Original Post — Direct link
I have not had any luck finding any fix for this. My up and down speeds are high, my NAT is open. I have restarted the router and modem and console. This error only appears after every match. I have to restart the game after every match just to be able to play.

Aploges if there is already a post with a fix but I am at a loss and I have been unsuccessful in finding one.

Thank you for your time.
about 7 years ago - UbiFluouise - Direct link
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. If you have not done so already, you'll want to start by clearing the cache on your system. To do this: hold the power button down for a few seconds before shutting the system down and then you'll want to leave it unplugged for two minutes before starting everything back up again. Then, since you've already restarted the router and modem, you'll want to perform the steps listed here and have your internet service provider perform the port forwarding portion for you as this may be difficult to navigate on your own. You'll want to have the article we provided available when you call them though so that you can read them the UDP and TCP numbers listed. This should help improve on what you're experiencing, but if it doesn't, share a screenshot of the ports you've opened on your router and an updated account of what you're experiencing with our team so that we can check this out with you from here.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Originally Posted by ap619
I've experienced this recently. Could not play this game at all over matchmaking it's very frustrating and I felt that Ubisoft let us down.
Please try the following troubleshooting.

If this does not resolve your issue, can you please create a case on the support website here with images of the ports forwarded, so we can look into this for you?
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey pznK1NG,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Apologies for any inconvenience however is there any possibility you could translate your message to English, and we will do our best to assist you.

I can understand that your issue is related to error 6-0X00001000 and if you are receiving this, try completing steps outlined in the following FAQ.
almost 5 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Hey DanyDoctor.X!
Do you have third party accounts linked to your Ubisoft account?
If so, can you log in to our account management page and unlink all except the xbox account.

After doiung this, can you please let us know if you still get this error.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hi GalaKnight

Further to what UbiKoality enquired about your connection, this error code usually means that the connection time with the matchmaking service has been exceeded.

To improve your connection of Xbox, please try these fixes -

Thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by GalaKnight
The error in the title.
I start matchmaking, wait about a minute and then get the error. I have confirmed that if I remove all my additional accounts from my Ubisoft account (All, and I do mean ALL of my account except for the Microsoft account, I am able to match-make without any issues. But if I want to play any Ubisoft game on any other platform my Xbox copy of Rainbow Six: Siege will stop working.

So I know it's the profile but this is a huge hassle.
Thank you very much for this information.

This is of course not intended behaviour, but we will use the answers we receive from players to find the root cause.

All the best!

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