish the features/lore for the season. I'm also lucky enough to work with amazing designers and artists- so lots of meetings/feedback with them, and lots of late night meetings with the mothership in Seoul! =)


Originally posted by PUBG_ElKrem

Oh man, I forgot about that. That was probably a good cut. F for Ice Cream Loot Truck.

Clearly my childhood is leaking into my designs.


Originally posted by ohrules

Is there some code shared between the train and the truck, especially when it comes to their pathing? Is the truck on sort of an invisible track? :D

I'm a PC pubg player

I don't want to get too in depth into exactly how the truck works as I believe players should explore and experience the new content.

What I will say is that the Trucks have routes that they can take, but in the interest of keeping gameplay dynamic and "no two games the same", the Trucks can make decisions about paths they'll take along their routes.


Originally posted by SilentBtAmazing

Xbox player here.

My kids are interested in game design, do you have any advice for high schoolers interested in the field?


As a Designer, I get this question a lot from both high school and college age people.

My honest advice is to continue to develop your passion for games. Play video games, play board games, play weird stuff you make up on the spot with your friends. Analyze it, find the fun, try some different house rules and see if you can make an experience that many people can enjoy.

Grab opportunities where they present themselves in terms of education for yourself. I took programming, math, and art classes in Highschool which helped to develop the fundamentals that I use today.

I also dabbled a lot in level editors building my own MP maps in Unreal when I was in college. I think with something like modding or building your own content it can feel a bit overwhelming in the beginning.

My advice is to start small in scope. Don't try to build an entire game straight out of the gates. Start with maybe modifying weapons or creating a small building based on re...

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Originally posted by my_cholula

PC player:

What are your favorite maps from other games that you have played in the past?

One of my favorite games of all time is Shadow of the Colossus, and specifically how they incorporated their level design into the different challenges.

Some of the maps that stick out in my mind are Office from Counter Strike, Terminal from MW2, Oasis from Overwatch, and The Longest Yard from Quake 3 Arena. This is by no means an exhaustive list though haha I enjoy a lot of other games in my spare time.


Originally posted by Towelie8-7

Dear Devs,

remastered Sanhok will feature clear day, sunrise, sunset, and overcast weather types. Do you plan to add rainy weather for more jungle feeling?

Thanks from a PC player

Our overcast weather type has a really nice rain effect that can happen at times.

It's actually pretty soothing, and I've definitely caught myself drifting off of focus at random times haha