PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG - PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Dev Tracker

15 Jul


Originally posted by bored_yo

Question about making maps!

When making PUBG scope maps do you put thought in all the topography (thinking how players will use this random dip for example, which sight lines this place here creates and so on) or do you just throw something rough together and try if it's fun?

PC player here!

With maps these large, we start with a generated topography making sure that we're hitting our goals for fitting the look and general design that we're going for. From there, we heavily modify the terrain to adjust to our unique locations, house sets, or map features that we want to highlight.

We always consider sight lines, cover, and concealment when making adjustments to these spaces. We strive to make fun spaces that look great and feel fair to fight in.


Originally posted by Apositivebalance

Pc player here

What’s the most interesting thing that almost made it into the game but didn’t?

Originally we had talked about the Loot Truck playing loud music to notify players that it was nearby; which I call the "ice cream truck" effect, but we determined that the sound was too disruptive for combat and gameplay. We ended up cutting this part of the feature.


Originally posted by MrSergo15

How did you come up with the idea for the loot truck and were there any previously rejected concepts of it? If so, in what way did they differ?

Sanhok is already a more aggressive map in the rotation; so, we wanted to play off of that concept and create some points of conflict that were dynamic. Originally, we had talked about making "public airdrops" which would be identified on the minimap and having players fight over them.

The more we talked about the idea though, the more we rejected it because we felt we were too close to normal airdrops and starting to step too far outside of the PUBG DNA.

Riffing off that idea though, we talked about a roaming loot pinata and how interesting it could be to chase the pinata or engage it if you felt the opportunity presented itself. The more we discussed it, the more we liked how it fit the PUBG world and the lore behind the Sanhok map itself.


Originally posted by DanBennett

If you leave the game but your team continues, why do you deserve more points?

Staying in the game will be because you’re still being useful to your team. Giving info. Making suggestions. Dead doesn’t mean you can’t be useful. That’s why team placement is great.

But if instead of helping you just leave, you deserve to only get the points for the part you played.

Also, for obvious technical reasons, you can’t get points after leaving a game because the points are calculated when you leave it.

Stick around. Help your team mates further. Make suggestions. Help the team. Being dead does not mean you are useless! :)

This pretty much covers it. Those team placement points don't belong to you just because you die, you earn them by sticking around. There's a lot you can still do while dead to help your team such as participating in strategy discussion and making callouts of the things that you notice that your teammates might not have yet. The better your team does, the more points you earn, and so you are incentivized to stick around and try to help in whatever way you can.


Hey guy. I know you've kept competitive play in mind when working on these updates to Sahnok. Would you mind briefly covering some of the changes that were directed at improving the experience for Ranked and Esports?


Specifically, this is tied to the new team placements calculation. Since we now wait until you leave the match to calculate your performance, we can include details that occur up until that point.

Therefor for example, if you knock an enemy and then yourself die before the enemy player bleeds out there are two possibilities: you leave immediately and before the enemy player actually dies and do not receive credit, or you wait until after the enemy player dies to leave and you DO receive credit.


Dev letter: Footstep Sound Rebalance

Hello players,

Sound is a topic brought up quite often in the community. We know that sound is extremely important to PUBG gameplay and while our goal has always been to offer a highly immersive, realistic sound environment that is fair to everyone, we have seen some issues along the way. Footstep sound effects have been an especially large undertaking for us. Today we want to talk about footstep sounds in particular, and what we’re doing to improve them for you.

Footstep Issues:

  • Poor quality footstep sounds on some materials such as soi...
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Dev letter: Footstep Sound Rebalance


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Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

14 Jul

Julie’s Kar98: No Assembly Required

Conquer the new Sanhok with fully-loaded “confiscated weapons.”


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Originally posted by compulsivebomber

wonder if the loot truck weapons are just fully decked with the regular attachments or if there will be something more special about them

Weapons from rare cases dropped by the loot truck have a chance to come pre-attached!


Full Details:
Season 8 is soon here and brings massive changes to the island of Sanhok, a new way to gear up with the Loot Truck, the start of the next Ranked Season, a new Survivor Pass, and loads more. Update 8.1 has plenty to offer, so let’s get right into it!

Live servers on July 22 – Test Server, July 15 KST.

Sanhok Remaster – Return to Sanhok

The main feature of update 8.1 is of course Sanhok, which has been reworked from the ground up to look better, perform better, and offer more balanced gameplay. We wanted Sanhok to feel more like a forgotten, overgrown paradise while addressing some of the most glaring balance issues we’ve seen over the last couple of years. W...

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Update 8.1 - Patch Notes

Return to Sanhok in Season 8


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12 Jul


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08 Jul

I am very excited about this! The initial system will be very simple at first but we are already working on a better version. For now the way this will work is there is going to be a report channel with a reaction bot which will create a private room for you to submit your report. Experienced players aka "Community Reporters" will have access to the report rooms and will be able to review and decide whether the evidence provided is clear / enough to warrant a penalty issue. These cases will then be forwarded to us where we make the final call.

Myself and a few other CCs/CMs have started this initiative in order to catch the people that slip through the cracks of our AC systems and the best way to do that is by working with you guys. We did not want to wait until the new system we are building is ready and wanted to kick this off asap because we hate cheaters as much as you do and want to help keep the game enjoyable for everyone! Future itterations of the system will be a l...

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Originally posted by stevew14

Any chance for a guide on how best to make these videos nowadays. Last time I did this it was Fraps and Handbrake, upload to Youtube. I'm old.

Uploading them to youtube as unlisted would be the best way in my opinion. That way a clip is not publicly shown on your account and it does not "expire" or gets deleted after certain period of time like on some other sites. There are many options to choose from when it comes to recording. Popular ones are Nvidia's shadowplay, Radeon ReLive since both have the option of recording past couple of minutes additional to manual start/stop recording, OBS and Fraps can record as well yeah.

07 Jul

That must have been very satisfying to hit! Shots like that are the best!

This is an awesome discussion! I enjoyed reading it all and I've shared it with A&G to have a read as well! Thank you for all the feedback guys!

Hey Zombie_Spectacular. I've seen this mentioned internally earlier. The teams are aware and are working on it.