about 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello everyone, if you would like to send us a video that shows your map set to toggle on and off in the settings, but the map quickly closing in-game, please try using the Xbox Gamebar on PC to record this.

If you are using a Windows 10/11 PC, you should be able to record a clip using the Xbox Gamebar overlay, using the Windows and G key, then selecting the capture/record option. You can then upload this to a website such as Youtube/Imgur/Twitter and post the URL link to view this in ou forum.

With this clip we can open an investigation into this map and tab button not working as intended.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @shoesgfx

If possible, please record a short video of what is happening when you hit your map key, and upload a screenshot of your controls settings for me.

You can upload the video to YouTube and post a link in this thread!

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almost 2 years ago - Ubi-oof